Home » Blogs » California Dance Hall Mass Murderer, Age 72, Kills Himself As Police Close In

California Dance Hall Mass Murderer, Age 72, Kills Himself As Police Close In

John Boch - comments No comments

Yesterday, a man killed ten and wounded many more at a ballroom dance club where patrons celebrated the Lunar New Year. Thanks to California’s strict gun control schemes, no good guys had the means to fight back. Hours later, police tracked him down in a vehicle and the 72-year-old Asian suspect committed suicide as police approached.

Of course, until that point the mainstream media uniformly fixated not on the killer or his description, but the tool he used. We all got plenty of descriptions of the gun used, but nary a mention of the shooter other than he fact that he was a male.

From the Daily Mail . . .

Local restaurant owner Seung Won Choi told the LA Times three people rushed into his business and told him to lock the door.

Choi said he was told there was a man with a machine-gun, and believes there shooting took place at a dance club.

He added the man had multiple rounds of ammunition on him and would reload every time he ran out.

Later, police tied the killer to another attempted shooting at yet another dance hall in Alhambra, not far from the first crime scene. At that location though, patrons charged and disarmed the killer before he could hurt more people.

Hours later, cops caught up with him and the threat ended with a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

From ZeroHedge . . .

As speculated earlier, late on Sunday authorities confirmed that the gunman suspected of killing 10 people late Saturday in Monterey Park, Calif., fatally shot himself Sunday after police officers tried to pull over a vehicle he was driving in the city of Torrance about 30 miles away, authorities said.

As the WSJ reports, LA County Sheriff Robert Luna identified the suspected gunman as 72-year-old Huu Can Tran. Sheriff Luna said investigators were still working to determine a possible motive for the shooting, which also sent 10 people to area hospitals with injuries.

“The suspect responsible for this tragedy is no longer a threat,” the sheriff said in a news conference.

After the mass shooting in Monterey Park, an armed man entered a dance hall in nearby Alhambra, authorities said. Several people wrestled the gun from the man, who then fled in what witnesses said was a white cargo van.

Sheriff Luna said that Torrance officers pulled over a van matching a description of the vehicle Sunday morning, and the driver proceeded to fire a single gunshot as they approached, taking his own life. Police subsequently found evidence inside the vehicle tying him to both locations, as well as a firearm, Sheriff Luna said.

Sheriff Luna said police also recovered what he described as a magazine-fed, semiautomatic assault pistol at the Alhambra scene. He said it had an extended, large-capacity magazine attached to it.

Plenty of folks are asking how this could have possibly happened in Gavin Newsom’s California. After all, the Golden State has virtually every gun control known to man on the books and few if any concealed carry licenses are issued in LA County. To say nothing of laws against shooting murdering people.

The bottom line is that the only thing that stops bad people with evil in their hearts is a good guy with a gun. California’s gun control laws pretty much ensured that no good guys would have their guns to be able to fight back against 72-year-old lunatics bent on slaughtering innocent people. Without guns for personal defense, those at the dance hall were like fish in a barrel to the killer and that’s how California’s anti-gun political class intends to keep it.




0 thoughts on “California Dance Hall Mass Murderer, Age 72, Kills Himself As Police Close In”

  1. What kind of gun was recovered from the scene of the second incident where the patrons took the gun from the perp?

    What kinds of guns were recovered from the van? One report said that there were at least two.

    What is an “assault pistol” in this context?

    • “The bottom line is that the only thing that stops bad people with evil in their hearts is a good guy with a gun“

      Wait a minute, wasn’t this guy stopped from his second mass shooting by two unarmed individuals physically assaulting him?

      And if he did indeed self terminate, then the more accurate statement would be:

      “The bottom line is that the only thing that stops bad people with evil in their hearts is a couple physically fit brave citizens.”

        • This just popped into my mind:

          “There are at least seven people dead and at least one critically injured after shootings in two locations in Half Moon Bay, Dave Pine, President of the San Mateo Board of Supervisors, told CNN.

          The suspect has been apprehended and is a 67-year-old man who lives in Half Moon, Pine said.

          According to Pine, one shooting took place at a mushroom farm and another near a trucking facility, approximately two miles from the farm.“

      • Writers (especially on the internet, where no one’s sticking around to read an unabridged dictionary) often leave the obvious parts implicit / unsaid. I’ll add those parts back in bold so they’re clear:

        POTG unabridged version: “the only thing that effectively / immediately stops bad people with evil in their hearts is a good guy with a gun.”

