Despite the supremacy of semi-automatic handguns, wheelguns are hardly extinct. Smith & Wesson and Ruger are still selling them in their tens of thousands. Kimber, Taurus and Charter Arms move plenty of them and Korth has infiltrated the top of the U.S. market. In the video below, you can see the best of the best revolver shooters show us how it’s done. Guess which gun they use? . . .

Like Ralph and the pros, I’m a Smith & Wesson weenie. I’m the proud owner of a four-inch pre-lock 686, an Airweight .38 snubbie, a 629 .44 Magnum snubbie, a Performance Center .38-only Model 67, a six-inch Model 19 from the early ’70’s and a multi-caliber 460XVR. And…a Gemini Customs Ruger SP101 (above).

The 686 is my favorite wheelgun. For me, it’s the revolver. What’s in your gunsafe? And which wheelgun’s your favorite?


    • When I separated from the Army in 1987 I went straight to a kitchen-table FFL in San Antonio about 2 miles from Ft. Sam and plunked down $280 of my separation pay (accumulated leave) for an S&W 686 with a 6″ barrel. I had an SP101 previously, and a Model 19, and a Charter Arms Undercover, but THIS was the pistol I had always wanted.

      It’s heavy as hell, but it is a sweet shootin’ son of a gun. Thirty years ago last May and I still love that pistol. I will never voluntarily give it up and I keep it at my desk where I can just look up from time to time and admire its classic beauty.

  1. My favorite is a pre lock performance center model 66 Fcomp. 3 inch compensated barrel, all steel. Shoots full power Magnums like 38s, and 38s like 22s.

  2. S&W 625 w/ JM grips and work done by Clarks Custom Guns (gold dot front, Bowen rough country rear, trigger job, extended firing pin, cylinder chamfer).

    I love .45ACP and moon clip revolver with a buttery smooth trigger…it’s like the 1911 of revolvers.

  3. S&W Performance Center R8 .357 mag. So much fun to shoot, accurate, and with a great single action trigger break.

    And it’s fun to spot it in movies and TV shows.

    • I second that.

      I love the 8 shot cylinder cut for moon clips, it shoots .38+P wonderfully, and it has both top and bottom rails for all of your Snake Plissken needs.

      All that, and it comes in black.

  4. S,R&Co. GP 100. But don’t make me choose between the 6″ and the 3″.

    I like the Blackhawks and Vaqueros a lot too.

    • Glad to see some Vaquero love. I have the SS 6 inch commemorative model with the imitation ivory grips and all in .45 Colt. It’s one of the few firearms I own without an actual purpose…it was a gift to me, but something I’d always wanted just for the fun of it, and if it weren’t so expensive isbwould be really fun to shoot, but as it is i don’t take it out much due to the price of ammo.

      However, I do have a Hollywood cartridge belt and quick draw holster for it. With a little practice it’s very doable to slap leather and shoot fast from the hip and still reliably get hits on torso sized objects out to about 3-4 yards.

      Recoil is negligible with cowboy action loads (which are still very adequate handgun rounds as things go), but the design, at least the slightly older ones like mine, can safely launch some monster loads, and the .45 Colt cartridge from a handgun has successfully been used to take the African ‘dangerous seven’.

      For me though it’s just a very cool object, or set of objects, with its gunbelt it shares with a gorgeous and fully functional custom one-of Arkansas tooth-pick with 11 inches of blade.

      It’s a plaything for certain, but still not really a toy.

      • The Vaqueros are one of those g uns that I’ve always wanted but haven’t got around to buying any yet. I’ve got a .44mag Blackhawk (2006 Anniversary flat top) and love that. Thought seriously about the .44 mag birds head they came out with a little while ago – polished stainless, 3-3/4″ barrel, made on the older, larger frame – something I’d actually carry. And I’d love a 5-1/2″ blued .357. Don’t have any .45 Colts, so I’d probably just stick with the magnums I’ve already got. Nice g uns.

