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Canada Bans 324 More Types Of Firearms, Plans To Give The Guns To Ukraine

Darwin Nercesian - comments 117 comments

The fascist Canadian government, under the “leadership” of fürer, Justin Trudeau, said Thursday, December 5 that it is outlawing another 324 varieties of firearms. Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc says these guns belong on the battlefield, not in the hands of hunters or sport shooters.

This follows the May 2020 ban on 1,500 firearm makes and models that grew to more than 2,000 by November 2024 as new variants were identified, with determinations made through what LeBlanc describes as a “robust” consultation with RCMP firearms “experts.” Not to be satisfied without total subjugation, the move also follows expressions of concern from liberal gun-control advocates who believe that not enough assault-style firearms were included in the 2020 ban.

“This means these firearms can no longer be used,” LeBlanc said.

Defense Minister Bill Blair said Canada has approached Ukrainian authorities about working with their government to see how the guns can be donated to support Ukraine’s fight against Russia. Ukraine has expressed interest in some of the guns, a move that could see them receive more supplies in the short term while it will definitely cause them continued loss of support from conservatives. 

“Every bit of assistance we can offer to the Ukrainians is one step toward their victory,” Blair said, unable to see the forest through the trees.

The Canadian federal government says it is working with provinces, territories, and police on a planned buyback of prohibited weapons from individual owners, but don’t let the language fool you. Just as an amnesty order followed the May 2020 prohibition, a similar order is now in place until October 30, 2025, allowing licensed firearms owners time to relinquish their firearms. Only firearms disposed of through the government’s Assault-style Firearms Compensation Program, however, will be eligible for compensation. Those firearms deactivated or turned over to police during the amnesty period will not be.

Let’s call it what it is, a confiscation. Make it easy on us and we’ll throw you pennies on the dollar. Make us wait and we’ll just take your property. Fascism.

While mass shootings are relatively rare in Canada, these newly announced measures coincide with the eve of the 35th anniversary of the shooting at École Polytechnique in Montreal, where a gunman killed 14 women before turning the gun on himself. Included in the 2020 ban was the Ruger Mini-14 used by that gunman, Marc Lepine, a ranch rifle and hardly a “weapon of war,” but history tells us this isn’t about war or what is used on the battlefield. Criminals intent on killing will always have the means, one way or another, and the government is aware. History tells us definitively that this is purely about subjugation, and we know where that leads.

“These are just killing weapons, war weapons, military weapons, so I’m proud we are doing something,” said Nathalie Provost, a survivor wounded in the Montreal attack, blocking any semblance of sympathy I may have had to offer. 

Interestingly, the SKS, having been used in several shootings, remains legal due to many Indigenous people using the rifle for hunting, however, a decision on the firearm is expected to come by February before the next phase of the “buyback” program.

“We want to reflect on this over the coming weeks,” said LeBlanc.

Pierre Poilievre, the opposition conservative leader, called the announcement a “stunt” by Trudeau’s government that attacks “licensed & law-abiding hunters and sport shooters.”

Tracey Wilson of the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights (CCFR) says that liberals have learned nothing over their eight-year-long attempt to confiscate guns.

“This is typical Liberal Party divide-and-conquer politics, they know they are out of time and Canadians are out of money… They know the Tories will repeal it all in less than 10 months. They haven’t used an Order in Council to deal with the daily violence plaguing Canada, no action on repeat violent offenders, no response to the pleas of law enforcement. Nothing.”

She continued, criticizing the government for summarily banning guns via orders-in-council rather than legislation.

“The liberals have normalized the subversion of Canada’s democratic process for their own political maneuvering,” said Wilson.

But what does Wilson mean when she says “they are out of time?” The amnesty period for the new measures ending on October 30, 2025, falls 10 days after the mandated day for the next federal election, and conservatives believe that Canadians have had enough of the liberal government. 

Nicolas Johnson, a policy analyst and thegunblog.ca editor says he’s not aware of a single gun owner who has any intention to hand over their legally purchased firearms.

“The liberals have no idea how to execute their confiscation fantasy, no money to pay for it, and no way to enforce it … The liberals are appearing increasingly weak, desperate, and extreme with this latest measure,” Johnson told the Toronto Sun.

Johnson’s sentiment echoes the unpopularity of previous attempts by the Trudeau liberals to apply blanket bans on firearms. In 2022, Canadian liberals quietly tabled a pair of amendments to their gun control bill that would have outlawed legal rifles used daily by hunters and sport shooters after massive blowback from those groups and First Nations, a move described by the opposition Tories as a “humiliating climb-down” for Trudeau.

