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California Set to Eliminate Last Legal Form of Open Carry

Robert Farago - comments No comments

The California legislature has sent AB-7 to Governor Brown’s desk. Should he sign it — and all signs indicate he will — the Golden State’s only legal form of open carry will go bye-bye. Wait. You didn’t know that any kind of open carry was legal in California? True story! As I type, residents can open carry a long gun in unincorporated areas. You’ll never guess which city consists of 65 percent unincorporated areas . . .

L.A.! I love it! Actually, I don’t. But lots of people do, and the one million people living in its unincorporated environs are currently free to open carry an unloaded long gun. When AB-7 gets Brown’s signature, they won’t.

Given Los Angeles’ inability to recognize Americans’ natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to bear arms —  only 220 people have concealed carry permits, 87 of whom are judges — the bill seals the civilian disarmament deal.

That’s until and unless California voters elect reps ready, willing and able to restore residents’ gun rights (#aintgonnahappeninmylifetime) or the Supreme Court strikes down the state’s “may issue” mindset. Which could happen, probably would happen with one more conservative Justice on the bench.

Meanwhile, AB-7 is the final nail in California’s gun rights coffin. Until the next one . . .

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “California Set to Eliminate Last Legal Form of Open Carry”

  1. I like to petition the city council to ramp up efforts to widen / improve the streets in front of the particular business, then push to have city funding dawdle through other requested projects / utility upgrade easements.

    Makes for a strain, strain is good.

  2. L.A. would be one of the City States that would be politely, but firmly, asked to leave the US. The only solution at this point is the creation of two countries…or rather, the United States of America, and all the majority leftist cities of over 700,000 population.

    Starting with D.C. (since it is already a separate country).

  3. I try not to make it political, in that I don’t keep an enemies list of verboten establishments based simply on their carry policies. As it turns out, businesses with those policies generally have other faults I avoid. (Poor customer service, overpriced, pretentious customer base, etc.) So the motivations overlap and I don’t visit, without me having to commit to a firearms stance of my own.

    That said, I don’t like companies that go out of their way to address a non-existant problem. Yes, this could apply to concealed carry, but open carry bans are what get my Irish up.

    Whataburger and H-E-B had no problem with concealed carry for the last two decades, yet when OC became the law in Texas in 2016, they both panicked and put up OC banning signs. In these past near two years, I’ve never seen anyone in a city open carrying, except at a gun related event or business. It isn’t a thing.

    So I’ve boycotted those two pantywaists ever since, primarily for their being senseless opportunists, rather than the signs themselves.

  4. I would love to see some Congresscripted introduce a bill that defines a 25 mile strip along the Coast from LA to the Bay as a seperate political entity and expel it from the United States. The Bill would ban the residents from the US for 10 years and would forbid them naturalization. Let’s see how the tech barrons manage when they are cut off from power and water.

  5. “It will even eliminate fingerprints from casings, should that be a concern of yours.”

    Fun fact. The heat from firing the round actually burns off any usable finger prints from spent shell casings. Lifting prints from shell casings is actually 100% TV myth. I worked with a forensics unit at a PD for awhile and specifically asked about this, when they were handling spent casings with bare hands. The lead forensics investigator told me the only and best prints they lifted off of a spent casing in her 20 years, was a “partial smudge”, which, means jack Shit in the court room.

  6. Let me get this straight. Tabloid from country where local PD confiscate butterknives as deadly weapons and where a Swiss knife may lead to jail sentence write about “tiny” knife in the video description?

  7. I am confused:
    (1) Many people tell me that legislatures will ban open carry if we carry firearms openly.
    (2) No one (statistically speaking) is walking around the unincorporated areas just outside of Los Angeles with openly visible long guns.
    (3) Nevertheless, the California legislature is attempting to ban open carry of long guns in that previously mentioned area even though no one has been carrying long guns openly.

    Does this mean that gun-grabber legislatures are going to ban both the concealed and open carry of firearms regardless of what we do? This is my surprised face.

  8. I’ve got sympathy for the Devil but none for this guy.

    Advancing on someone with a blade is a deadly threat. He was asked repeatedly to drop the knife and he didn’t. Without knowing his intentions, which is impossible, it is altogether acceptable to assume that he intends to harm someone when he’s walking around with a knife asking to be shot. A person who does such a thing may well escalate the situation and attack someone to provoke the response they desire (getting shot). Having someone get stabbed over this is dumb. If he’s gonna act this way, give him what he’s asking for before someone else gets hurt and the guy gets what he “wants” anyway.

    Sorry, when you ask to get perforated you might just get perforated and you may not live to tell the tale. It’s that simple.

    As for deescalating the situation, I’d say the cops did a fine job. The threat level was deescalated and so was the suspect, when he hit the ground.

  9. It would appear that 115 grains of lead penetrating his chest cavity was a pretty damned effective de-escalation tactic.

    I sympathize with the kid’s parents, but this was suicide by cop and if it didn’t work he would have tried suicide by some other means until successful.

  10. My top reasons to boycott a business:
    (1) Annoying advertising campaigns. Example: Progressive Insurance
    (2) Affiliated with or supports leftist causes. Example: Kellogg, Progressive, Amazon.com…
    (3) Deliberately apes another business. Example: Mic Donalds, Tommies (in lieu of Tommy’s)…
    (4) Plays hip-hop music anywhere that someone can hear it.
    (5) Emails customers more than once a year.

    And just added:
    (6) Calls the cops on a customer just out of spite.

  11. Polycarbonate holster, huh? What would be really cool would be a pistol frame made out of that and a transparent aluminum slide. ETS transparent mags and you’d be able to see all the innards working together! Probably wouldn’t be cheap!

  12. Maybe this kids parents should have raised him better, looks to me like the kid was stoned, once saw a stoner take 4 chest shot that wouldn’t stop him, one in the head did. being stoned and with in 21 feet he could have killed 1 or more cops with his hands let alone a object in hand (knife). Stupid liberal Democrat Parents, believe their kids SH*t don’t stink and they have such a high opinion of themselves and their kids because they think they are special

  13. Be careful what you wish for.

    You want FedGov to be your nanny and make all the states do what you want? Of course you do, that’s what Lincoln and all the “Unionistas” wanted all along and that’s what we’re getting. Don’t like what one state says about marriage? Well make the FedGov club those states into submission. Don’t like what they say about abortion? FedGov club! Don’t like what they say about Marijuana? FedGov club!

    It’s two sides of the same coin. Republicans and Democrats only want the same thing, the only thing that differs is who gets clubbed and for what issue.

    You think getting national reciprocity will be a win but in the end it will be a big loss.

    Just remember, any entity that can grant you something can also take it way. The proper response is for the people of New York, New Jersey, etc to change their State government. If the State won’t change or you can’t garner enough votes then you either need to leave or realize that the system if fundamentally broken and perhaps consider that it needs to be discarded in favor of something new.

  14. Every day the courts uphold bans on guns and bans on carry. California has successfully banned all carry concealed or unconcealed. As usual the power mad gestapo Courts rule they can and will ban all guns and all carry. California courts even declared that any form of carry is a threat to them personally and their gestapo henchmen that protect them from the proletariat. As one can see the Constitution is a complete joke and always has been. The ruling elite make up their own laws on a daily basis anymore

  15. Somebody really needs to take that kid into Chicago, NYC, Atlanta and other cities where black on black violence and crime is just an every day “business as usual.”
    Make him realize the problem is and always has been with the violent tendencies of his race! And that violence would not end because there were no guns!


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