        Miner unabridged version: “the only thing that stops bad people with evil in their hearts is a couple physically fit brave citizens if you’re OK with waiting until after ten innocents die.”

        See the difference?

        • “if you’re OK with waiting until after ten innocents die”

          No, Brandon acted almost instantly when presented with the armed intruder who had not fired a shot at that location.

        • Some extraordinary hero took down an armed person unarmed – after ten people died (location irrelevant). Armed, any ordinary person could have intervened before that point, and fewer people would have died.

          Exceptions are exactly that, and not a basis for policy. The fact that heroes have saved children from burning buildings without SCBA or FFEs is not a logical argument to prohibit the use of that protective equipment.

      • MinorLiar,

        Do you ever listen to yourself, like, when you open your mouth and alleged words come out?? You are literally too stupid to insult, you pathetic @$$clown. But, in keeping with your idiocy, I STRONGLY urge you to rush, unarmed, at the next mass shooter you see. We’ll all cheer for you . . . and this blog will improve dramatically by your subsequent absence.l

      • “The bottom line is that the only thing that stops bad people with evil in their hearts is a couple physically fit brave citizens.”

        Those physically fit brave citizens helped, but could very well have been more victims. Taking a lessor weapon(muscles or knives) to a gunfight is not smart.

      • the daily anarchist report from 2012 clearly indicated that action by people at the scene is what stops spree killings. it does not matter if they are armed or unarmed.

        however if people at the first location had been armed there might not have been a need for brave people at rhe second location.

      • The good guys with guns probably ran away as soon as they realized this was real and they were not comfortably acting like fearless know-it-all on the internet anymore.

    • apparently a MAC-10 with a homemade suppressor that was “modified” in some way…you can see it clearly in the video…

  2. I have seen very old people committing violence before. They are usually in the beginning stages of dementia, have been around violence before, and normally believe that someone is stealing from them or conspiring to kill them.

    • This one reportedly had been to the police, complaining that his family was trying to poison him. What about those “red flag laws” that are supposed to prevent this?

      • Califorina have them, and tend to use them when the politics warrant a sow of force/coercion on largely innocent folk. To make use of this law in a case like this would not play the same on the TeeVee sets so many are bound to for their information.

      • No, the M11s in 9mm did not become available until well after the Vietnam war. Totally useless except as a short range bullet hose. Lots of stovepipes with the original Zytel mags.

    • you mean like President Biden who forgets where he stashed classified documents and has his senile finger on the nuclear trigger?

      • Biden will probably leave the White House without throwing a bunch of tantrums and yelling “fraud” like an idiot without an ounce of evidence. His supporters will not act like baboons inside the Capitol building. A lawsuit will not be necessary in order for him to show his tax returns.

        • You are just one of those sorry a$$ democrats, right….Biden won’t even finish the first fraud term.
          Let’s look at the real math; (and…anyone can find these figures)
          Population of America………………….328,239,523
          In November 2020;
          Registered voters in 2020…………….213,799,467
          Only 67% of all the registered
          President Trump received………………73,500,000
          Biden received……………………………81,300,000
          Let us add like they taught
          us in school……………………………….73,500,000
          registered voters that voted…………..143,245,643
          wonder where 11,554,357 came from.

    • beginning to sound like some half-assed domestic…something this guy had been stewing about for a long time…sounds like he blamed the place(s) for his troubles…perhaps a “they’re happy..i’m not” kind of thing…

    • I don’t agree with you, I am one of the good guys with a gun, of course not in the liberal state of California….but you will be blessed if/or/and you get to be old, some of us old people are not old, not all old people fit your description of old people I personally am 90 years young, my great grandfather was 115 and my grandfather was 107, my father would have been old (in our way) too if WW2 had not ended him. So give some old people credit for still being a person that still has a good mind.

  3. There’s nothing good here, but the best of all the bad is that he wasn’t a white guy. The media would have jumped on the “white supremacist” schtick once again.

