Concealed Carry

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals cleared the way just before the start of the new year for a California law that will ban the legal carrying of guns in many public places. The law is set to go into effect today (January 1). The court suspended the injunction imposed on the law by a lower court judge who determined the new law violated the Second Amendment rights of citizens in the state.

According to Reuters and other news reports, “a three-judge panel issued an administrative stay that temporarily put the injunction on hold until a different 9th Circuit panel could consider pausing the lower-court judge’s order for even longer…”

California Governor Gavin Newsom, who has been eyeing a presidential run on the Democratic Party ticket, was quick to make a statement.

“This ruling will allow California’s common-sense gun laws to remain in place while we appeal the district court’s dangerous ruling,” he said. Citizens should always beware when politicians use the words “common-sense” and “gun laws” in the same sentence as typically suggests the laws will be anything, BUT, common sense.

The measure was signed into law by Newsom in September and was in passed by the state’s Democratic-majority legislature following the Supreme Court’s June 2023 ruling that struck down New York State’s restrictions on legally carrying concealed firearms and how such permits are decided upon. In that ruling, the Court explicitly stated with clarity that the Second Amendment protects an individuals right to “keep and bear arms.”

In response, angry Democrats passed the California measure that would ban the carrying of firearms, even by concealed carry permit holders, from 26 different places including hospitals, parks, playgrounds, churches and bars, regardless of whether a person is drinking or not.

No doubt this isn’t the last the courts will be reviewing this case, as it could well wind up in front of the Supreme Court as well.


Sean Utley Photo


  1. Oh well they created it, voted for it, kept it and wanted it. It didn’t happen overnight.
    Now many have left it but as we are seeing haven’t left the stupidity behind and instead are now trying to implement it elsewhere or at least are supporting it still.
    You can throw a bad apple into another basket and expect it to improve the quality.

    • Stop being one of those who ignorantly throws all Californians into the same “fruits and nuts” basket.

      As of 2020 and its census records, the State of Oklahoma had/has approximately 3.8 million people, while the State of California had/has over 5 million registered Republican voters, plus 6+ million “other” voters, most of whom lean conservative and do not identify with the Democrat Party. CA therefore has at least double the total conservative voters than the entire population of OK.

      A Californian who has to constantly remain vigilant and fight for our rights has more fortitude than anyone elsewhere who sits on his porch and does nothing.

      • “Stop being one of those who ignorantly throws all Californians into the same “fruits and nuts” basket.”

        To support a deeper look into such statements, I pondered that, and similar, statements about the body politic.

        In a situation where legislation is based on “majority rule”(most votes), failure to block tyrannical laws falls completely on those who could not persuade a sufficient number of votes to prevent the law from being enacted.

        The constitutional agreement all citizens made was that “the will of the people” was/is whoever wins the most votes. If one cannot raise enough votes such that one’s preferences are enacted, the “loser” bears the entire responsibility for the failure.

        “We have met the enemy, he is us.”

        The way the US was designed, each voter is to be an activist, not an observer. Thus the admonition, “If you can keep it”.

        • You should understand that the California Legislature revised the primary rules in a way that guarantees its continued dominance and its 2/3 majority. The rule is simply this: the top two vote getters in the primary run against each other in the general election, even if they are the same party. Since 60% of the registered voters are democrats, in most districts two democrats appear on the ballot at the general election for any given seat, including most of the Congressional seats and both senators. The Dems are assured of victory and the Republicans are totally outvoted in any place where it may count. The Republicans who are elected have very little real power.

          In California, politics is two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner.

      • IMO the issues with cali STARTED when the OTHER 49 states did not answer the states last sane GASP in 1994 when It made a law that ALL illegal aliens GET NOTHING from the taxpayer.(prop 187)
        from libraries to school for the little illegal babies…you other 49 states as the FED failed to act and shut the border and kick out what at the time must be 10 million illegal aliens in the state ALONE…well fast forward a few decades and those mommy and daddy illegals bred and had ANCHOR babies that vote dnc at age 18!

        • And now they’re using the successful California strategy on the rest of the country. They know that cheating and changing the voters is the only way they can win going forward. If you notice it, then you’re in the basket of deplorables. People with zero self-respect, like Miner49er, will look you in the eye, and tell you that the border is closed, and it’s wonderful that people are pouring in…through the closed border.

