Gavin Newsom
(AP Photo/ Aaron Kehoe)

Past performance is no indicator of future results. At least that’s the usual disclaimer you get from investment firms. With legislation and regulation though, history may not always repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes. At least it does for those wise enough to listen and watch.

To the surprise of no one, after two high profile mass casualty spree killings in California in three days, the usual cast of radical gun-hating Democrats have tried to dance in the blood of the victims by claiming the problem is…not enough gun control. In California.

Gov. Gavin Newsom called the handgun one of the shooters used a “weapon of war” in a news conference after the second mass murder spree in Half Moon Bay.

California, in case you’re unaware, has the most stringent gun control laws of any state in the union. Stringent enough to earn the state the Giffords civilian disarmament operation’s highest grade.

Among California’s gun rights restrictions on the books are gun bans, registration, waiting periods, red flag laws, universal background checks, magazine bans and capacity limits, ammunition purchase background checks, effective bans on concealed carry in much of the state, bans on campus carry, bans on carry in houses of worship…the list goes on and on.

After the recent shootings in Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay, one outraged Golden State political hack even called for passage of gun control laws that California already has on the books. No one ever accused low-information politicians of aspiring to become rocket surgeons.

Given the state’s crime problem, it may not seem like California’s endless slate of gun control laws accomplish very much, but there’s one thing they do exceedingly well. They ensure that a large percentage of law-abiding Californians don’t have guns. Or if they do, they’re locked up at home or in their car rather than being carried for personal defense.

After all, the only thing that stops bad people with evil in their hearts is a good guy with a gun and that’s the last thing sleazy pols like Gavin Newsom want to see. Politicians and the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex can’t stand that simple “good guy with a gun” statement because they know it’s true.

AWR Hawkins at Breitbart raised a good point last summer in a Twitter post. This came after Everytown for Gun Safety ranked Gruesome Gavin’s state as #1 for “gun safety.”

Where else does California rank #1? According to the FBI, the left coast leads the nation in active shooter incidents.

From Breitbart . . .

An FBI report on ‘Active Shooter Incidents’ in 2021 shows that California was the number one state for such incidents, with six incidents total.

California is also number one for gun law strength, the Mike Bloomberg-affiliated Everytown for Gun Safety noted.

According to the FBI, there were 61 “active shooter incidents” across the country in 2021 and 12 of the incidents met the definition of a “mass killing.”

California led the nation with six “active shooter incidents.”

It’s probably just a coincidence that the state that’s done the most to make itself a “gun-free” zone has had the most active shooter incidents in America.

If gun control worked as well as advocates claim to prevent violent crime, California would stand out as a beacon of peace, love, and tranquility rather than suffering one mass casualty murder spree after another.

No serious person or elected official really thinks that California’s murder sprees and rampant violent crime occurs because of other states’ commitment to the Constitution. California has already enacted every gun control law the gun control industry says it wants for the rest of America. If the many states are truly laboratories of democracy, it’s safe to proclaim California’s experiment in strict gun control a miserable failure.



  1. These people have blood on their hands for keeping good law abiding citizens unable to protect themselves. I hope they meet their just rewards.

    • Off topic but Putin is in negotiations to purchse the weapons left behind by the absolute stupidity of the Obidumb administration from the Talibah baa.
      Spin it Miner! Looking forward to this spin.

      • Even further off-topic, this dives into the rank *contempt* the BATF has for the disabled in their pistol-brace ‘ruling’, and deserves a TTAG article all on its own :

        “What Does the New Pistol Brace Rule Say About Those with Disabilities?”

        • in the past couple of days I saw a piece on a federallevel court declaring that pistol brace rule unconstitional on several levels and having it into the loo where it belongs.

          Several uncurable factors were raised: first, BATF are NOT Congress and thus cannoe MAKE LAW, which they attempted to do in this case. Second the addon handle they call a “brace” does not mahe anything a “short barreled rifle”

          Also saw a similar Fed court beatdown over the stupid “bump stock” rule, similar reasons.