  4. Nobody can stop a truly determind mad man with a gun andneither will aGOOD GUY WITH A GUN b simplybeause even the ‘good guy with a gun’ no matter how skilled will always be a FIRFIGHTER after the event.
    With people openly carrying LOADED and LOCKED semi-autos.
    It only takes a ONE SECOND burst or two and I defy anybody to react quicly enough to stop it. Two or three one second burst or pulling the trigger as fast as you can equals a possible dozen or more casualties before anybody can react I today’s America you just cannot shoot somebody for walking around with a locked and loaded semi-auto can you.
    Banning Military Style Semi-autos will not stop mass shootings I fear but it will reduce the Butchers Bill.
    I’ve never quite understood the reasoning behind Civilian Ownership of semi-autos anyway. They are for only one thing- to kill as many people as possible in as short a time as possible.

        • Guess what? A active shooter being offed by a cop is the definition of “good guy with a gun.”

          You have proof that most kill themselves? Show and tell.

    • Ignorance can be cured, but stupidity cannot. You are truly a terminal case, Albert. Good guys with guns prevent crimes a couple million times each year in this country, oftentimes by simply being present, and thereby deterring the crime.

      Even in Jolly Olde England, good guys often prevent or stop a crime simply by being present, and possibly demonstrating the willingness to use greater force than the perpetrator is capable of using. Yes, stupid, when the big guy stands up from his corner table at the pub, and the troublemakers dash out the door, a crime has been prevented. The threat of force is always a great deterrent.

      As for you, just crawl back under the table nearest the fire. You can come back out when your master whistles.

    • sir albert of nuttingham…At the perp’s second location victims were lucky to wrestle the perp and disarm him. All victims in the vicinity of the massacre were within their rights to use deadly force had they been armed. That leaves your Gun Control liable for the murders of more defenseless people. Nothing new Gun Control has been murdering defenseless people by the millions for centuries…Perhaps ol’ chap you should crawl back under your rock.

    • @Albert LJ Hall

      “Nobody can stop a truly determind mad man with a gun andneither will aGOOD GUY WITH A GUN b simplybeause even the ‘good guy with a gun’ no matter how skilled will always be a FIRFIGHTER after the event.”

      Huh? Are you off your meds again?

      Ya mean the thousands of “determined mad man with a gun” that are stopped daily in the country by ordinary law abiding armed citizens before the “determined mad man with a gun” can fire a shot don’t count? Ahhhhh that’s too bad, I guess these defenders don’t get to be be firemen I guess.

      Overall, collectively, ordinary law abiding armed citizens actually pull the trigger less then 5% of the time and just brandish in defense and the “determined mad man with a gun” runs away. It happens thousands of times daily across the country, million of times annually, ordinary law abiding armed citizens employing defensive gun use defending themselves or others from a “determined mad man with a gun” and in less than 2% of the cases are the defenders and those they may be defending injured or killed. But comparatively over 80% of those victims not armed with a firearm are injured or killed.

      Heck, I’ve done it myself with a “determined mad man with a gun” right in front of me, I stopped him before he could fire a shot. Don’t worry though, he lived.

      “With people openly carrying LOADED and LOCKED semi-autos.
      It only takes a ONE SECOND burst or two and I defy anybody to react quicly enough to stop it. Two or three one second burst or pulling the trigger as fast as you can equals a possible dozen or more casualties before anybody can react…”

      Ya know, the “oh here’s an impossible situation without any qualification so there I trapped ya so you can’t explain yourself out of this one” is a stupid tactic.

      You act like its not been done, it has. But besides that in a preventative way its done daily in the U.S. by simply stopping the bad guy before they have a chance to do that.

      “… or pulling the trigger as fast as you can equals a possible dozen or more casualties before anybody can react…”

      Huh? Example: Eli Dicken reacted to someone pulling the trigger as fast as they could and there were not “dozen or more casualties” as a result.

      Albert, keep out of discussions for which you have no knowledge of the subject matter.

    • @ Albert L J Hall. Question: Had you been in the dance hall, would you want a good guy with a gun to stop the bad guy before he got around to shooting you? Based on your slimy limey attitude, you would want to prosecute the good guy even though he saved your life and others. Your assumptions and willingness to denigrate good guys clearly reveal your true character. It is far past time for you to stop making broad assumptions without any qualifying evidence. Good guys do make mistakes but not ALL good guys as you proclaim. I suppose all your countrymen are as demented as you!

    • Most people can not handle a firearm to make the first shot count in a defensive situation. You are not focused, somewhat in shock that someone is shooting and are likely to miss. Unless you train every week, you may not make the second or even third shot count. By that time, the gunner may be under some cover shooting back.

      Now, aren’t you glad you have you have more semi-auto rounds to use?