    • Article 1 of the Constitution ABSOLUTELY PROHIBITS interference on interstate commerce as such creates monopolies and only with the approval of Congress, can anything be so addressed.
      Also, under “constitutional limitations”, public servants can only act upon those things so privileged to them. If not so privileged, it is then absolutely denied,
      SEE: James Madison in Federalist 49.

  2. Why anyone who respects and loves freedom would choose to live in this dictator-led hellhole is beyond me. Just what provisions does this unconstitutional law provide to prevent anyone other than a law-abiding citizen (read: criminal) from carrying a gun to the slaughter in these areas? That would be “none”.

    • “Just what provisions does this unconstitutional law provide to prevent anyone other than a law-abiding citizen (read: criminal) from carrying a gun…”

      “Law” isn’t designed so much to deter, as to punish. We run amiss when we declare, “Gun control laws don’t stop crime; because criminals don’t care about breaking laws.”, and so on.

  3. Dangerous ruling. Everything is dangerous, except the tyrant’s desires to disarm the populace. Guns for me, but not for thee, rules for thee, no rules for me. That is the Democrat way, isn’t it? You don’t have to obey Supreme Court rulings if you’re a Democrat.

    • “Dangerous ruling“

      Well, here’s a success story where a court ruled not to take a citizen’s right to keep and bear arms. Instead of a dangerous ruling to disarm this citizen, the courts refused to abridge his second amendment rights.
      We often see success stories just like this playing out every day in America.

      “Woman killed in murder-suicide that spanned Clackamas, Multnomah counties had been denied restraining order against husband

      The woman who was killed in a murder-suicide near Boring had petitioned for a restraining order against her husband that was denied in June of 2022.
      Author: Tim Gordon
      Published: 6:38 PM PST December 22, 2023“

      • It’s ok. Don’t worry. California will always be good for legal butt sex and drugs. Enjoy!!!

      • Sounds like a mate selection problem moreso than a liberty issue. Don’t worry you will find a relevant issue someday

      • minor49iq…If one needs a restraining order common sense says one needs a firearm more. You do know there are perverts who do not act out of fear of being caught so they sit on the sidelines savoring the sights of defenseless carnage left in the wake of those who do act? History shows us Gun Control has always been there to satisfy those who savor the taste of blood. Therefore like Slavery Gun Control must be abolished.

      • MajorLiar,

        I notice you carefully avoid dealing with a significant issue (as you ALWAYS do, if the issue doesn’t support your lying narrative). If the perp ignored the restraining order, please ‘splain it to me, Lucy . . . why would he pay any attention to a law banning gun ownership???? Oh, that’s right, you Leftist/fascist idiots don’t have to explain your magical thinking, do you?

        And another obvious question, you execrable, anti-liberty, pro-authoritarian tw*t – would the woman have been well-advised to have HER OWN DAMN GUN????

        Y U B so stupid, MajorLiar????

        • “please ‘splain it to me, Lucy . . . why would he pay any attention to a law banning gun ownership????”

          Because under Oregon’s ERPO, the court will send LEO to the wife beaters house to confiscate his firearms.

          “Here we tell you about the “Extreme Risk Protection Order” or “Red Flag Law,” allowing courts to take weapons away from people who are at risk as a danger to themselves or others. It is my hope that all Oregonians know about these laws so we can get guns and other weapons away from people who shouldn’t have them”

          Yep, if the court had issued the ERPO, police officers would’ve confiscated his weapons, making it more difficult for him to lose control of his emotions and kill the woman.

          Of course, many people on this list think that all women are whores, so they don’t really care what happens to your mother, sister, wife or daughter.

  4. To all the people saying leave california, do you realize that if every conservative pro-2a person moves to texas, florida or some other “red state” we will never have another conservative pro-2a president?
    Eventually they’ll federally outlaw guns and what will you do then?
    A few red states will not be able to resist the rest of the union with its population swelling from illegal immigration.

    Time to stand and fight, not turn and run. The left is much more invested than the vast majority of conservatives and y’all leave the state now mfers are cowards.

    • They’re pissing their vote away in the People’s Republik of Kalifornia. Better they flee to a purple state and swing it hard red than be enslaved in an open air prison.

      • We have/had a republican Congress for the last 2 years due to NY (others as well of course but our redistricting fight was more than the tipping point in terms of numbers). Pissing away the vote for president sure but there are far more things at stake and abandoning the fight will cost more than a presidential election.

