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Muslim terrorist Michael Zehaf-Bibeau (courtesy

“An independent review done by the Ontario Provincial Police concluded that Michael Zehaf-Bibeau had been shot 31 times — 23 of which were serious, penetrating wounds,” reports Sounds to me like some of those serious penetrating wounds occurred after Zehaf-Bibeau was seriously dead. The Canadian paper focuses its story on the wound to the muslim terrorist‘s hand (although the words “terrorist” and “muslim” and “muslim terrorist” don’t appear once in the story) . . .

Michael Zehaf-Bibeau suffered a devastating bullet wound to the hand, which hindered his ability to load and aim his rifle during his assault on Parliament Hill, the Star has learned.

That crippling shot, fired by a Commons’ security officer, is believed to have saved lives by making it difficult for Zehaf-Bibeau to handle his rifle, said a source familiar with the investigation.

“That would have hampered reloading, even hampered him from lifting his rifle,” the source told the Star.

Evidence for this conclusion?

He tussled with Commons Constable Samearn Son at the building’s front door, firing his rifle and wounding the security officer in the leg.

Zehaf-Bibeau charged up the stairs to the rotunda, where he fired his rifle again. Commons security guards returned fire, striking Zehaf-Bibeau at least once, in the right chest.

As Zehaf-Bibeau ran down the Hall of Honour, security staff continued to fire in his direction. He was hit again, perhaps several times, including the wound to his hand. The bullet passed through the hand and “took out” everything in its path, the source said.

A blood trail started about midway down the hall that continued to an alcove just outside the Library of Parliament, where Zehaf-Bibeau made his final stand.

Though not fatal, the wound to the hand was significant, making it difficult, almost impossible for Zehaf-Bibeau to load and fire his rifle. That’s because the lever-action Winchester rifle he was using required him to pump a lever to reload after each shot.

Michael Zehaf-Bibeau's lever gun (courtesy the

Investigators found two of his .30-30 bullets on the floor, two more in his right coat pocket and a damaged bullet in his clothing. They surmise that Zehaf-Bibeau may have dropped the bullets as he fumbled with his wounded, bleeding hand to reload.

“It sure disabled him. He could have kept going,” the source told the Star.

All of which means that that Zehaf-Bibeau’s final ballistic perforation was, shall we say, authoritative. Too bad the unarmed guard cut down by the religious fanatic couldn’t have ended his killing spree before it began. You know, by being armed.

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  1. Strange how the security guards in Parliament are allowed to have guns to protect everyone there but the common citizen has severe restrictions on their guns. Why are the lives of the representatives in Parliament more important than the rest of the Canadian citizens?

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