  5. I am quite happy with my 5.25″ Nighthawk/Korth Mongoose – I wanted a steel gun about as mechanically and finishwise perfect as I could get – I am pretty sure I succeeded. Though the 4.2″ .327 SP101 I bought for my wife seems to be about as good as a revolver can get, practically speaking – I can’t say enough good about that gun.

    • The SP101 .327 Federal Magnum is one I would like to acquire. Nice gun, interesting caliber choices.

      • The 100gr GoldDots were superlative – 16-17″ in clear gel, near 100% retention, max diameter .67″ & minimum .64″. I can’t find my records of the velocities but they were fast. I pushed 50gr Lehigh eXtreme cavitators to 2300fps but the cases stuck and there were other pressure signs. I backed them off to 2,100fps and they seem fine. They only lost 3 or 4″ of penetration after passing through a IIIA codpiece. Recoil very manageable. It also got my wife, who hates automatics, into shooting and occasionally carrying. It also fits small to medium hands very well and uses all of the fingers.

      • The SP101 in .327 Federal kicks harder than just about anything else I’ve shot. Worse than my 101 in .357 magnum. It’s actually painful. Ouch!

        • Wow, we certainly have a difference of opinion there. What length is your barrel? With my wife’s 4.2″ the 100gr GoldDots recoiled enough to make fast follow ups a little bit slower but were not uncomfortable. The 50gr Lehighs, even at 2,100fps allow for fast follow ups – well as fast as a Barney Fife class dude like me can manage. My wife didn’t even say that she thought the recoil was bothersome with the GoldDots, and believe me when I say that she informs me when she finds something she doesn’t like.

    • I am quite happy with my 5.25″ Nighthawk/Korth Mongoose

      I’ll bet you are. Nice piece, APM.

  6. Well, I’d sure love a Korth or something in the crazy exotic/expensive genre…

    But my 4″ Smith & Wesson 686 -4 (pre-lock, pre-mim) Distinguished Combat Magnum is quite the gem. I bet if I put it up for sale at $1000, it would disappear rather quickly. People who own them aren’t selling them for a reason.

  7. My 1st gun. Which I still have. A S&W Model 66 Magna Ported DAO with a 2.5 inch barrel.

  8. In my house we have a few:
    1977 Model 67 4″, ex-police revolver from NJ, purchased used in 1993, from the Navy Arms company store in Martinsburg, WV. I put thousands of rounds through it. Last year I sent it off to the Performance Shop. If I could only have one gun, this would be it. Seriously. Set up with Underwood .38 125’s.
    1987 Model 686 4″, purchased new in 1989. This a Customs Services over-run, and is stamped such. This is my wife’s, and is set up for the Remington 110 .357, which is essentially the “Treasury Load”. This went to the Performance Shop with the 67.
    Ruger LCRX 3″ .38. This is theoretically my wife’s CCW. Sweet little revolver. Set up with the Hornady Critical Defense Lite 95’s.
    Ruger GP100 6″. Bulletproof. Set up for Underwood .357 125’s.
    Model 629 6″. Just bought this last year. This has the non lugged barrel. Another sweet little revolver. Set up with Underwood 240’s. Great combo. Could shoot this thing all day.

  9. Tuned Smith Model 13 3 inch bull followed by prelock tuned 681 4 inch until SIG 320 compact these were EDC for my large ass

  10. My wife and I both carry Ruger LCRs in 357. They are our favorites to shoot. Also have a GP 100 from about 1993 that is nice and I carry it some in the winter in a Galco shoulder system and a Colt SAA in 357 which dates to the 1970s that is a beautiful gun but not very useful. Also have a Browning BDA 380 from the early 1980s. Not much of a pistol person.