      • The 2nd amendment was put into place so that (((they can hunt?))) NO…so that they can have an equal gun to the government, in case the government wants to become a tyranny. and that is why We The People need fire power (AR15 type weapons) but until that time comes, we can hunt with them, enjoy shooting matches, target practice, and sport shooting at computations. I for one carry a sig sourer with green laser and hit what I put the dot on.

    • Nobody can stop a truly determind mad man with a gun…

      Well. Let the cops know – who do it all the time.

      I’ve never quite understood the reasoning behind Civilian Ownership of semi-autos anyway. They are for only one thing- to kill as many people as possible in as short a time as possible.

      That’s a good thing! It keeps the USA the USA, and not China or North Korea. Or lately, the UK. If you can possibly go to prison for teaching your dog a funny joke (doing a Nazi salute) then your country has serious problems! And guns are the final solution, when all else fails. That is literally WHY guns were invented. They were invented to stop bad ideas from being implemented by force.

    • Albert…Asymmetric (Guerilla) warfare waged against a potential foreign or domestic threat is the reason for semi auto rifles (the 2nd Amendment), and they make handy home defense or national emergency weapons, no. Now wise up.

        • If 600,000 hunters applied for a hunting license in just one eastern state, and they are not hunting with sling shots, and that is just one state, add all the rest in and you have the biggest army in the world, and a leader will stand up when that army is needed, so all those guns are also needed (so be it)

    • MISTER HALL you’ve been watching far too many movies. Your description of “locked and loaded” and the use of a “semiauto” firearm are NOT accurate. Dozen killed in seconds? Nah. Never happens except in the movies. You obviously have NO exposure to the reality of the practical use of these weapons. And your conclusions are equally inane and innaccurate. Not even highly trained and proficient shooters can do what you describe. I’ve seen some of the best. You have not.

  5. When someone starts shooting, stabbing, beating, running over people, etc. and you do not have a weapon to respond with well you and the other victims are just sht out of luck…The essence of Gun Control.

    • That’s because you’re in the USA Debbie, where mass shootings happen every other month, where drug addicts and mentally ill people are everywhere….most people don’t really have to worry about those things in normal, developed countries. In the USA, you need more guns and/or training than the nutjobs and thugs with guns, it never ends.

      • Normal post ww2 built-by-america countries…

        How about sampling a longer time span. The “pristine” countries gun grabbers always reference have been periodically racked by anarchy and war for centuries. Those are not cherries you are picking, they are turds.

  6. Smells like a psyop to me

    ATF releases new brace “rule”, then a week later, someone murders 10 using an “assault pistol” (as dubbed by the media sycophants) and offs himself before he can be questioned

    Do I have evidence? No, none. But given the feds involvement in 1/6, their history of running psyops abroad, and their treating the US populace as sheep to be manipulated, I’m very suspicious. It’s too convenient

  7. The legacy of the great Satan Ronald Reagan has resulted in thousands of people losing their lives because mental health care was made no long affordable under Reagan.

    quote From Walter the Beverly Hillbilly———-Thanks to your Lefty DEMONcRAT buds back in the 70’s, closing all the State Mental institutions, you have them roaming the streets.———-quote

    Wrong Hill Jack it was President Reagan who closed the mental health facilities to save tax money. First he did it in California and later as President did it nationwide after destroying Jimmy Carter’s Federal Program that helped the mentally ill.

    The Mental Health Systems Act of 1980 (MHSA) was United States legislation signed by President Jimmy Carter which provided grants to community mental health centers. In 1981 President Ronald Reagan, who had made major efforts during his Governorship to reduce funding and enlistment for California mental institutions, pushed a political effort through the U.S. Congress to repeal most of MHSA

    One again Walter the Beverly Hillbilly makes a complete fool of himself because he was too lazy to look it up.


    quote————-Plenty of folks are asking how this could have possibly happened in Gavin Newsom’s California. After all, the Golden State has virtually every gun control known to man on the books and few if any concealed carry licenses are issued in LA County. To say nothing of laws against shooting murdering people.———-quote


    • Mental care is needed here in the U.S. Reagan was stupid if he thought the outpatient mentally ill would take their meds, when they make them feel bad. Just ask any cardiologist about keeping his patients on BP and water meds. The meds they give the mentally ill are much worse.