        • The fact is, California and other blue states are the economic Engine that drives America. We blue states are subsidizing the failing red states.

          That’s why you see more crime in blue cities, not the because of ethnic groups or immigrants, but because that’s where the money is. No one bothers to commit many robberies in the poverty stricken red states, why bother…

          “Nov. 10, 2020 at 2:16 PM
          Biden Counties Account for 70% of U.S. GDP
          Aaron Zitner
          “ Now, the Brookings Institution adds to the finding of a growing divide between metropolitan and non-metropolitan America.
          Joe Biden last week won 16% of the nation’s counties, but those counties account for 70% of nation’s economic activity, Brookings analysts report. By contrast, President Trump won 84% of counties, accounting for less than 30% of GDP.
          Their work shows an increasing divide between a high-output, Democratic-leaning part of the nation and a lower-output, Republican-leaning set of communities. In 2016, Brookings analysts found, Democrat Hillary Clinton won counties accounting for 64% of economic output, compared with Mr. Biden’s 70% share. Mr. Trump in 2016 won counties accounting for 36% of economic output, compared with his share of under 30% this year”

    • I don’t say move from Cali to a red state. I say move from Cali to a purple state. That’s how we save the country. I understand that people are comfortable where they are. I get it. But if you want to win, there’s a way to do it. Where there’s a will there’s a way. All it would take would be an exodus of 5% of Republican voters from Cali to select purple states. That could change the world. It comes down to a matter of comfort level. Things aren’t bad enough yet. By the time it gets bad enough, it might be too late.

      • And when red districts (plural) disappear in these blue states that then give an insurmountable numerical advantage to more populated blue states for congressional representation?

        • That’s true, but how many millions of registered Republicans are currently located in the populous blue districts? They wouldn’t be missed.

          Keep in mind, the strategy also refers to those that already plan on moving. People are currently leaving in droves. I’m suggesting that they consider moving to a purple state instead of a red one. I’m not blaming anyone who is choosing to stay for various reasons.

  5. You mean to say, that all the infringing laws they’ve imposed to date, haven’t put a end to criminal activity with firearms? Whoda thunk it…..what a garbage state 🙄

  6. ILLANNOY: Hold my beer. Today if you didn’t illegally & unconstitutionally register your azzault gat & verboten magazine’s yer a criminal. Unless you moved them out of state🙄 If you DID register yer gats you’re on a list😀HAPPY NEW YEAR TTAG!

  7. Like the second coming. Like rising sea levels. Like a grid destroying solar flare. Like complete market collapse. I keep being promised the big one will solve the California problem any day now.

    And I continue waiting.

  8. Tyrants and Tyranny Allowed…While those same Tyrants pass laws making it easier for criminals to prey on innocent unarmed citizens or simple ignore the laws on the books.

  9. “Like the second coming”
    No evidence to support the claim.

    “Like rising sea levels”
    Yep, and did you know there’s no snow in Wisconsin on New Year’s Day.

    “Like a grid destroying solar flare”
    Possible, but unlikely.

    “Like complete market collapse”

    Highly unlikely:
    “President Joe Biden paraded this week’s stock market record highs Friday in a new campaign video that trolled his predecessor, Donald Trump, for predicting a market collapse if Biden were elected.

    “Good one, Donald,” Biden wrote in the post on X”

    • A miss?

      Nope, the Democrats are on target and always knock it out of the park.

      Democrats vs Republicans by the numbers the last 50 years:

      Years held presidency:
      Repub: 28 yrs
      Dem: 22 yrs

      Stock market return:
      Repub: 109%
      Dem: 992%

      Income growth:
      Repub: 0.6%
      Dem: 2.2%

      Total jobs created:
      Repub: 24 million
      Dem: 42 million

      Repub: 2.7%
      Dem: 4.1%

      Under Trump living paycheck to paycheck:
      Under Biden living paycheck to paycheck:

      The 520 counties Biden won account for fully 71% of U.S. gross domestic product, while the 2,564 that Trump carried produced just 29%. In other words, America’s economic engine is bluer than ever.

      • Thats bullshit. Fake numbers and you know it. Don’t tell me to prove it. You prove your fake crap.

        • Solar Maximum says hi. But I typically have trouble taking climate “science” seriously to begin with.