Ultimately the Canadian left is much like their counterparts here in America. They will throw spaghetti at the walls to see if they can get anything to stick, with reckless abandon for wasting taxpayer resources and shifting focus away from the best interests of their constituents. Perhaps Canada is headed for a reckoning similar to what we experienced in America’s 2024 presidential election. One thing is for certain. All the government saber-rattling is losing its teeth as the people seem increasingly fed up. 

117 thoughts on “Canada Bans 324 More Types Of Firearms, Plans To Give The Guns To Ukraine”

    • dear canadian leader justin truedodo…Worldwide Historical Analogies Confirm Gun Control is an Insane Agenda Rooted in Racism and Genocide. That means you need serious mental help…Otherwise you pathetic sick pos hang a noose and swastika on the doors of the Parliament of Canada.

        • He sure did put a stop to those truckers with their barbecues and bouncy houses for the kids.

          The truckers thought they had the right to peacefully assemble. But they forgot that they didn’t have a constitution or bill of rights.

          Our best hope would be to just conquer Canada. I call dibs on Toronto.

  1. heres how its gone so far:

    Justin Trudeau: “We are going to take your guns. Post office is gonna collect them or the police or the military.”

    Canadians: “Oh yeah? Here, hold my beer.”

    Justin Trudeau: “We are gonna buy back your guns.”

    Canadians: “Oh yeah? Here, hold my beer.”

    Justin Trudeau : “We just banned your guns and have a mandatory buy back. We don’t trust you Canadian citizens so were gonna send them to Ukrainian’s we don’t know.”

    Canadians: “Oh yeah? Here, hold my beer. Wait…you don’t trust your own citizens but want to arm citizens of another country 😂”

        • Yes. And that will be regarded as good by some people of Syria. Though I doubt the new government will protect religious minorities as the Assaad government did. Women are going to have it worse too. Which is not to say that the authoritarian government of Assaad is all goodness and light, any more than Gaddafi was in Libya. But as happened in Libya, things are about to get a whole lot worse for a lot of people there.

      • Really you should take note.

        Just like you, the dictator of Syria is a Russian puppet and Russia was unable to protect him.

        Yep, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth in Canada regarding firearms, but the Canadians’ overall standard of living is much higher than the United States and the people will balance the issue and realize the wisdom of the plan.

        In fact, many Canadians were surprised at how willing MAGA Americans are willing to give up their lives for Donald Trump as he cuts their Medicare and Medicaid benefits while supporting the healthcare CEOs who are making obscene profits on the misery of Americans.

        There’s a reason Canadians have a lower infant mortality rate and a longer life expectancy than Americans, perhaps this comment may shed some light upon the issue:

        “I’m in Canada.
        Years back my dad had a heart attack. He got rushed to the hospital, had a quadruple bypass, had to stay in the hospital for a couple of months to recover, full suite of meds, rehab, etc…
        The only thing we had to pay was parking when we drove to the hospital to visit (and a monthly pass was $20).“

        “Average life expectancy for a newborn in the U.S. was 78.8 years, well below neighboring Canada (82.3 years) and nearly all other high-income countries.“

          • “what’s the matter Miner49er… “

            Now there is an intelligent response, answers directly the issues presented in my comment.
            Your rebuttal has given us much to think about as we consider the intelligent points you’ve made, thank you!

          • so answer the actual question I asked instead of cherry picking to see more BS. so here it is again for you.

            what’s the matter Miner49er… Kamala not giving you enough joy lately?

        • Are usually respond to Sauls.
          I will Say that I am a medicaldoctor in South Florida and we have many, many Canadians coming here for health care.
          In Canada for routine procedures, like cataract surgery and having an MRI is measured in months.
          I cannot tell you how many come here and just pay to have a procedure done rather than waiting a year or so in Canada.
          During The winter tourist season, our Surgery Center is inundated with these Canadian patients.

          • “I am a medicaldoctor… “


            “In Canada for routine procedures, like cataract surgery and having an MRI is measured in months“

            Even if that claim were true, the surgery would be free.

            Here in the United States, most personal bankruptcies are because of medical bills:

            “These were people who were facing large and unexpected out-of-pocket costs for health care. And, finally, according to the article, sixty-two (62%) of the two million personal bankruptcies filed each year are the result of medical debt.“

            Because of the stranglehold big Pharma has, drug prices in the United States are 350% higher than in Canada:

            “The ratio of prices in the United States to Canada was 3.57, which indicates that the prices of patented drugs in the United States were more than three and a half times higher than in Canada.”

            And if Canada’s healthcare system is so bad, why do Canadians live longer and have healthier lives than Americas?