  11. You mean that there’s something else besides a 6″ blued Python? Will wonders never cease.

    • 6″ Python is nose heavy, I sold mine with a few hundred rounds thru it. Still have the spare 4″, bought because I could in 1973. The 4″ shooter I bought in 1969 I shot out the barrel and sold for 4x what I paid for it around 1992, but the spare has very few rounds thru it, will probably still be in the safe when I die, along with the Detective Spl I got in 1972 for my wife to carry (concealed is concealed).

  12. Ruger GP100 1991 4 inch stainless steel. I’ve shot it over 7,000 rounds through it probably five thousand of those 38 Special. 2000 of them full pressure 180 grain jacketed hollow-point 357 magnums. Gun still runs like a champ can’t even tell it’s used except for some holster wear where you get those shiny spots on the barrel and the side of the cylinder Edge because it’s not tapered for Carrie U like the newer style revolvers are.

  13. All of my 6 revolvers are single action clones, 4 of which are black powder cap and ball pistols. The best of the lot is a Pietta 1873 SAA with a 4.75″ barrel, with faux ivory grips that I made for it. Very slick action, shoots to point of aim.

  14. I have several S&W revolvers, all produced between the ’40s and early ’80s. Hard to pick a favorite. 4″ 686, and 6″ K17 top the list, 640 and 3″ HB M65 also near the top.
    Ruger DAs appear sturdy but trigger break is not as fine as S&W.
    The new Kimber snubby looks promising, time will tell.
    I prefer S&W’s cylinder latch to those of Colt and Ruger.

  15. Ive carried many revolvers over the years, my longest running one being a Australian police trade in 4 inch heavy barrel Mod 10 that I had cerakoted. Carried it regularly in an Alien Gear IWB holster. Just gave it to my step dad as a Father’s Day/bday gift. For the past year or so Ive been carrying an S&W 686 SSR, which has probably been the all around best revolver Ive had. I,also recently obtained one of the new 2.75 inch Model 66’s, and it carries exceptionally well.

  16. I only have one. My Ruger New Model Super Blackhawk in .44 Rem Mag. If I ever do get another one, I’m thinking S&W 26 or S&W 29. For a CC revolver maybe a Smith 649. But that’s just a wish list. Too damned bad good things cost so damned much!!!

  17. My first thought was my Python or Smith K22.
    But in retrospect, it’s the 1970 model 27 6″ .357 I borrowed from dad and carried it for over a year before I saved enough to buy my own.
    Back in the day, we had to buy our service revolvers. From an approved list.
    I even have the original receipt from when mom bought it for dad. $172.00.
    Kreske’s sporting goods in San Diego.

    • we had a pre- kmart s.s.kresge store where you could toss a dart at a bulletin board covered with balloons. the little scrap of paper released determined the price of your banana split. after you were finished eating.

      in ’83 i bought a ’70 3screw super blackhawk .44mag with magnaports. it remains my fave.

  18. I don’t do revolvers. But if I did, I would buy an old turn of the century (last century) top break safety revolver in 38 S&W (not special) or similar.

  19. Believe it or not I’d take a Nagant M1895

    I’m not a serious revolver fan myself. But I do have a love for a few certain designs. Like the Colt SAA, the Webly, or the old LeMate revolver from the Civil War era. But ultimately I found the Nagant. I always loved old cheap surplus guns and this one has both it’s own charm and unique feature of being able to be suppressed. That hard pull does take some getting used to as well as finding that weird ammo. But ultimately I still love it. :p

  20. Pride of place has to go to the Colt Single action Army manufactured summer of 1876 as a US marked 7 1/2″ and then remade in the 1890s with the 5 1/2″ barrel and bought from Bannermans by my Grandfather in 1905 for $7 (yes I have the letter)

    My collection has everything from a lemon squeezer ‘safety hammerless’ S&W .32 to a Colt .38 new police positive and things like a pre production Dan Wesson with 4 different barrels and 4 different grips from when he first started out.
    Oh and a pair of matched .45 colt Ruger New Vaquero SAA like that I shoot in SASS

    Lets not forget a selection of odd ball european revolvers including on Double action nickel plated .44 W.C.F. Frontier Army from Belgium with no maker indicated, and a few cap and ball reproductions from Italy like the Walker Colt and the Rogers and Spencer with the .45 colt cartridge conversion cylinder both used In SASS black powder matches.