          Finally it seems of late that the courts are waking up and making some sound decisions.We’ve known for decades that the Constitution has been made into a pile of manure lying on the floor, but without some court judgements agreeing with that line of thinking the illegal lawmakers have been piling the manure higher and deeper. next up is NFA and age “limits”. It is well known from the records of the founding era that yuong men of fifteen and sixteen regularly bore arms for various reasons. Paul REvere was one, sent on a mission to warm a certainsomeone to shift camp to elsewhere because the Brits were after him.he was sixteen at that time and I beleive armed, as he often carried money and/or valuables when “delivering” for his Father’s silversmith enterprise. That was quite a wjile prior to his famous “ride” to warn the militias of Lexington and Concord. e was near forty at that time.

    • In today’s world, it is not a struggle between conservatives and liberals, It’s a struggle between good and evil. Evil politicians continue to pass laws that empower the criminal element in our society. If we keep electing these evil politicians, we are inviting disaster. We must all pray that the people in this country will wake up finally and put an end to this corruption of our country.

  2. One mo’ time for the slow witted/evil intended Libturds out there…..
    “….the only thing that stops bad people with evil in their hearts is a good guy with a gun….”
    And, politicians with laws never stop bad guys with guns.
    They only control the good guys…or turn them into criminals, which is their true agenda.

  3. “rocket surgeons” ?


    rocket scientist
    brain surgeon

    and now a new ‘rocket surgeon’ career field.

  4. Thanks for the fine article, Mr. Boch. When are the people going to realize that you cannot reverse technology. You can’t take away medicine, televisions, movies, radio, or guns. You can regulate the usage of all these items, however. They all are already being regulated. Why is it that most of the politicians in American states that border the Pacific and Atlantic oceans can’t figure out that gun ownership is not the problem. The problem is criminal use of guns. Perhaps it’s the wonderful fragrance of that salt water air that makes them behave so irrationally. Think about all of this before you go out and vote in the next election!

  5. Why didn’t the corrupt California government concentrate on putting out all the California fires that caused millions of dollars in damages and countless deaths. Why didn’t they use all of that excessive tax money in dealing with the floods in California that caused all the millions of dollars and deaths in California. No, they are too interested in taking juice money from the rich anti-gunners on the east coast to pass useless laws that prevent law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves from the renegade gangs that terrorize the streets of the great cities in California. Let’s change the Governor’s name to Oldsome! I remember when California was the greatest state in the union.

    • “Why didn’t the corrupt California government concentrate on putting out all the California fires that caused millions of dollars in damages and countless deaths.”

      How else are they going to sue SCE for deaths that SCE wanted to prevent by removing trees in proximity to their power lines?

      California Government is corrupt beyond belief and the fact that these morons keep getting reelected is a testament to that corruption.

      • It’s well-known here that the Dems have codified their cheating to make election stealing “legal” and more difficult to challenge in court. Every single state-level office (every single one, from the Governor, to the Lt Gov, to the Comptroller, to the AG, on down the list) as well as most metro Mayors and most of the Judges are all hardcore Democrat, so the bulwark they’ve set up to protect their offices is solid.

        The tired saying of “elections don’t matter because they’re rigged” is actually somewhat true here. Do you disagree with any of those in power? Then you’re automatically rayciss.

      • How else are they going to sue SCE for deaths that SCE wanted to prevent by removing trees in proximity to their power lines?

        you mean the trees da gummit refused to let them clear, and the overgrown forests with far too dense underbruch they would not allow to be cleared out? THOSE things?

        Yeah, thought so. If it were notfor BAD govrenment there wouln’t be any at all in California. EVERYTHING they touch turns into a schemozel.

  6. And Newsom just keeps running off the tired old slogan too

    “We can do something”

    Bruh, your state has the strictest gun laws in the country matched by only a few states. It clearly doesn’t work. You huddle the masses in a group and make them feel safe but the truth is you are making them vulnerable. So by all means, keep “doing something”. It’s helped so much already.