            “Average life expectancy for a newborn in the U.S. was 78.8 years, well below neighboring Canada (82.3 years) and nearly all other high-income countries.”

            Let’s see, almost 5 more years life expectancy in Canada, plus healthcare is free.

            Just another one of those terrible social democracies.

          • So Miner49er, when can expect you surrender your U.S. citizenship and immigrate Canada to become a Canadian citizen, eh?

            Maybe you can get some help for your mental illness in Canada.

          • What in the backflipping fuck does the Canadian Healthcare system have to do with their egregious gun control action?
            I mean, if you want to give up the majority of your gun rights, you can always just move up there. Considering how hard you rail against stuff, along with your schitzo babbling about Trump, you should just make that leap.

        • Canada has none of those things. They also kill the undesirables. People come to my city in the USA by the hundreds to receive life saving treatments they had been waiting years for in Canada. Miner49er you obviously know nothing about this.

        • miner. Still not smart or self aware enough to figure out why the fascist left lost biggly in this election.

          And he’s doubling down so that 26 and 28 will be more losses for them.

          miner, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You are worth your weight in gold to conservatives. Bless your heart.

        • But yet, Canadians by the tens of thousands trek to the USA for their health care.
          For every positive story of health you can cite in Canada, there’s probably a thousand horror stories.
          I also noticed you didn’t mention how much in taxes these Canadians have to pay for their “free” health care.

          • “But yet, Canadians by the tens of thousands… “

            “Tens of thousands” you say… How does that compare with 1.4million Americans traveling abroad for medical care:

            “The U.S.-based group Patients Beyond Borders estimated that 1.4 million Americans traveled abroad for medical service in 2016, based on a combination of data from foreign governments and surveys of U.S. medical centers, hospital networks, and clinics.[10] That estimate, though, includes primarily elective services. Roughly 50 percent travel to Mexico or Costa Rica for dental work, and 15 percent to the same countries for cosmetic surgery.“

            Amazing, the data shows approximately 700,000 Americans travel to Mexico every year.

            You folks say the cartels run Mexico, I guess that means the cartels are better at managing the healthcare system.

        • You haven’t seen the updated stats from their unchecked replacement migration or progressive equitable medical care yet have you? Well good luck with Canada, at this point Mexico is starting to look better if your ignorant white ass had to flee the US.

        • Funny, before COVID, there was a BOOMING business in Washington State, driven by all the Canadians that COULD NOT get things like knee and hip replacements, CAT/MRI scans for diagnosis, and other so called “elective” procedures done.

          Yeah, tell that to the patient that can NO LONGER walk because their joints have degraded.

          Tell that to the person that needs a colonoscopy and can’t schedule one for a year…

          And now, in Canada, if you are simply homeless, you can qualify for MAID..

          I think that so called life expectancy number may be heading for a nose dive.

          Milei was right. Socialism is a “phenomenon that creates poverty”.

  2. Author Jonah Goldberg got it from comedian George Carlin. Carlin said the next fascism, will with a smile on it’s face. And in the 21st century it has a pretty face too.

    At least the female and gay voters in Canada think so.

    • At the beginning of 2024, Trudeau had a lower approval rating than Puppet Joe which was already below 40%. It’s amazing how easy it has been to fool people into voting for these awful candidates. The Nov 2024 election of Trump was proof that at least some people realized that they were lied to.

      • I never got a chance to vote for writer Patrick Buchanan when he ran all those years ago. He certainly didn’t have a pretty face. And he was not a f.a’sci-s.t as so many wrongly called him.

        Unfortunately people were fooled by the Left about him too. Buchanan was an “America First” guy before it became popular.

        Maybe the Canadians will wake up and get rid of this liberal f’a.sci-s.t.

        Hopefully, Donald Trump will inspire the voters from all around the world. It happened the last time he was elected.

      • “It’s amazing how easy it has been to fool people into voting for these awful candidates.”

        I’m convinced the leftist propaganda media is worth at least 10 points in any given election. I don’t think a single Democrat after Bill Clinton could have won national office otherwise.

        Hopefully that’s going to change now that everyone can clearly see how the legacy media shamelessly lies for the left every chance they get:

        “Joe Biden has never been more at the top of his game.”
        “I will not pardon Hunter.”
        “The economy is great.”
        “Kamala Harris will easily win this election with vibes, joy, and brat energy.”

        • “There won’t be any inflation.”
          “You won’t get Covid with the vax.”
          “You won’t spread Covid with the vax.”
          “This experimental drug has zero negative side effects.”
          “Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinformation.”
          “There is no border crisis. The border is secure.”
          “The border crisis is Trump’s fault.”
          etc. etc.