  21. Revolvers rock. If I had to pick a favorite it would be the K frame. Any K frame will do.

    • I knew I liked you for some reason JWM. I like Model 10s, and the derivatives such as the model 64, which happens to be my first personal centerfire handgun. I have some K frame love.

  22. For some reason the neighbors at the range don’t appreciate Magnum cartridges lighting off next to them. Be it .357 from a Smith 627 or even worse, a .327 from a ported Smith 632… How can a diminutive J-frame make so much noise? ;-)…

    • First time I touched off a .44 mag round at an indoor range, the guy in the next lane peeked around the divider with a startled look on his face. Even with ear protection on, that noise just seemed to thump my whole body. It was much more enjoyable to shoot the magnum loads outside.

  23. mine and my grandfathers, both are ruger super blackhawk .44mag, his is vintage, mine is new model bisley. hope when that horrible day comes I am lucky enough to inherit his.

  24. 1964 Smith & Wesson model 19 2 inch….was grandpas gun when he was Chief of Police…when cops were real men.

      • When he retired all he had for issued equipment was a revolver a ithica shotgun and a call box key.
        When my dad started on the job, all he was issued was a nightstick a S&W .38 and a call box key.
        Funny story, when dad started the chief wanted everyone to carry the issued .38 PERIOD. My dad promptly went a block over to the gun shop and bought the same S&W in .45 auto rim (still has it,btw), the chief never had a clue.

    • Awesome story.
      I have an old British Bulldog in .450 Adams carried by my great-great grandfather as a deputy in Adams County, CO. I have his leather sap, as well. It’s worn pretty well out on the business end.

      • I have grandpas 6 inch baton….what a thumper…been in every vehicle I’ve ever owned. The 19 is the one gun I definatly will not sell.

  25. I have an original 586 but now that I am not trying to make the most magnum-y magnum loads, I think a 4 inch K frame would be better. I adore my 2 Pythons though. There’s nothing like them.

  26. I have one handgun, a revolver and I love it despite all of its shortcomings. It’s a Taurus 96 .38 Special revolver. It’s the only revolver I’ve ever shot. It’s old, it’s beat up, and it doesn’t lock up particularly tight. Accuracy is minute of bad guy at 10 yards with the cheapest ammo I could find. Despite being what most people (everyone?) would consider a piece of crap, the trigger is nicer than my buddies Sig Sauer P229. It’s butter smooth and crisp from two or three decades of breaking in from two or three previous owners. when I get a Smith and Wesson model 66 in 10 months it will be my favorite revolver. Until then my Taurus model 96 will be.

  27. My dad gave me his 6in colt trooper mkiii. Great condition and supremly accurate. 148 grain full house gold dots are a pleasant push. Not snappy at all. Plus you should see what one does to a feral hog. Its pretty awe inspiring.

  28. I only own a rossi snub nose 357, that I picked up used for a nightstand gun.
    But I want a s&w 586 with a 4 or 6 inch barrel and I wouldn’t mind a single action revolver.

  29. My favorite is my 686+ 3 inch which happens to be my EDC. If you can only have one handgun I’d argue its the one. A gun which will do most things well (to quote the Yankee Marshal).

  30. “Like Ralph and the pros, I’m a Smith & Wesson weenie.”

    Actually, I’m a serious, unrepentant, unapologetic, dyed-in-the-wool Smith weenie, and I can’t choose between the M686, the fabulous M625 and the glorious old-timer, the Model 10. The latter is probably the sweetest-shooting, most accurate .38Spl revolver that a normal person can afford.

    • I have a 10-5, left to me by my grandfather. Last time I went to the range my right thumb was in a splint so all my revolver fun was DA or off-hand. Groups were SO sweet and tight. That gun is better than the shooter.