  7. I’ve never watched The Walking Dead and have never really been interested in the slew of zombie/vampire/lycan fare dished out over the past couple of decades, but I decided to try watching the recent show The Last of Us. I’m informed that it’s loosely based on a popular video game, but I’m intrigued by its twist on the zombie apocalypse genre, and I think I’m going to stick with it to see how the story progresses.

    That being said, every time I’ve ever walked amongst the “walking dead” (overweight cell phone zombies in their Crocs and PJs while pushing their carts full of garbage foods) while in Walmart, the possibility of something going awry while Mrs Haz and I are inside is always present on my mind. You know the oft-overused cliché of an emergency happening and a voice coming thru the overhead speakers reminding everyone to “please exit in an orderly fashion”? Yeah right. The Walmart nearest us has only a single entrance/exit. Many layouts have doors on both sides of the front of the building, but ours has only one. So if the S ever truly HTF, we’d have to deal with a herd of human hippos stampeding. No way, José. I know where the employee exits are located, and if a shooter ever chooses to light up the place, I already know how I’ll be getting Mrs Haz out to safety.

    • The best way to get out to safety is to not get INTO DANGER. I almost never shop at that place. I am aware of quite a large number of “active shooter’ events at WalMarts, two now within ten miles of my house. I have never heard of a gunfire or threat at any Winco, HEB, Trader Joe’s, or the othr popular chains east of here.

    • good zombies (dead snow, fido), bad zombies (any of the crazy fast ones re: wwz, some romero remakes). vampires and werewolves are mostly lame (let the right one in excepted).
      then there are deadites. see if you can stomach a few ash vs evildead… some quality kills as it progresses.

  8. It’s not about safety. It’ not about saving lives.

    It’s about disarming the law-abiding, so they can go full commie on us.

    That’s what this is all about.

  9. quote————-Politicians and the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex can’t stand that simple “good guy with a gun” statement because they know it’s true.——–quote

    Yeah sure like the racist Far Rights heroes George Zimmerman and little punk face Kyle Rittenhouse that caused a further riot by trying to play Wyatt Earp. Just two examples of many of the far right morons who caused unnecessary deaths and got away with it. If nether Zimmerman or Rittenhouse had been armed 3 people would still be alive today. Zimmerman would never have antagonized a man twice his size and would have waited for the cops to arrive as he was told to do, and punk face Rittenhouse being unarmed would have just been laughed at and totally ignored when he tried to play security guard on a private property that he had no legal right to even be on.

    Contrary to crazed right wing propaganda “the mere presence of a gun often causes an unnecessary shooting and killing”. That is exactly why European countries have outlawed for the most part concealed carry. Their much lower homicide rate with guns proves they made the right decision.

    quote————Among California’s gun rights restrictions on the books are gun bans, registration, waiting periods, red flag laws, universal background checks, magazine bans and capacity limits, ammunition purchase background checks, effective bans on concealed carry in much of the state, bans on campus carry, bans on carry in houses of worship…the list goes on and on.———-quote

    All of which made California one of the lowest homicide and mass murder States in the Union. If the laws were made on the Federal Level they would be far more effective because ignorant primitive Red Hillbilly States would no longer be able to ship in unvetted second hand guns into California making their laws far less effective than they otherwise would be.

    • Hate and lies. It must really spin you up to know that we’ve won this fight.

      You fascists are sure enough sore losers.

    • “All of which made California one of the lowest homicide and mass murder States in the Union”

      maybe in your imaginary union of capitalvania, and the union hasn’t actually existed since the civil war.. but not in the United States. learn to really do something call ‘research’ and not take for granted what you copy-n-paste because it satisfys your confirmation bias.

      • Booger Brain you flunked history classes. The “Union” was and still is the Federal Government. And by the way the Union won the civil war something you failed to comprehend.

        During the American Civil War, the Federal Government was generally referred to as the Union, although the terms “United States,” “Federals,” the “North,” and “Yankee” were also used.

        The two terms have always been synonymous

        Try again Booger Brain you attempt at one-upmanship was pathetic.

        • Per Dictionary (dot) com:

          6. the Union. the United States:
          The Union defeated the Confederacy in 1865.

          .40 cal was right — and once again, you were wrong.

