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Sorry; I know it’s painful to ogle so much gun food during this time of famine. OK, so, regular readers know that I carry a Caracal C. Did you know that “Caracal Light Ammunition (CLA) produces a range of diversified calibres and variants of small arms ammunition (SAA) for both military and special purposes. [Click here for their catalogue.] Established in 1994, CLA is a fully-owned subsidiary of Tawazun Holdiand.” Now that I’ve learned the proper pronunciation of Caracal, I’ve put in my request for testing and evaluation samples. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.

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    • Is this guy a muzzle-ham? He loves pushing a pistol made in a country, that hates our guts. Now he wants you to buy the ammo made there also. More money to a terrorist nation! Hmmmmmmm.

  1. There are billions of rounds of ammo available but it’s a felony to import with out an Obama Card

  2. Seeing as how this is Sharia compliant ammo, produced in part of Obama’s Caliphate, I can’t understand why it is not being sold to US consumers (though it is being sold to LEAs)

  3. I heard there is a recall on the ammo. Better send it in and wait 2 years before you get it back.

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