      There is a buildup of problems from using most meds and people sometimes want a break. The only way to be sure the mentally ill are taking their meds is to watch them do so. This would mean daily out patient visits(and hunting them down if they do not show), or inpatient hospitals.

      Keeping the good, responsible people from firearms is not the solution. Court ordered meds is the solution

      • Regan or not… it was coming anyway.

        the fact was that the liberal nature of the mental health community was getting out of control and beginning to pose more danger to the mentally ill than the help they could have provided.

        They wanted to be free of the government regulation for the most part and were lobbying hard for it to happen. they threatened to collapse the entire mental health care system if it didn’t happen and refuse insurance. That would have been disastrous for mental health care of any type. so the solution was to do what Regan did and get the federal government out of the mental health business and let states and medicade and private sector take care of it in a decentralized fashion.

        so actually we ended up with a stronger mental health care system in terms of decentralized availability but a weaker ability to legally impose it on people who need it because of weakening of laws by democrats. so the number of people in the system dropped because the law for the most part cant force someone meaning more not in treatment and out in society.


      They could always build a wall! It works for Obama and Biden’s personal home yards.
      They could dig a giant moat, and build a wall around CA, with razor wire and electrified fence. Problem solved!


      That’s how I feel about abortion. CA isn’t doing what I want it to do. Their opinions are wrong, my opinion is right, and thus we need federal law banning abortions. It’s not bigotry, it’s keeping people safe. If crushing an eagle egg means prison time, so should crushing a human fetus.

      • To anonomouse

        The Far Right scream about Second Amendment Rights and then crush the right to privacy and abortion which had been a declared consitituional right by the Supreme Court for over 50 years.

        Lets see you big mouth adopt all these unwanted children who grow up to be the hoodlum that sticks a gun in your face or grow up as a female and end up on welfare.

        You stingy far right people are always screaming you want lower taxes and you are not interested in helping people then turn around and raise your own taxes by ballooning the number of people on welfare who have unwanted children. The far right even vote down aid for working mothers but expect them to have unwanted children to satisfy the religious fanaticism of the far Right. . The Far right are always their own worst enemies.

        The Far Right try to force their own strange and warped religious views on modern people. Stay the hell out of someone’s private life.

        • Here is an idea, dont want children, dont have unprotected sex.
          Or, take responsibility for your actions.

          No where in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights does it say I have to be personally responsible for another actions or inactions.
          I do not want my tax money going to people who are irresponsible or refuse to hold themselves accountable.

        • Epstein you are dumber than a Penguin

          Quote————I do not want my tax money going to people who are irresponsible or refuse to hold themselves accountable.——-quote

          That is exactly what you are doing you Moron you are increasing your taxes by forcing women to have unwanted children and add them to the welfare rolls.

        • “5No where in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights does it say I have to be personally responsible for another actions or inactions“


          Specifically, the 13th amendment, prohibits involuntary servitude. This is why the government cannot force any woman to carry another person to term.

        • You often mention the legacy of Ronald Reagan, well he is also credited with having said in reference to abortion, “it’s funny how all those who support abortion have already been born”. No matter how you cut it abortion is a life taken issue regardless of one’s religion, social status, politics etc

          The pro-abortion women/crowd state, “it’s my body and my decision to with it as I please”. And it ‘s true, a woman’s body is hers, but the life inside her body is NOT hers to do with as she pleases. The life inside her is a human life and abortion is the same as murder. If it is ok to abort, then why is murder illegal? A life is still taken and the size of the human is irrelevant.

          The left often is concerned about, if it saves just one life, except when it comes to abortion and suddenly saving that one life is somehow of no importance to the pro abortion crowd.

        • Dacian the dummy says,
          “That is exactly what you are doing you Moron you are increasing your taxes by forcing women to have unwanted children and add them to the welfare rolls.”

          Why cannot these woman take some responsibility and use birth control? In this day and age it is not hard for a woman to get birth control. There are government programs for exactly that.
          Why is your default always abortion?
          Personal responsibility is something lacking in this country, especially with leftists.
          Granted in cases of rape or incest are beyond a woman’s control and would warrant an abortion.

        • miner. You recite the 13th while trying to squash 2a. And since your side established that we have no right to privacy via 4473’s and background checks and permits it was your side that laid the groundwork for the recent anti abortion decision.

          All you had to do was stop trying to violate civil rights. But you couldn’t pull it off.