        • to Definition

          Your reading comprehension is laughable. I already pointed out that yes the Union won the war. And it has nothing to do with the fact that the Union and the term Federal Government is synonymous.

        • My reading comprehension? I cut and pasted the direct definition from Dictionary (dot) com. The “Union” (capitalized) refers to the USA during the Civil War, when the country was split into two factions: the Union and the Confederacy.

          ” … the Union won the war. And it has nothing to do with the fact that the Union and the term Federal Government is synonymous.”

          Yes, the Union won the war against the Confederacy. That has quite a bit to do with the fact that “Union” refers to the Northern States during the Civil War.

          How about you produce a dictionary definition proving your erroneous contention? You can’t.

          Jeesh!! It can’t be any clearer, but you’ll still deny it. The great American philosopher Forrest Gump described you to a T — “Stupid is as stupid does.”

    • From the article above: “To the surprise of no one, after two high profile mass casualty spree killings in California in three days, the usual cast of radical gun-hating Democrats have tried to dance in the blood of the victims by claiming the problem is…not enough gun control.”

      dacian, how do you get all the blood off of your shoes?

      “All of which made California one of the lowest homicide and mass murder States in the Union.”

      Past tense. Again, from the article above: “Where else does California rank #1? According to the FBI, the left coast leads the nation in active shooter incidents.”

      Choke on your bile, hater.

        • No link? Did you miss the first four words of the sentence, idiot?

          “According to the FBI …” In the article above, directly above the comments, the words are blue in color — that’s called a “hyperlink.”

          Since you’re apparently too damn stupid to comprehend simple English, I’ll de-code the mysterious link for you:

          As for the rest of your screed, you’ve proven that it wouldn’t be fair for me to engage you in a battle of wits because you are obviously unarmed.

        • No name,

          See?? I TOLD you he’s a halfwit, Leftist/fascist ignoranus, studying to be a moron.

          The ‘rule’ with dacian the demented dips*** is – ignore him (unfortunately, he WON’T go away), or mock him mercilessly. And on that note, NICE JOB!!!

          But, in all honesty, it’s akin to kicking a puppy – in a battle of wits, dacian the demented is as unarmed as it is possible to be.

        • Lamp, I really should ignore him. Although, who isn’t up for a good round of kicking puppies?

        • Man with no name you are the idiot.

          The FBI statement DID NOT INCLUDE THE OVERALL HOMICIDE RATE it only included mass shooter incidents and only for 2021

          Now idiot what part of this do you not understand. My original statement holds true.

          You really fell right into that one. LMAO

    • “Contrary to crazed right wing propaganda “the mere presence of a gun often causes an unnecessary shooting and killing”. That is exactly why European countries have outlawed for the most part concealed carry. Their much lower homicide rate with guns proves they made the right decision.”

      Obvious bot is obvious.

    • little punk face Kyle Rittenhouse that caused a further riot by trying to play Wyatt Earp.

      Dackie Boy you would do welltto find a better source for your fairytales.

      History proves that directly following that infamous night in Kenosha the rioting in that area STOPPED, and it greatly reduced nationwide within a cuple days of that incident.
      The theory s Auntie Fay and the Bee Yellin’ folks realised that they had pushed too farm and now Kyle had given a fine example of how to defend one’ self in that sort of battle scenario more would be taking up arms all across the nation.So they backed off.Funny how that works.Funnier how YOU can get things so twisted up. Almost as if you were being PAID to invent and wrote this tripe.

      Go back to sleep.Your handlers will trot along soon enough and bring your brekkie. Now, there’s a good lad.

    • As a primitive hillbilly (my identity) who desires to live in a red state, I am beyond Offended by your unchecked bigotry, divisiveness and hatred! My community is disenfranchised and oppressed constantly and persistently by whatever cultural group you affiliate with.

      I demand that we create Zimmerman and Rittenhouse federal holidays or I will take up arms daily in solidarity with them!