          I’m convinced the leftist propaganda media is worth at least 10 points in any given election.

          Now do skewed search engine results and shadow banning. Those are worth millions of votes.

          • The big difference now is the internet is open to everyone. The Left no longer controls what we see or who we can talk to.

            “They” made a seriously major mistake. Giving Donald Trump the Apprentice TV show. That is why he is again to become President.

            It was free advertisement for a future presidential republican candidate. It’s just that the democrats didn’t know it.

            I really wish Chase Oliver had been on the Joe Rogan podcast. Just like Trump. That way the entire world would get to know, just what a “libertarian” really is.

          • “Giving Donald Trump the Apprentice TV show. That is why he is again to become President.“

            Yes, in many respects you are correct.

            Through the Hollywood magic of a scripted ‘reality’ show they were able to turn a trust-fund baby rich kid failure into a ‘successful businessman’ by carefully avoiding any mention of his multiple business failures and SA allegations.

            The scripted TV show made possible many of his business frauds, Trump University is an excellent example. He defrauded folks, was called to account, and paid $25 million to those who had believed his lies.

          • “The big difference now is the internet is open to everyone. The Left no longer controls what we see or who we can talk to.”

            The problem is, they still control the narrative because they control most of the tech platforms. When young people (and even older people now) want to know the answer to something, they ask google, YouTube, or various AI’s, all of which use skewed results to favor the Left. It’s a miracle that they no longer control twitter X. Control of twitter helped them to win the 2020 election by censoring Hunter’s laptop.

          • dude
            It is said that “one man” can make a difference.

            And that one man certainly is Elon Musk. Musk is the first atheist as far as I’m concerned, that really does support the 1st amendment.

            And Musk is one of the very few of the rich, who will actually support the Bill of Rights.

            I don’t use the term “freedom of speech.”

            That is the language of the anti-civil rights libertarians, liberals, and leftists. They have never ever supported the 1st amendment.

            And there is a difference between saying, “I support freedom of speech.”

            Instead of saying “I support the 1st amendment.”

            When the Apprentice TV show was on. Donald Trump was a registered Democrat. So yes he got a TV show. The democrats were happy to have that show on the air.

            But a registered republican would not get a TV show. Unless they were, and stayed in, the closet.

            That is the difference Miner49er. As I’ve said before. The three L’s have never ever supported the 1st amendment.

      • “They may want to look to Syria for the answer“

        Yes, Putin’s inability to save one of his puppet client-states is good news, this is just another Russian military failure added to his list of incompetent military adventurism as he attempts to rebuild the USSR in quest of the greater glory of the lost Imperial Russian empire.

        • “Regime change in [Iran] is good news.”
          “Regime change in [Egypt] is good news.”
          “Regime change in [Libya] is good news.”
          “Regime change in [Afghanistan] is good news.”
          “Regime change in [Iraq] is good news.”
          “Regime change in [Latin America] is good news.”
          “Regime change in [Ukraine] is good news.”
          “Regime change in [Syria] is good news.”

          I’ll take how many lives has the CIA ended for $1,000.

          Also, how has this made my life better in America? How many medical procedures could we have paid for instead?

  3. Sucks to be a Canadian.

    Should have emigrated while it was still possible to the USA.

    Too bad for those stuck behind the Iron Curtain now.

    • As a Minnesotan, I myself don’t want to let any more C(an)ucks across our border with Kanadastan, we already are at our limit.

    • “Sucks to be a Canadian“

      Only if you crave a life of misery and an early death, otherwise Canada ain’t that bad compared to the United States:

      “Canadians live longer, healthier than Americans: study
      By Reuters
      April 28, 20107:02 PM EDT

      By Walden Siew
      NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) – Canadians live about three years longer and are healthier than Americans, and the lack of universal healthcare in the United States may be a factor, researchers said on Wednesday.
      In a study published in BioMed Central’s journal Population Health Metrics they said Canadians can expect to live until 79.7 years of age, versus 77.2 years for Americans.
      A healthy 19-year-old Canadian can expect to have 52 more years of perfect health versus 49.3 more years for Americans.“

      • So Miner49er, when can expect you surrender your U.S. citizenship and immigrate Canada to become a Canadian citizen, eh?

        • Yeah, Minor, you like Canada, you should go there. Once the guns are all in Ukraine, you will be safe.

          Until we decide to conquer it. Because…oh, somebody has to say it!

          No guns. And no Constitution to protect with guns. And no guns!

          • “Until we decide to conquer it.”

            I would point out that the track record shows Canada doesn’t have much to fear.