        • To JWM

          Jethro you are too damn dumb to realize that signing a 4473 cuts down on criminals getting guns while an abortion is a personal decision which you should keep your fking medling out of. Modern Women are not about to go back to being sex slaves to the Far Right Nazi storm troopers.

          By the way expert on German History Hitlers Nazi’s banned abortion too just as the modern day Nazi Trump made possible because of his appointing radical right wing nutcases to the Supreme Court.

        • dacian. You’re too mentally ill to realize that rights are rights. Regardless if you agree with them or not. You and miner are happy to cherry pick human and civil rights that you want to allow. And in so doing you, you and miner, made the scotus decision on abortion possible.

          Criminals get guns. They always will. All you’ve done is made it easier for the powers that be to restrict basic human rights.

          You are too ill, too low iq, too uneducated to realize that you are the modern not-zee. You and miner.

        • which had been a declared consitituional right by the Supreme Court for over 50 years.

          News flash..not even the Suprem e Court can make law, and they know it. What they did was to properly place the authority todecide the abortion issue with each state, precisely BECAUSE the US Constitution makes NO provision to include the murder of the not-yet-born amongst those rights protected by the US Constititon as rtified and ammended. You flunked your fourth grade civics class. Remedial study is required.

        • These turds don’t even want to pay local taxes to maintain their roads, parks, etc. Sometimes I feel for you for even trying to argue with these idiots Dacian; you have a lot of patience.

        • @dacian

          “… which had been a declared consitituional right by the Supreme Court for over 50 years.”


          Abortion never was a constitutional right. It was shoe horned under the fourth amendment ‘right to privacy’ to protect it under that right.

          SCOTUS can not grant or create rights. it extended the fourth amendment right to privacy to protect abortion – it was and is claimed to be a constitutional right by abortion advocates and politicians but in reality abortion isn’t and wasn’t a constitutional right, but rather it was protected under a constitutional right and not a constitutional right by its self, and in the context of the SCOTUS decision it was not ‘declared’ or ‘granted’ or ‘given’ to be a constitutional right.

          SCOTUS simply can not ‘declare’ ‘grant’ ‘create’ ‘give’ constitutional rights. They can only determine if ‘something/someone’ is protected under a existing constitutional right.

          The second amendment is an actual enumerated constitutional right. So yeah, those pro-2A on the right, in the middle, on the left are ‘screaming’ about their actual real constitutional right being trampled on by tyranny, and morons like you who would not know an actual constitutional right if it bit them in the ass and just make up fictional things on the fly.

          I guess they don’t teach ‘civics’ in Delusion High School on planet dacian.

    • “pushed a political effort through the U.S. Congress”
      The House of Representatives was controlled by Democraps. If as you claim it was so horrendous to do so, why didn’t they stop it?

      Also, why is it libtards such as yourself think mentally ill people should be locked up, but those who are in prison because they actually committed crime should be released?

      • The only job of government is to protect the people. End of story. When they take up any other job or task they fail miserably. In the United states, they are also supposed to enable more freedom. When they have done that Prosperity has ensued. When they have curtailed Freedom Prosperity has declined. It’s easy to see when you look at the freedom and prosperity we had under Trump versus the decline in Freedom and prosperity under Biden.

        • which had been a declared consitituional right by the Supreme Court for over 50 years.

          FALSE. The ONLY jobs of government are to protect and defned the RIGHTS of the People named and guaranteed in the Cinstitution. Besides that there are a fery few and clearly defined tasks assigned FedGov…. REPELLING FOREIGN INVASION (what they are NOT doing along our souterhn border) establishing weights and ensures and the value if currency, post office (ONLY to take care of mail delivery not toestablish an armed military-like force to spy upon and investigate folks), navel ports, post roads, and not much more.
          “the security of a free state” rests upon THE PEOPLE and that is WHY we must retain our right to arms. Tose folks sot in that dance club were NOT beneficiaries of “the securty f a free state” because their own state has largely precluded their exercising their own right to the tools of protecting that security.

          I will be waitng to learn just how it was that this freakazoid obtained his firearms.. “shipped in frm some other state: was NOT how he got it I’ll lay very high staes at very long odds.

    • From the person who truly believes in a system that used (or abused) mental health facilities to detain dissidents. If they don’t like the party they must be mentally ill and need LOTS of treatment.