        • “You prove your fake crap“

          Ok, from the WSJ, not exactly a liberal outlet:

          Nov. 10, 2020 at 2:16 PM
          Biden Counties Account for 70% of U.S. GDP
          Aaron Zitner
          “ Now, the Brookings Institution adds to the finding of a growing divide between metropolitan and non-metropolitan America.
          Joe Biden last week won 16% of the nation’s counties, but those counties account for 70% of nation’s economic activity, Brookings analysts report. By contrast, President Trump won 84% of counties, accounting for less than 30% of GDP.
          Their work shows an increasing divide between a high-output, Democratic-leaning part of the nation and a lower-output, Republican-leaning set of communities. In 2016, Brookings analysts found, Democrat Hillary Clinton won counties accounting for 64% of economic output, compared with Mr. Biden’s 70% share. Mr. Trump in 2016 won counties accounting for 36% of economic output, compared with his share of under 30% this year”

          Democrat-led communities are just more economically strong, and end up supporting weak performing Republican areas.

          I realize that is contrary to the propaganda Fox News has been feeding you, but facts are facts.

      • THIS is exactly why I call you MajorLiar, MajorLiar. You quote COMPLETElY bogus government numbers (and I am unwilling to waste my time trying to educate a simpleton like you about the realities of the science of economics, or the BLATANT manipulation of data and input that goes into the ‘calculation’ of ‘government statistics’), like they were gospel. You are every bit as God-smacked as the most over-the-top Holy Roller (and THAT’S how you do a pun, properly, you ignorant tw*t!), but your God is an authoritarian, fascist government (Leftist, of course). You Leftist/fascists hate conservatives/libertarians, because we disagree with you (and can argue rings around you), but MOSTLY because we . . . love liberty, which you Leftist/fascists hate more than Superman hates kryptonite.

        I would pity you, if you weren’t so disgusting. The funny part is, if your “progressive” state succeeds in gaining the absolute power you Leftist/fascists yearn for, your sorry @$$ will be one of the first up against the wall.

        Is it physically painful to be so abjectly stupid?? Or is it just the natural state of being for you Leftist/fascists?? Or, maybe y’all are just sick, pathetic, mentally deranged masochists. (But embrace the healing power of “and”!!)

        Go micturate up a cable, MajorLiar. Oh, and you suck, and your mother is ashamed of you.

        • June 12,

          Oooh!. How fun!! Another Leftist/fascist troll!!

          Unless you are a sock puppet account of MajorLiar or dacian the demented, I have no idea who you are, so I have no idea what your mental capabilities are. It is theoretically possible that you are capable of grasping why MajorLiar’s ‘statistics’ are completely bogus, but . . . you didn’t advance the argument, did you?

          I’ve explained to MajorLiar more times than I can count why he is not just wrong, but stupidly wrong. His ‘understanding’ of the Constitution is so pathetic that he has asserted that Article I, Section 8 authorizes universal gun control (and has run away like the little punk he is whenever I confront him about it), and his understanding of economics and statistics is even more pathetic (obviously; he’s basically a Marxist, which requires that you be completely economically ignorant).

          If MajorLiar wants to go up against me, I’m ready to rumble. You? Nothing but a troll, and I have NO obligation to prove my assertion to you. Have a nice day, troll (I’m sure you would be allowed to join MajorLiar and dacian the demented in their daily circle jerk, if you’ve got nothing else to do).

        • “I have NO obligation to prove my assertion to you”

          You made the assertion, so the burden of proof is upon you, put up or shut up.

          I made a claim, then followed it up with a direct quote from the Wall Street Journal proving my point.

          You on the other hand, post nothing but bluster and juvenile insults.

          Like most rabid conservatives, you have nothing but childlike insults and empty speech, that’s why Joe Biden is in the White House and the oath keepers and proud boys are in federal prison.

      • None of any of this has anything at all to do with the comment you originally responded to which, yes, you completely missed the tone and point of.

        Mentally ill? Shoehorning your own agenda? Not English speaking? A shitty script bot?

        • Reading,

          How about “all of the above”?? That’s MajorLiar’s usual M.O.

          Every issue is viewed as an opportunity for MajorLiar to comment extensively about the “evils of conservatism”, while simultaneously posting some inaccurate/blatantly false talking points and/or some (equally false/inaccurate) nonsense about the superiority of his beloved Leftist/fascism. Had MajorLiar lived in Weimar Germany, I am certain he would have been one of the most ardent followers of Adolf (Hell, MajorLiar probably would have been a trusted lieutenant of Herr Goebbels!!); he never met a fascist/authoritarian government he disagreed with.