            After all, it was armed forces from Canada that burned the White House and the United States Capitol, and the United States had no affective response. Frankly, we were fortunate that the British empire had other issues to worry about at the time.

      • Life expectancy generally rises as you get further from the Equator. Homicide rates, like temperature, tend to decrease as you get further from the Equator.

        Much of the US is subtropical. None of Canada is subtropical.

        Why not stick with apples to apples and compare the Northern Tier of the US to the Southern Tier of Canada?

        Just a rhetorical question.

        • “compare the Northern Tier of the US to the Southern Tier of Canada?“

          OK, great idea!

          Montana and Saskatchewan share a border on the 49th parallel, that should be a valid comparison:

          Life expectancy in Montana: 75.8

          Life expectancy in Saskatchewan: 78.5

          Amazing, Saskatchewan isn’t at the top of the list compared to other Canadian provinces and yet old folks still live 3 years longer than in deep red Montana.

          That Republican state government is really working out for the elderly in Montana…

          • … life expectancy in Montana : 75.8
            … life expectancy in Sask. : 78.5

            Cool story bro, now include First Nations, Inuit, and Metis in your numbers.
            Nevermind, as your math is bullshit anyway … ” Canadians can expect to live to 79.9 years of age ” you told us up above, then that a ” 19 year old Canadian can expect to live another 52 years ” (71), or less than the average Montanan. We all know that you can lie right along with your hero Bidumb with a straight face, but could you at least wash the shit off of your fingers after pulling numbers out of your ass like that?

          • Yeah, it’s funny that every time miner jumps to a conclusion, he ends up landing in another cow flop. That’s leftist logic for you.💩

          • Life is not a bowl of cherries, nor is it the pits. The pits will break your teeth, and the cherries give you the shits.

            Yet he picks them anyway. Shocker.

            I suspect he discarded MN and Manitoba.

      • So what Miner? Who the hell cares about how long Canadian’s live? It’s irrelevant to the discussion, much like your prattling.

        But hey, if you move to Canada, you can legally off yourself! Good for all!

          • “because it isn’t a person“

            I must say, rumors that I am not an actual human are greatly exaggerated.

            Sadly, I am all too human, as recent events made painfully clear.

            We were taking advantage of some really good weather here, doing a little sparring out on the deck and I managed to completely flip my big toenail all the way back. Nothing but red meat under there.

            So now I’m hobbling around for a week or two until the toenail falls off, painfully aware of my human frailty.

          • “So now I’m hobbling around…”

            Ok, that explains it. Pain meds make me feel good too, the few times I’ve used them. Expansive. No smarter, but less inhibited.

            I wish you a speedy recovery.

    • Ross, here’s a news item you may find interesting:

      “Trump aims to end birthright citizenship, says American citizens with family here illegally may be deported
      President-elect Donald Trump, in an exclusive interview with “Meet the Press,” also said he is open to working with Democrats on a legislative way to keep Dreamers in the U.S.

      Dec. 8, 2024, 9:00 AM EST
      By Allan Smith
      President-elect Donald Trump said in an interview with “Meet the Press” moderator Kristen Welker that “you have no choice” but to deport everyone who is illegally in the U.S., including possibly removing the American citizen family members of those deported.

      Trump also said he will move to end birthright citizenship — long enshrined in the 14th Amendment of the Constitution — which would strip rights from those born in the country to undocumented parents.“

      • MajorLiar,

        Glad you raised that, MajorIdiot. So, you are one of those who believes in the magic (illegal) border crossing to confer citizenship? Chinese, etc. “birth tourism” to give their children “citizenship” status is totes OK with you?? (Oh, and . . . coincidentally, of course . . . give themselves and the rest of their ILLEGAL immigrant family an anchor baby!)

        And that is of a piece with your touting of the Canadian (and British) health care. According to you, and your fellow Leftist/fascists, EVERYWHERE is better than the US . . . which makes it passing strange that the US is the ONLY country that people frequently and willingly risk death to enter (illegally). The Canadians and the Brits can provide “free” health care only by virtue of taxing their citizens into poverty (as Senile Joe and Kamal-toe the Ho were intent on doing), allowing OUR pharmaceutical and medical industries to do all the heavy lifting and incur all the development costs of new drugs treatments (a simple look at the US Patent Office data base would prove that to even an idiot . . . well, probably not YOU, but MOST idiots). And you NEVER addressed the known fact, raised to you MULTIPLE times above in this very thread, that Canadians FLOCK to the US for cutting-edge health care that they CAN’T ACCESS in Canada. Oh, and don’t forget the fact that those useless tw*ts can pay for their “universal healthcare” ONLY because WE pay for their defense.