  8. “…magazine-fed, semiautomatic assault pistol at the Alhambra scene. He said it had an extended, large-capacity magazine attached to it…”

    I’m a native Californian, and I can attest that the term “assault pistol” is being used here in an increasingly broad sense. The term conjures up images of an AR platform, or TEC-9, or similar. However, if you’re attacking someone and using a Glock 19 outfitted with a factory 17-rd G17 mag, that fits into the statement above made by our new Sheriff Luna. He was formerly the Chief of Police of the Long Beach PD, and is a leftist anti-freedom advocate for gun control, so he may be purposely using wordplay to advance his position of restricting guns (as if they could be any more than they are) here in L.A.

    I find it curious that no photos of the alleged “assault pistol” have yet been released. Hopefully we’ll get some clarification soon.

    • a semi auto pistol is not an ‘assault pistol’. Ya notice in California they have their own tailored made definition of ‘assault weapon’ they can apply to just about anything firearm that’s semi-auto.

    • He!! my quite good Taurus G3(pretty much a glock 19) has 17round magazines ILLannoy dims have decided I cant use. I’m stuck with 15 rounds. At least he didn’t use an AR(or did he?) Is there an acronym for old skinny Asian men???🙄

  9. They still release the gender of a suspect? Do they have biologists working for the PD’s now?
    Seems presumptuous and bigoted to just declare the gender of somebody without asking xem first.

  10. This has CIA written all over it. By limiting the availability of chinese made fireworks and the asian’s 1500 year old tradition of celebrating new years with them, it was a given that someone was going to improvise with “readily
    available” loud noise-makers.
    First the baby formula shortage, now this… what’s next ??

    • You forgot to include either a
      sarc ( //s ) or a sportfishing
      ( trolling for trolls – // sf ) after
      your post… although it is fun to see the crazies like lil’d and
      Minor Irratant respond to them.
      Anyway, thanks for the coffee out of my nose this morning.

  11. The people that wrestled the gun away from him should’ve beat him into oblivion!..Why did they allow the clown to escape in the first place!…The police should’ve had a crime scene right there…smdh..

  12. The Feds run a database of troubled individuals they can goad into committing heinous acts of violence. Usually they choose young men, but in this case they chose an older minority. Why? Asians have been buying guns in record numbers over the last two years, due to blacks attacking them. The Powers That Be want to stop that by attaching a stigma to it. Hence, goad Grampa Tran into violence by putting a gun associated with gangsters into his hand. It’ll be interesting to see how Tran obtained this California illegal firearm. The truth?? I’d bet dollars to donuts the firearm was recently stored in an ATF evidence locker.

    Far fetched?? Paranoid conspiracy?? The above is a better explanation than that will be offered by law enforcement in a few weeks. Don’t believe anything the Federal government tells you about anything. They’ve been lying about everything for decades.

    How to defend yourself?? Make informal arrangements for security at events like this. Have armed individuals present to counter any violence. Chances are nothing will happen, but if a Fedbot does decide to make your lives miserable, defend yourselves. Yes, it’ll be “illegal” according to some state laws, but it’ll force the issue out into the open and into the courts. Sunlight is the best disinfectant for corruption.

  13. Domestic violence. The perp was “looking for his wife,” according to police and a leader of the Chinese-American community in Torrance.

    More info is coming out — the perp used to teach dance at the Star Ballroom and met his first wife there.

    You can find out more at the UK Daily Mail than you will find in US news sources. The DM also has photos and interview of the young man who stopped the perp at the second dance studio and fought to take his gun away.

      • Exact quote from the DM article — which also refers to the woman as “his first wife” who was interviewed anonymously by CNN. Interesting.

      • since BATF carried out the “incident” at Waco Texasnd the companion “incident” at Ruby Ridge in Idaho. Or how about that fairy tale involving a “lone gunman” on the sixth floor of a building in Dallas managing to fire at least two different calibres of rifle bullet from at least three different directions and striking at least one person from two opposite directions back in 1962?

  14. The mans name is Huu Can Tran, was 72 years old.

    He was discovered dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound in a white van in which had fled the scene of his crimes. Tran was found in Torrance, about 30 minutes from Monterey Park, along with a handgun and other pieces of evidence.

    About 17 minutes after the Monterey Park incident he showed up at a second dance studio in nearby Alhambra where people wrestled a gun away from him. The police used that firearm to ID him by tracing the semi-automatic firearm which gave police his name and description. It was a Cobray M11 9mm.