    • dacain, the DUNDERHEAD. When ar eyo uleaving for Spain again?
      You persist in showing us that you are absolutely clueless. Zimmerman did nothing wrong. Nor did Rittenhouse. If you want to protect your criminal element, you just show us that you have no regard for law and what self defense is all about.
      I guess you are the kind that would rather live on your knees than stand on your own two feet.

    • dacian the demented dips***,

      Are you aware that Kyle Rittenhouse was found, by a jury of his peers, to be innocent of all the (absurd) criminal charges brought against him???? Had that piece of information not made it into your deranged brain???? Oh, and the alleged ‘riots’ resulting from Rittenhouse’ actions? Yeah, those were the SAME F***ING RIOTS that caused him to have to exercise his INHERENT right of self-defense. (Not that it matters, legally, but against a bunch of criminals and pedophiles.)

      Were you aware that George Zimmerman was also found innocent of any criminal action, ALSO by a jury of his peers? Did that knowledge ever intrude into your dementia??

      “All of which made California one of the lowest homicide and mass murder States in the Union. If the laws were made on the Federal Level they would be far more effective because ignorant primitive Red Hillbilly States would no longer be able to ship in unvetted second hand guns into California making their laws far less effective than they otherwise would be.”

      Once again, draw the causal link, show the timeline, explain how the murder rate and gun crime in California CONTINUE to climb, at about the national rate, despite the INCREASING depravity of California gun laws. Show your work, give citations (to REPUTABLE sources).

      Or, shut the f*** up, and go play in the traffic.

  10. California is a Libertarian, Liberal, Leftist, Utopia. All the things they wanted, they dreamed of having, they got made into laws. They said it would reduce crime. And they said there would be no need for guns. Because all the crime would go away.

    • Libertarians ore not Leftists or Liberal. They believe in liberty for all and free market economy.
      We all have our “book of rules” and we try to live by them. Forcing others who do not share your religion to follow yours is just wrong. We need a government where people of all religions can get along, trade and live the free life they were promised without stomping on others’ rights.
      Yes, certain politicians who claim the be Libertarians have come out as anti-gun, but this is not the platform of the party. I daresay that there are many Republicans that are also personally “anti-gun”(especially for those of different views and social-economic situations). Does this mean that The GOP is anti-gun or Fudd?
      It is not just about drugs and aberrant sex, it goes much deeper. No one is forcing anyone to believe in others’ vices, it only allows the vice when it is done between consenting adults.
      So, what is your real bitch about Libertarians?

      • 1. There is no proof that Libertarians support the First Amendment.

        2. Libertarians want free stuff from the government.

        3. Libertarians don’t believe in the concept of individuals owning private property.

        4. Libertarians believe that the government should bail people out of the stupid decisions that they made, so they don’t have to suffer the destructive consequences.

        5. Libertarians place soft rights far above hard rights. they will sacrifice the hard difficult things in order to achieve the soft pleasures that they desire. Soft Pleasures do not keep men free.

        6. And you can certainly have your soft pleasures under the authority of a tyrannical government. And the Liberals and the Left have figured that out. They will happily give you your “soft pleasures”. And take away the “hard strong things” that protect the liberty of the people.

    • Chris T,

      I’m still at a loss to understand your obsessive, and uneducated, jihad against “libertarians”. T. Jefferson was a ‘libertarian’. As was T. Paine. As was S. Adams. As was J. Madison. Seems like you have a major, fantasy-based hardon about ‘libertarians’ – apparently without the vaguest understanding of what an actual libertarian is or believes.

      Again I ask . . . did some guy who CLAIMED to be a libertarian rape your dog, or shoot your mother, or something like that??????

      Oh, and for your information? “Libertarians” are about as rare in KKKalifornia as are “conservatives”. Most of us were smart enough to GTFO.

      • When my liberal daughter asked me about what I thought, about the arrest of two black men, who were sitting in a Starbucks coffee shop not buying anything. And using the stores Wi-Fi free of charge.

        I told her that if they felt offended, they should go spend their money in a black owned coffee shop. I told her I did not care if Starbucks did not want them in their business. I considered those two men to be freeloaders. Sucking up a business’s private property resources, and not even contributing to the business. By buying one of their products.

