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Canadian Woman Arrested In Texas For Stolen Guns Bound For Canada

Darwin Nercesian - comments 35 comments

A Leamington, Ontario, woman faces multiple charges after Texas deputies in Angelina County found stolen firearms, including a short-barreled rifle, and ammunition in her possession during a traffic stop.

According to the police, Jahtaya O’Day Jah-Kiara Hamilton’s Lyft ride from Houston, Texas, on Nov. 6 was stopped for speeding when, during the traffic stop, the sheriff’s deputy detected a strong odor of marijuana. After instructing Hamilton and the driver to exit the vehicle, deputies found both marijuana and two large bags in the trunk of the car which contained 20 semi-automatic pistols, a short-barreled rifle, magazines and ammunition.

The SBR found is said to be a .223 chambered AR-15, which has been falsely reported as a “prohibited weapon” of which possession “is a felony under state and federal law.” In truth, the rifle, which gains its classification as an SBR due to its barrel being shorter than 16 inches, is perfectly legal in Texas, and federally, as long as you apply for permission and pay the extortion, I mean tax, required to register that freedom. Sorry, I can not speak or type that without contempt.

Hamilton confirmed the bags were hers, according to police reports. Investigators allege the Ontario resident flew into Houston to acquire the firearms from an unknown source and intended to return to Canada. Hamilton was allegedly being transported by the Lyft driver to Little Rock, Arkansas, begging the question, how much was that ride?

Several of the pistols found have allegedly been reported stolen from the Houston area, leaving out the chance that Hamilton was some form of righteous crusader of inalienable rights as stealing people’s guns is a fine way to reach condemnation in the afterlife. Sheriff of Angelina County, Tom Selman, was elated that the firearms would not end up in the hands of criminals anywhere. 

“Illegal arms are valuable commodities and command large sums of money outside the U.S. and pose a clear danger to both civilians and law enforcement officers…The discovery of these stolen weapons has obviously prevented them from falling into the hands of criminals, dope dealers, human traffickers, and street gangs…Lives probably have been saved by these guns not finding their way to cities somewhere in the U.S. or Canada,” Selman said.

The Lyft driver was subsequently released, and there has been no mention as to whom the marijuana belonged to. 

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has taken over the investigation. 

35 thoughts on “Canadian Woman Arrested In Texas For Stolen Guns Bound For Canada”

    • @ Sound Awake

      It was the Lyft Driver was speeding, the person arrested was the passenger on the way to the airport.

      I can also see it as grounds to toss the search too. Its Houston which is a Deep Blue city like all the major cities in Texas.

        • if she was headed to the airport to fly these stolen guns to Canada, that’s even dumber than the rest of the story.

          Also, this did not happen in Houston. That would be Harris County.

          • Copy some of the guns were stolen from Houston. She got caught in Little Rock I feel much better about the chances of this person actually being prosecuted now.

  1. “Jahtaya O’Day Jah-Kiara Hamilton”

    LOL. McDonald, Lévesque, and Fitzgerald this person is not. The politicians in Canada have imported tens of millions from the third world to replace the old stock Whites, both English and French. And it was a conservative, Brian Mulroney, who threw open the floodgates.

    I don’t consider Canada a Western country, any more.

  2. Remember folks, the first lesson of smuggling is to not smell of illicit substances while you are doing the smuggling. Apparently this lady smoked away some brain cells.

  3. It was a set up.
    Don’t smoke weed and smuggle.
    If you were not required to fill out a government permission document you wouldn’t have to steal guns to smuggle.
    This woman is a hero, smuggling guns behind enemy lines to arm the Canadian partisans.
    When the Democrats fleeing Trump flood Canada those people are going to need every gun they can get.

  4. Speeding, and blatantly smoking/transporting a good deal of marijuana, AND transporting stolen goods bound for an international border. Simultaneously.

    Welp. I almost don’t care if it was the fruit of parallel construction.

    • she did break one law at a time.

      1. take posession of stolen guns.
      2. take posessiin of quanity of pot.
      3 execute plan to take stolen guns into Canada.

      her problem was, she kept each broken law in one place called ‘stupid’.

  5. ” The BATFE is taking over the investigation ” …..why?
    Marijuana isn’t classified as tobacco, and it’s too late to shoot the Lyft driver and passenger in an
    ” early morning raid “


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