  31. The Ruger SP101 .357 stainless was my first carry gun. Shot a cylinder full of the .357M ONCE… thought I might never use that hand again. Have put thousands of 38sp semi wadcutters through it since, and still carry it sometimes loaded with 38+P JHP rounds. I also have an old H&R .32 revolver, and a very old single shot that needs a tuneup for timing problems. Sold a Taurus .38 ultralight a few years ago. Had taken it in trade for some leather, but it was the nastiest thing I’d ever shot.

  32. S&W model 21, 44 special. 4″ barrel with fixed sights. I bobbed the hammer and added S&W rubber grips from a night guard. EDC in a Kramer IWB holster. Buffalo Bore ammo two reloads, Safariland comp 1 speed loaders. Superior accuracy and excellent ballistics.

  33. I show my 454 Casull to my friends, my S&W 686 to the home intruder, and my Ruger LCR to snakes in the field.

  34. Another vote for the Smith “K” frame here. I really want a TRR8, but have too many other hobbies. 🙂 That said, If I had to choose one it’d be the 2.5″ 66-5. Everyone bitches and moans about the MIMed parts but it hasn’t ever given me trouble and it’s a blast to shoot.

  35. Manurhin MR-73 Gendarmerie 4″ barrel. As accurate as a Python, action is smooth and light out of the box, same size as a K frame, able to handle sustained firing of magnum loads better than a GP100, fit and finish on par with a pre WW II Smith. After searching for ten years, I acquired one in the box without any importer’s markings. Shooting it with aftermarket Trausch grips installed is superlative. The factory wood grips are pretty but horribly uncomfortable with any load hotter than standard pressure .38 special.

  36. I like my new Model 69 Combat Magnum in .44 Mag. I shoot very accurately with it, possible because of the smooth trigger.

    I also like my Model 686 6-in. and my Model 649. Unfortunately, they all have the internal lock.

    Would like to find a Model 649 no-dash, pre-lock, pre-mim.

  37. A J-frame S&W Model 60-4. It’s a 3″ Model 60 with target sights and a full underlug. Looks like a mini-686 and shoots like a K-frame.

  38. By far and away, my favorite revolver is a Taurus Model 44 .44 Magnum in stainless steel with a 6.5 inch ported barrel and beautiful aftermarket rosewood grips. (It is the quintessential barbecue gun.)

    More importantly, it has a fantastic trigger (both single action and double action) and it is really easy to shoot. Between the weight (52 ounces), ported barrel, and incredible wood grips, recoil is no different than any other handgun.

    As for accuracy, a friend and I had no trouble hitting bowing pins at 50 yards shooting offhand!

    Say whatever you want about Taurus: this is a phenomenal revolver. Everyone who has seen it, held it, and dry-fired it has immediately offered me several hundred dollars to purchase it. It is that good.

    • mine is the 5″ ported barrel. They are sweet shooters. I have rubber grips on mine because I like stout loads. I just reloaded another 500 rounds.

  39. S&W 686 4″ or M57 6″ .41 mag. Depends on whether I’m feeling practical or sentimental.

  40. S&W 929 Performance Center “Jerry Miculek” 9mm. Buttah smooth DA, telekinetic SA, 8 rounds at 75 yards off sandbag rest that can be covered by the palm of my highly unskilled hand.

    Right useless for Carry, but for a $ grand and a handful of moonclips a wonderful piece of hardware.

  41. My 681 4″ stainless. Bought it from an old cowboy friend of mine in his last days. Has a lot of sentimental value.

  42. My favorite is my S&W 10-5, left to me by my grandfather. Serial number makes it Jan-Mar 1967 vintage. I’ll never turn loose of it, of course.
    I had a beautiful 686 that I traded away for something I didn’t like and don’t have anymore. Had an SP101 that I traded for something ELSE I didn’t like. My next firearm will be a wheelgun in .357 Mag. 686, or a snake gun if I could get one.