        I have followed Eric July for many years now. I like him a lot. He is one of the very few Libertarians who actually believes in private property rights. And he believes he should have the right to kill, to protect his private property. That is something that most so-called Libertarians do not support.

        “SUED for not making a trans cake?! | Colorado baker LOSES appeal” video 11 min long

        • No, Chris, pretty much ALL libertarians I know (I am deliberately using the ‘small “l”‘; the “Libertarian Party” is a sick joke) COMPLETELY believe in private property. I’d ask for examples, but it seems we have radically different definitions of what a ‘libertarian’ is.

          “And he believes he should have the right to kill, to protect his private property. That is something that most so-called Libertarians do not support.”

          Again, MOST libertarians I know would concur (with the essential caveat that part of libertarianism is a belief in and support of the sanctity of life – sure, I can kill some sumbitch that’s trying to steal my property, but IF there is a lesser response, that doesn’t put ME at risk, I should use it).

          I’m still not sure who all these “libertarians” are that you are railing at. I’m thinkin’ a self-identified “libertarian” raped your dog.

    • Yup. Unfortunately for them, their ‘disarm the peons’ strategy has been a COLOSSAL failure. The ‘compliance rates’ for gun bans, even in the DEEPEST deep blue states, have been pathetic, even by “official” statistics (which absurdly undercount the actual number of guns ‘in circulation’ in the US).

      If Gavin “Hair Gel” Newscum thinks more of the same is going to change a damn thing, he is going to be surprised. More idiot KKKalifornia ‘gun laws’ are going to do absolutely nothing other than provide a living example of Einstein’s definition of insanity.

      • Chris T,

        And the source of that is??? Part of the issue is that the Leftist/fascists have jumped on their version of ‘libertarian’, because they think it will appeal to conservatives and REAL libertarians. As one of his guests once said to Bill Mahre, when he was PRETENDING to be a libertarian, “Bill, being a ‘libertarian’ means more than just ‘Oh boy! I get to smoke dope and f*** whoever I want.”. Leftists often claim the LABEL of libertarian, but somehow their version of ‘libertarian’ is more ‘libertine’ than ‘libertarian’ – ask them about gun rights, for example, or whether there even should BE government-owned lands.

        Hint: Just because someone CLAIMS to be a ‘libertarian’ does NOT mean they actually ARE ‘libertarian’. And, yes, the “Libertarian Party” has done us no favors. I am contemplating using a new label, and calling myself a Jeffersonian libertarian, to clear up that nonsense.

        “Libertarian” means someone who believes in INDIVIDUAL liberty, as T. Jefferson proposed. Individual right to own property, individual right to protect your own life and property, individual RKBA to support such rights, right to “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” Oh, and sanctity of human life – as long as it isn’t directly threatening yours – I don’t get to kill dacian the demented or MinorLiar, just because they’re annoying idiots.

        THAT’S what ‘libertarians’ believe.

        • What does raising the level of a misdemeanor in the state of California up to $950, what in the world does that have to do with making pot legal???

          “I don’t care that anyone smokes weed.”

          I think that is a really dumb thing to say. Marijuana is very destructive to the human body. But because it gets you intoxicated people will try to hide and lie about its destructive chemical makeup.
          Yes it has medicinal properties. But like nearly any medication it can be abused. What angers me most about the legalization crowd is that they are liars, when it comes to the dangers of taking, too many of the intoxicants they enjoy so much.

          And they don’t like to talk about the numbers of people in drug rehabilitation who are addicted to marijuana smoking.

          And what they have done by manipulating the law they have created an entire new class of criminal activity, that now is legally allowed. And they expect property owners to simply accept, having their hard work being stolen from them. So some drug addict can use their property to pay for their drugs.

          At first they said there’s nothing wrong with prop 47. Then later they blamed “racism”.
          Now only after Millions upon millions of $$$ of private property being stolen, and it being broadcast on live television. Now they’re trying to arrest the shoplifters. After saying that these were very low level crimes, that were not worth spending time investigating.