  10. The bigger the overreaching the harder they will fall. The only thing up to chance is how quickly the SCOTUS will flip after the Democrats win big in 2024 because of abortion. Conservatives made their priorities the last couple of years and next November we are going to pay that price.

  11. Hey Gavin, just what gun control law WOULDN’T be common sense?

    I can’t wait for Supreme Court of the United States ruling (again) that ends your “common sense” gun control laws.

    • “I can’t wait for Supreme Court of the United States ruling (again) that ends your “common sense” gun control laws.”

      There is no repercussion for a state to ignore SCOTUS. We have ample proof of that, right here and now. That will not change, going forward.

      What we are seeing, was part of the founder’s intent; the Supreme Court would be the weakest branch, IAW Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 78. (“[i]t may truly be said to have neither force nor will, but merely judgment; and must ultimately depend upon the aid of the executive arm even for the efficacy of its judgments.”)

      Acceptance of, and compliance with, SC rulings is simply a social contract, not a constitutional one.

  12. “If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.

    —– Thomas Jefferson”

  13. And Far Right nut case that says keeping guns out of bars is not common sense only proves it is he that should be banned from owning any weapons as he is obviously a mental basket case.

    Drunken young hot-blooded men with excess testosterone coupled with half naked women is a prescription for disaster and a deadly mix that often ends in shoot outs and even mass murder.

    California was “dead on” (pun intended) to outlaw such madness as carrying guns in bars.

    • dacian the demented dipsh*t,

      ” . . . a deadly mix that often ends in shoot outs and even mass murder.”

      “Often”, dacian the demented??? How often, SPECIFICALLY. Give me specifics, not anecdotes. HOW OFTEN are their shootouts in/just outside of bars? Where?

      And, if testosterone and half-naked women are the ’causes’ of gun violence, I guess inner city black men have some major testosterone, and inner city black women don’t wear clothes, because THAT’S WHERE/AMONG WHOM MOST OF THE ‘GUN VIOLENCE’ OCCURS, you ignorant punk.

      And that begs the question: From whence cometh the authority of the government (federal OR state) to infringe basic human rights?? Is it your contention that a state could reinstitute slavery, if enough people/representatives voted for it?? Or are you just an ignoranus? (yes, that was a rhetorical question, since you are too stupid to parse that out by yourself).

      I get that you are incapable of education or mental development, and I was taught never to make fun of the handicapped, but . . . pro tip – you do yourself no favors going online and trumpeting your stupidity to the world. Go back to your daily circle jerk with MajorLiar, and quit annoying the adults with your stupid temper tantrums.

  14. “If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.”

    This is how the “civil rights” movement prevailed, but only because people were willing to be injured, jailed, killed.

    Why, today, do we not see gun owners, POTG, 2A organizations, individuals marching in the streets, clogging businesses and public places with protestors? NRA board members calling for mass marches on the Capitol Mall?

    The answer is we (me) all are content to let someone else do the hard stuff, because we have priorities higher on the ladder than the Second Amendment, higher than preservation of the nation as founded.

  15. @Mark N.
    “You should understand that the California Legislature revised the primary rules in a way that guarantees its continued dominance…”

    I am aware, thanks to TTAG, and some other sources. But how did the Dims gain so much power? “We”, the conservatives, the patriots, traditionalists, failed to “sell” our values to the majority.

    Often, “we” are/were too busy living out lives, while the activist Dims ran circles around “us” and our anointed leaders.

    Caliphate was once a rather conservative state, then the radicals of the 60s were dismissed as a political power, and “we” slept. When “we” woke up, power had transferred, and “we” failed to reverse the trend.

    The radicals (Dims) were all about power, and “we” were all about honorable processes and principles (first you win, then talk about processes and principles).

    “We” failed to keep the power. What happened after is on “us”.

    • Sam,

      An eloquent, and accurate, description of the history, but you elided over one other element – the immigration into CA of lots of Eastern liberals and (more important) hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens. But, yep, that pretty much sums it up.

      Happy New Year to you! I enjoy your commentary and observations (and your wit – you’ve caught me out a couple of times with your subtle snark!). May the New Year treat you well!

  16. One stat that Miner49er left out. Every major Global War, a Democrat led us into. Joe Biden is in that process as we speak.

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