  43. I got my favorite revolver from my dad for Christmas when I was in high school at the peak of his mid-life crisis…before the divorce. All four of us boys got guns, even my mom (she never used it even though she had good reason to). Mine was a 6″ Colt Diamondback. Has always fit my hand perfectly, has the smoothest trigger I’ve ever used, and all 4 of my kids can shoot it well. Beautiful blued steel work of art.

  44. My “revolver phase” kinda happened during my “Ruger phase”. Hence another vote for the .454 Casull Alaskan. Figure it’ll go to my youngest, as he claims affection for “hand cannons”. This one definitely qualifies!

    But my wife’s nightstand hides a Crimson Trace equipped LCR in .38, I have multiple examples of Ruger’s old Security Six variants (most with the “200th Year” rollmark) and I LOVE shooting my little Bearcat .22! Bill Ruger certainly knew how to make tank tough revolvers at an affordable price.

  45. I have a Roger Security Six, 6 inch stainless, pachmyer rubber grips, orange front blade, some trigger work. And of course thousands of rounds through it. Won my first PPC match with it. Can hit golf balls or grouse at good distance. Shoot it DAO, locks up nice.

    Old but timeless for me. If I could have only one handgun this would be it. And I have plenty to choose from…

  46. my pre-war 6in k-22 Outdoorsman and M&P 38 6.5in made in 1905.

    Hand-fitted and so smooth.

  47. A Taurus 85 that is all stainless and was my Dad’s had it since it was new back in the 80’s but I was the fist person to shoot it. I changed all the springs out, put a Houge monogrip on it to soak up more recoil and now it’s like a purring pussycat. My favorite gun to throw in my pocket when I don’t wanna shlep a IWB holster.

  48. My second gun purchase, in 1983 – Ruger Redhawk .44 Magnum, new for $400. Of course, we like our his and hers S&W 640-1 .357 Magnums as well.

  49. Favorite: 4inch barrel Colt Python with walnut grips and a polished blued finish.

    Favorite that I can afford: Ruger GP100 Match Champion

  50. S&W 686-Plus with a 3 inch barrel.
    It has a fantastically smooth double action trigger pull and the single action trigger pull on this gun is telekinetic. /;-)

  51. Nothing too special but my favorite revolver would have to be almost any J frame. But the model that started my lust for S&W revolvers would have to be the S&W model 49 no dash. The shrouded hammer and that blue steel finish, feels great in hand. I inherited through a uncle and never plan on trading it. Circa 71′

  52. I have a Wiley Clapp GP100 I love. Its good looking in addition to being sweet shooting. The weight of the gun takes the sting out of magnum loads and makes .38s feel like .22s.

    • +1 on the WC. Been carrying one in ‘Hawkeye blue’ for over 3 years now. Love the Altamont grips.

      PS, how in the hell does the auto correct get ‘Hate blue’s out of ‘Hawkeye blue’?

  53. My favorite is my 4″ early 90s Taurus model 65 in 357. Very accurate and very nice SA and DA trigger pulls. I have 2 other much more expensive revolvers from Smith and Ruger, but the Taurus shoots the best. Not impressed with their newer stuff, but I seem to have gotten a nice older model.

  54. I’m not a great fan of revolvers even though I have 3, only one that I bought and not given or traded to me. I had to get a cowboy revolver to go with my lever action cowboy rifle. The rifles and handguns I shoot frequently are all semi-auto and my shotgun is pump action.

  55. The S&W that I had to get rid of when my nephew (RIP) got out of prison. There was a decent chance that he was going to live with me, and the folks at the US Marshall’s office said no. I don’t remember the model number, but it was a very usable, carry-able piece -3″ barrel, .357 Magnum, six shots.

  56. My favorite revolver is my 50th Anniversary Blackhawk 44 magnum. A very close second is my 1964 vintage Colt 4 inch Official Police.