          It’s all very laughable. Within a year though they will be complaining, that they are too many black people being arrested. And they said the passage of proposition 47 “would help” black people.

          I really wish they would stop “helping” black people. Unless they want to help the law abiding blacks to get guns. Because the criminal blacks already have guns.

  11. I blame the Motion Picture Industry for all of the gun violence we see in this country. I grew up in the 1940s and 1950s when gun violence in the movies was completely different. The only gun violence that occurred out of doors in those movies was in Westerns with 6 shot revolvers that seemed to never have to be reloaded. Urban gun violence in the movies back then almost always occurred indoors. Whenever guns were fired outdoors in urban areas, the police would swarm in on the shooters immediately in movies back then. I was shocked the first time that I saw a movie sometime in the 1960s where there were running gun battles in the streets. At the time, I thought to myself, that will never happen. Not with the modern police forces we have. Well, more and more movies were produced with this sort of gun violence portrayed in urban streets, and low and behold, it wasn’t long before we started to see gun violence in our streets by urban gangs. Street gun violence has now become a common phenomenon in our cities. We have learned that you can fire a gun in the streets and nothing will happen to you. The Motion Picture Industry has led the way in transforming our society into a country where the cities, where once there was a feeling of safety, into a country where there is a feeling that no place is safe, especially these so-called “Gun Free Zones.”

    • Violent films with gun fights and graphic death scenes are not helpful. There is plenty of testimony from convicted criminals, who stated that graphic violence scenes in movies, helped to motivate them to do the things that they did.

      But ultimately it’s not movies that people should be worried about. They should be far more concerned that Society, or should I say a certain select group of people in society, believe that the traditional family of one man and one woman is outdated. And a man and a woman together in marriage, are not necessary to raise children.

      The people who think this way are quite comfortable with a single mother having children from five different men and not getting married to any one of them. They are comfortable with replacing private religious Church welfare with its moral judgments against private and public anti-social behaviors. No, they want government welfare industrial complex checks, given to the mothers.

      These people who hate the traditional family so much, have caused much of the destruction that we are living through now in the United states. And they are comfortable having the father’s guns and is love and discipline be replaced. By The Guns of a big city police department.

      They also support emptying the jails and prisons. Because they believe there are too many people locked up in the United States. Who they compared to other countries. But also at the same time they are against law-abiding people killing, to protect their private property from being taken, by these criminals that are released early.

      But these same people are also comfortable with the government killing to protect government property.

      The rioters in Ferguson Missouri did not attack the government buildings being guarded by the Missouri National guard. They continued to burn and loot everywhere else. Until, JUST TWO, members of The Oath Keepers showed up. Wearing the same battle dress uniform of the national guard. Just walking down the street carrying their long guns at sling arms. And suddenly all the rioting and burning came to an end.

      I wonder why???

  12. I completely agree with you Chris T about the destruction of the family unit in this country is a big part of our troubles in our society. There are those in this country who are doing things to destroy this country. We assume that they are doing these things because they are either clueless or just plain idiots. Well, the horrible truth is that they do these things because they want to destroy this country. They know what they are doing. The real problem is that we have underestimated them. This country is in real trouble and there are no easy answers to turning back the tide because most of our elected officials no longer care about what’s best for this country, just what’s best for themselves and what will keep them in power. The Motion Picture Industry just opened pandora’s box is all I was saying.

  13. Dirty, evil, walking pile of hair gel Commiefornia Gov “any twosome”. God I want to punch that face. That sick demon will run for Prez ya know. Is America really so stupid to put him in the Oval? Maybe, cuz the chicks might just dig him.

  14. When I was just a little boy, California was one of the greatest American states in which to live. That was when most of the residents were American citizens who had jobs and earned their own living. Now the situation is reversed. California illegal residents are being paid to sponge off the land while taxes are being raised out of proportions. The government does little to extinguish the fires and floods that are ravishing their beautiful state, while the politicians are spending all their money and time trying to removing all the guns from the law abiding people. There is now a large influx of people moving out of California into other states that manage to maintain the constitutional rights of the people. Do you remember when Ronald Reagan was the governor?

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