    Huu Can Tran had once been a regular patron at the Star Ballroom Dance Studio.

    He sought medical treatment shortly before the sheriff caught up to him in Torrance. Police got a tip from a hospital emergency where a man fitting the description came in seeking treatment for injuries consistent with having been in a fight (which would have been after Alhambra where people wrestled a gun away from him so that’s probably where he got his injuries).

    He had shown signs of deteriorating mental health, according to people who knew him, becoming more hostile towards people and thinking people were saying ‘evil’ things about him or didn’t like him, while he was a patron of the dance club. Apparently the dance club was a big part of his social life years ago, he would go almost every night. And then he started thinking those things and stopped going, but its not known if he went back after that but no one seems to remember him going again after he stopped going. He seems to have sort of withdrawn from any form of a social life for a long time, friends say they had not seen him in several years. His closest family he had here after immigrating from China was his wife who he met at the dance club, but they were divorced in 2005.

    • after dacian gets done spouting his nonsense he will be a ‘Trump following far right-wing violent radical White Supremacist and the greatest threat to the country’ and then point to some anti-gun contrived study.

      and then Miner49er will follow up with screeching “TRUMPPPPP!” and then blame religion.

    • Well Ha-Ha-Ha-Haaar-vaaard has been known to discriminate against Asians so why not discriminate against the shooter and deny him the recognition he earned.

  15. No matter which way a violent criminal turns, and that includes mass murderers, his back faces the opposite direction. That gives an armed individual, who would otherwise be just one more helpless victim, a chance to put a bullet into the criminal’s back.

  16. So the shooter is not only “Tran(s)” but also a “refugee”, one of those Vietnamese “boat-people” who are nation once welcomed? Trump was right, they’ve been sending rapists, they’ve been sending murderers, they’ve been using OUR nation as a dumping ground for their genetically and morally inferior trash. The time to close our doors to this refuse was decades ago.

      • “Ballroom dancers”? Is that what they’re calling them these days? I think you meant “closeted” types, the HIV/AIDS/Monkeypox carriers.

        • The perp was a former ballroom dance instructor at the place where he murdered 10 people.

          I was trying to be humorous, and you ruined it by making me explain it. Imagine if someone asked you about your screen name — “Were you really Sen. Kennedy’s mechanic?”

    • “So the shooter is not only “Tran(s)” but also a “refugee”, one of those Vietnamese “boat-people” who are nation once welcomed?”


      He immigrated from China.

    • tghe surname “Tran” does seem to be vietnamese or laotian.He is of the right age to have come here as one of the “boat people” brought into SO California in large numbers. The vast marjority of them became fine citizens, industrious, good citizens. Maybe this one somehow got bent…..

  17. The shooter is the wrong skin color and probably the wrong sexu@l 0rient@ti0n.
    This story will disappear just as fast as the stories about black people who commit mass murder or g@ys who commit mass murder.

    At least the taxpayer was saved from a cost of a trial and incarceration.

    And the United States has always had a problem of allowing immigrants to come here, who want to continue with their “Old Countries” feuds.

    And does this mass murder have anything to do with the operational, Communist Chinese police departments, operating here in the United States???

  18. “magazine-fed, semiautomatic assault pistol” is a new one on me

    In any case, it sure is funny how the press IMMEDIATELY went with their pocket “this must be a hate crime against asian people” narrative as if they were able to copy and paste it… and then suddenly went quiet on that front.

    • I noticed that as well. They were hoping they had a nice story to tell. Yet, an obvious hate crime against white people is reported as “he just took a wrong turn into a parade, and was accidentally aiming to run over people. Nothing to see. Move along.”

  19. Now that “Yellow-on-Yellow” violent crime/mass shooting has become a “thing” this incident will be memory-holed just like “black-on-black” violent crime epidemic, the media under orders from Democrats will concentrate on blaming the real perpetrator ie. firearms because everyone knows millions of guns, predominantly “black” guns, roam our streets seeking to murder minorities.

    Some may say I’m making it all about “race”, well they, Democrats, did it first I’m just following their lead.

    • sometimes these Asians just freak out…remember that guy who shot the unarmed hunters when they told him he was trespassing?

  20. Another California shooting in Half Moon Bay near SF. 7 dead and 1 wounded at two different locations. Film at 11.

    Angry Asians are going postal! Thia guy was 67 years old but they got this one and he’s been arrested.


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