  57. My favorite is my 50th Anniversary Blackhawk 44 magnum, my 1964 vintage Colt 4″ Official Police 38 special is a very close second.

  58. I know this game- this is a precursor to confiscation. Naw, psyche. I have only autoloaders. I have no beef with guns that aren’t semi-auto, but their designs aren’t dynamic enough to be interesting to me.

    On that note, I went to the gun show in Round Rock today, and I really wanted to find an MKE MP5 clone to fondle. There was not a single one in the building. Get it together, Austin.

  59. First and second generation 2″ bbl. Colt Detective Special, Cobra and Agent. They are so cool and so retro. The private detectives used to carry them in the movies. These guns used to be $200.00 in the gun shops, now there $800.00 or more!

  60. My fav is a gift N.E.F H&R R73 Magnum… My wife likes it too she claimed it she thinks it’s hers… Ok Ok I pretend it’s still mine 🙁

  61. Colt Walker repro with gated conversion to .45 long.. old school is the best school…

  62. Picking a favorite wheel gun is like picking a favorite child. I don’t know who I hate more, Robert for asking such a diabolical question, or myself for actually going down this rabbit hole, but my final answer is my Ruger Bisley in .45 Colt. Ok, there, I said it, now please don’t tell the others.

  63. High Standard Sentinel – a 9 round .22lr revolver from the ’50s. Loved that pistol. The raccoons at my parents’ place…not so much.

  64. My Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan in 454. I love the unfluted cylinder. Mostly, though, I love it because it’s totally rediculous. That thing will rattle your teeth if you’re not careful, but everybody that shoots it ends up with a huge grin!

  65. Absolute favorite is Colt 1860 repo. Carry Ruger SP101 bobbed hammer with .38+p. Haven’t decided between Ruger GP100 or S&W 686 in 6″ for hunting/ target.

  66. My favorites are my Dan Wesson 715 and 15-2, and I’m looking for an S&W 28. I really like the N and L frames. Make mine without locks. I don’t care about the MIM stuff.

  67. Smith 627 Performance Center. It’s still stock, and it may be awhile before it gets modified. Something about my 80 hour work week isn’t leaving much time for practice.

  68. Guess I’ll go with my carry piece – 2.75″ Stainless Ruger Speed Six (.357) with Pachmyer grips and bobbed hammer.

  69. Smith and Wesson K-frame Model 15 with a 4 inch barrel. Last US Military issue revolver.

  70. 1988 taurus 66 4″ tuned to performance center buttery smoothness via 10k rounds down the pipe

  71. 686+ TALO here, if Colt was still capable of making Pythons, they’d clean up.

  72. Smith and wesson model 19-3.
    Nickel plated with wood grips. Still looks like it did when my dad bought it 35 years ago. Gorgeous. Fits the hand perfectly and shoots like a dream.
    Would not give it up for anything. Shes my baby.

  73. 5 1/2″ Ruger Flattop Blackhawk in .44 SPL. What’s not to like about a .44 on a .357 frame?

  74. Out of the few I’ve handled, the nicest was probably dad’s S&W 625. The Rossi 972 he had was pretty decent too.

  75. Earl 1980s Smith & Wesson Model 66 .357 Magnum with 2-1/2″ barrel equipped with Hogue rubber grips. With 158 grain Bonded Match Hollow Point cartridge, even if somehow the bullet misses the target, the target is still affected by the sound and fury of the 2′ x 4′ column of burning gunpowder advancing from the muzzle.

  76. 7.5″ Super Redhawk in .44 magnum is my only and therefore favorite wheel gun.
    There is Dan Wesson 15-2 with 6″ barrel at my local kitchen table FFL for $500 I’m strongly considering.

  77. The 49 Bodyguard in my pocket…….and the 10-5 Heavy Barrel in my nightstand….and the 28 Highway Patrolman in the sofa table drawer next to wear I sit in my family room…..all 70’s vintage pinned barrel goodness.

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