        Canada and Britain, COMBINED, couldn’t successfully invade Alaska, let alone CONUS . . . if the US chose to invade Canada, the “battle” would be over by lunchtime; Britain would take slightly longer, just because we have to sail to get there. If you love Canada, and/or Britain, and/or France so much? GTFO!!! I guarantee you you won’t be missed. In fact, I bet the commenters on this site would be willing to chip in to pay your (one way) ticket TFO, as long as you promised to renounce your citizenship on the way out the door. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. “Stand not upon the order of thy going, but GO.” The Bard of Avon was quite insightful, wasn’t he??

        If we DO convince MajorLeftist to GTFO, I’ll buy the beers!! Don’t go away made, MajorIdiot, just . . . GTFO. Bye! Ciao! Arreviderci! Adios!! Be seeing you (but not if I see you, first)!! Guarantee you won’t be missed, here (or anywhere else). Of course, you would have to deal with the problem that the Canucks are waking up, and Castreaucescu is about to get ROUNDLY bounced out by a huge majority of the Canadian voters, Keir Starmer’s coalition is falling apart faster than one of your “arguments” and most European countries are coming to realize the actual costs of their uncontrolled importation of semi-civilized, 7th-Century religious fascists. It would be funny as hell to watch you haul your worthless @$$ to Canada, only to watch Pierre Polievre institute up in Canada all the reforms Trump is promising for the US.

        The only thing you are consistent about, MajorLiar, is you stupidity.

        Nice chat! Don’t let me delay your packing.

        If you

    • “Canada should have become the 14th colony“

      You would have a hard time convincing Canadians it would be better to be in the United States, they enjoy their universal healthcare system which results in longer life for their elderly folks:

      “Canadians live longer, healthier than Americans: study
      By Reuters
      April 28, 20107:02 PM EDT

      By Walden Siew
      NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) – Canadians live about three years longer and are healthier than Americans“

      • So Miner49er, when can expect you to surrender your U.S. citizenship and immigrate to Canada to become a Canadian citizen, eh?

      • Like all the dimwit troll posts, his drivel on Canada’s Socialist medical system is BS. They, however, can escape it and come to the US for unrationed/available medical care.

        h ttps://www.heritage.org/health-care-reform/report/how-socialized-medicine-hurts-canadians-and-leaves-them-worse-financially

        h ttps://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/primary-care-canada-10-000-canadians-report-1.7125990

      • Implying that the only thing that affects life expectancy is a health care system? How about the garbage that way too many people eat, causing them to walk around with way too much extra weight? That’s a personal decision, no matter where you live.

      • My friend in Canada can’t get his sick grandfather admitted to the hospital right now because of their ridiculous bureaucracy. I’m surprised they haven’t suggested (you know what) to him yet.

        Also, nice headline from 14 years ago.

      • Miner, I have hade occasion to visit the Mayo Clinic three times in 2024. You wanna know what I had the hardest time trying to find there?…. an open parking spot for my jeep among all of the Motorhomes with Canadian plates clogging up the lots. Seems like the Canuks that have a choice vote with their wallets. That says alot about the quality of their socialized medicine back home

      • Canada’s ‘Doctor Death’ Has Killed Hundreds Of Patients And Counting.

        “One doctor has murdered more than 430 patients — not counting unborn babies. She is still practicing this twisted ‘medicine. …

        The doctor operates an abortion mill in Vancouver, called the Willow Clinic, where she also performs assisted suicides. In Canada, this practice of doctors killing their patients is called ‘medical assistance in dying,’ or MAID.

        Canada legalized MAID in 2016, revising criminal code to let doctors kill their patients. Officials updated the law in 2021, REMOVING THE REQUIREMENT THAT A PATIENT’S DEATH BE FORESEEABLE. Groups like Dying With Dignity Canada have since been pushing to expand the euthanasia program to ‘mature minors,’ and parliament has been debating the issue.

        The doctor said killing people is her favorite part of the job.

        The typical MAID process seems deceptively peaceful. A doctor uses three chemicals to kill the patient, administering Midazolam, a sedative; propofol, which induces a coma and stops breathing; and rocuronium or cisatracurium, muscle paralytics. The medications render the patient unconscious and paralyzed, creating a morbid illusion of calm — though the patient is under respiratory arrest.

        h ttps://thefederalist.com/2024/12/06/canadas-doctor-death-has-killed-hundreds-of-patients-and-counting/

        Canadian medicine, adhering to the U.N.’s population reduction goal anyway they can.

        • Canadian medical care is a single-payer system, and not a socialized medicine system. In Canada, the people still pay for the private health insurance behind it no matter if they want to or not, even if they already have their own private insurance they still pay for this single-payer system though taxes. The insurance behind it manages the government program through proxy of the government plan. Its the Canadian version of the U.S. medicaid system, Canada does it by a single funding point (which pays the insurance behind it) of general taxation where in the U.S. medicaid is funded by federal and state government jointly from taxes.

          The Canadian medical care is a single-payer system where the insurance is paid for through a government plan that pays for the private insurance behind it through general taxation. Instead of doctors billing a private insurance company or patients directly, they bill the government plan (which is really the insurance behind the plan).

        • Isn’t it amazing, even with all this so-called ‘murdering’ by doctors, Canadians still live 3 to 4 years longer than Americans.

          It seems you are in favor of the United States ‘nanny government’, that forces you to stay alive in pain even after one would wish to end the suffering.

          That right there is the ultimate expression of government control, forcing you to live out a painful existence rather than seek the solace of a dignified death.

          • Sigh corn syrup and gang crime you disingenuous propagandist. Compare the non Hispanic white to non Hispanic white and the numbers are largely interchangeable.

          • Asians in America earn more money and live longer than anyone, despite our healthcare system and white supremacy holding all non-whites down. Asian supremacy??

            P.S. When are democrats going to sound the alarm bell over women living much longer than men? Fight the matriarchy?

          • “Compare the non Hispanic white to non Hispanic white and the numbers are largely interchangeable“


            “non Hispanic white to non Hispanic white“

            Of course those numbers would be interchangeable, it’s the same group, dementia flaring up today?

          • Jeebus, MajorIdiot, even YOU can’t be so stupid to not realize that he was referring to comparisons of those demographic groups in each country under discussion???

            [(LampOfDiogenes facepalming.) ” . . . even you can’t be so stupid . . . ” Why YES, Lamp!! Yes, he can be that stupid!!!]

            Or is he just being a deliberately obtuse pr*ck??? Inquiring minds want to know.

          • You didn’t understand the link.


            “It seems you are in favor of the United States ‘nanny government’, that forces you to stay alive in pain even after one would wish to end the suffering.”

            100% false. There is nothing the U.S. government does that “forces you to stay alive in pain even after one would wish to end the suffering.” If that were true there would be no states with assisted suicide or no prohibitions against assisted suicide. In fact, there are 25 states where although they do not have a specific law allowing it they also have no law against it and its legal to do, and there are 9 states with specific laws permitting it.

            Canada also euthanizes more mentally ill people, under their MAID programs calling it ‘assisted suicide’, than any other country in the world, without their true informed consent. And doctors like that in the link provided, bend the rules and skit the law to do it knowing they didn’t have consent in reality. Like the doc said in the link I gave ‘killing people is her favorite part of the job’, and that seems to be the same opinion and practices of a lot of those docs.

            And they also use procedures to do it for all of their ‘patients’ that despite the outward appearance of calm is actually having the person die in agony as they are in respiratory arrest. And its the same procedures thing for executions that human rights groups have decried as ‘cruel and unusual and inhumane’.

            Canadian medicine, adhering to the U.N.’s population reduction goal anyway they can and the docs having fun doing it too.

          • Miner, your toe must be killing you by now. If you were Canadian, I’m sure you’d have no problem convincing one of The Great White North’s versions of Dr.Kavorkian to give you a little something to release you from your podiatric prison.
            Alas, your not.

          • MajorMoron,

            So you are making it manifest that you have no actual intellectual or logical argument, so your response to that is to . . . be a deliberate pr*ck of an obtuse moron??? You can’t respond to anyone’s SUBSTANTIVE point, so you revert to being a grammar Nazi????

            You are so effing pathetic, MajorLoser, that I can’t even feel sorry for you . . . you EARNED every bit of scorn and mockery we give you. Don’t go away mad, MajorLoser, just go TF away. We will NOT miss you.

          • Minor, in YOUR haste to make someone’s comment look bad, you proffer a comment that is so poorly constructed that it is practically gibberish – ” I was alas your not “.
            I think that even YOU’RE not going to have a problem with figuring out ” All Ass, you are. “

  4. What Santa’s Bringing for Boys and Girls Behind Enemy Lines in Canada This Year.

    h ttps://www.shootingnewsweekly.com/gun-nation/what-santas-bringing-for-boys-and-girls-behind-enemy-lines-in-canada-this-year/

    • It is so ironic that Canada’s gun ban was caused by the toxic masculinity of a ‘responsible’ male gun owner:

      “Mass shootings are relatively rare in Canada, but the newly announced measures come on the eve of the 35th anniversary of the École Polytechnique in Montreal shooting, where a gunman killed 14 women before killing himself. The Ruger Mini-14 used by the gunman, Marc Lepine, was among the weapons included in the 2020 ban.”

      • “It is so ironic that Canada’s gun ban was caused by the toxic masculinity of a ‘responsible’ male gun owner:”

        and without irony you lie agian.

      • No, the gun ban was caused by a phag prime minister who, just like the leftists in the US, will do nothing about actual crime but attempt to punish the law-abiding.

        • The leftists are trying to bring chaos to the masses, in the hopes that the masses will give up on freedom and liberty, and ask their great overlords to just fix it for us.

          And Minor will be first in that line.

          Just remember; Soylent Green is made of people.

          That means that the leftists won’t fix it; they’ll just make you into food. Go on, google it. There have been some recent articles suggesting that we make people into food so that we can cut down on the damage to the planet while also rapidly decreasing the population.

          • “suggesting that we make people into food“

            Even if history doesn’t always repeat itself, it usually rhymes:

            “The phrase is commonly attributed to political philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, from a quote first popularized during the French Revolution: “When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich”.

            Mmmm, because if their rich diet, wealthy folks might be rather tasty being well marbled.


            “Eat the rich, eat the rich
            Don’t you know life is a bitch
            Eat the rich, eat the rich
            Out of the palace and into the ditch“

  5. What a bunch of pussies. Seriously, ever hear of civil war ? It’s bad enough we are giving our grandkids future away to Ukraine by the billions , just try with our guns. Hell the ammo manufacturers like Ammo inc gave a million rounds. Driving out prices up.
    wake up people.

  6. I love my Mini 14 but it ain’t gonna win any wars. When the hell is the election gonna happen up north? Ole Pierre is chompin at the bit.

  7. A note on “Marc Lepine.” He was of Algerian Muslim extraction and his name at birth was Gamil Gharbi. As Mark Steyn pointed out most recently on December 6, 2024, in Canada feminists and other progressives have turned Gharbi’s murderous actions into “an atrocity that taints all men and for which all men must acknowledge their guilt.” So it is not surprising that Gharbi–under his faux Quebecois name, of course–figures prominently in the government’s justifications for gun confiscation.

  8. Ukraine wants bodies, they got enough weapons, president biden made sure of that.
    Wonder where the USA would spend all the money if it wasnt propping up other people’s wars?
    A moose can be killed with a 203 what more do them Canadians want any way.
    I say C, I say A, I say N, I say A, I say Deee, I say I, I say A, I say Nnnn.

    Canadian Woman, stay away from me.

    • The Puppet’s been busy over the past month handing out billions outside of the USA, and I’m not even talking about Ukraine. How many Americans could have their cancer treatments paid for with $4 billion? Pro-healthcare democrats are such a joke. They’d rather spend that money on child labor and anti-environmental practices abroad than healthcare at home.

  9. Gun Control Group Exploits Assassination Of United Health Care CEO to Push Anti-Suppressor Agenda.

    (Colion) “One of the largest Gun Control groups, Everytown, is at it again—this time exploiting the tragic shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson to push their anti-suppressor agenda.

    They’re spinning this incident to make suppressors sound like tools for assassins, ignoring the reality of what actually happened and how suppressors genuinely work.

    In this video, I break down the misinformation:

    Why the shooter wasn’t using the “whisper-quiet assassin gun” Everytown claims.
    How suppressor malfunctions, not Hollywood myths, explain what we saw.
    The truth about suppressors—they’re safety devices that reduce harmful noise levels, not silence gunfire.

    Everytown knows suppressors are about protecting hearing, not enabling crime. But they don’t care because this isn’t just about suppressors—it’s about their ultimate goal of disarming law-abiding Americans. ”

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqkIuDQfQVg

        • You aren’t kidding, even the student groups aren’t turning out the radicals in any meaningful numbers for males under 50. Plenty of screechy females of any age but not many of anything able to weird a club to any effective standard up here. Wild how different it is compared to 5 years ago.

  10. I’ll take a BLM, large coffee and order of hash browns to go please.
    Yes, salt and ketchup, no cream thank you.

  11. Daniel Penny not guilty of criminally negligent homicide in subway chokehold case.

    h ttps://www.msn.com/en-us/crime/general/daniel-penny-not-guilty-of-criminally-negligent-homicide-in-subway-chokehold-case/ar-AA1vxOfE

  12. I’m convinced Miner49er is actually a far right MAGA plant. There’s no way even the dumbest of leftists believe what he believes. He’s clearly just acting a parody designed to bring reasonable conservatives together.


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