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Caracal: No New Handguns In the U.S. Until 2015

Robert Farago - comments No comments

Caracal C under glass (courtesy The Truth About Guns)

Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. Having counseled me not to fall in love with the Caracal C in the first place, Ralph may laugh at my progress through the U.A.E. gat grieving process. But it is what it is. Or was. The C was my EDC (everyday carry) gun. Now, it isn’t. And the time is fast approaching when I will have to say my final goodbye to my C. And the mags. And the awesome RKBA Kydex holsters that carried it. But not straightaway . . .

Caracal’s having issues with the shipping procedure. Something about customers shipping loaded guns and U.P.S. only accepting the boxes at main offices. They’ll arrive in a couple of weeks. A full refund will follow. And then, the new gun (CP661) will be available! Same great trigger, Quick Sights and mid-engine-like ergos! Better striations! Only not this summer (as I was told at SHOT). Next year.

By then, I should be well into the anger phase.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Caracal: No New Handguns In the U.S. Until 2015”

  1. A tale of two reviews. The Remington R51 looks to me to be an outdated and inferior design. That’s my opinion. Looking at the disassembly on the video link above, it doesn’t look exceedingly difficult. It does however appear to be able to be test fired after reassembly. That’s another glaring error that TTAG should address.

    The Glock 42 got a pretty glowing review while the R51 was eviscerated. Neither guns are perfect, and TTAG took legitimate efforts to document the shortcomings of both pistols. Both reviewers of the Glock 42 wanted the gun after they were done with the evaluation. Nick didn’t want the R51. They were both biased reviews, but both had articulable facts which led to the opinions of the reviewers.

    There are a lot of review critics here. I’ll state this: all reviews are inherently biased. Even Skynet would probably write a biased review on the Remington 40 Watt R57 Plasma rifle even if the T800’s were not reporting problems with it.
    Look at the guns in your safe. Got anything that you really like even if the performance isn’t 100%? Got anything that you like even if it isn’t objectively awesome?

    I’ve got a whole lot of guns (well, before that damn boating accident), and could’ve written a review for TTAG, also. It takes time to write a good review, and most of us haven’t taken that time. I never took the time, even though I could have reviewed the .50 Beouwulf upper, for instance. Is that an awesome caliber or a waste of time? I could go either way. So also could many reviewers based upon their hand size, wallet size, lifestyle, shooting preferences, etc.

    So I’m going to stick to the facts (more or less), and leave the petty crap behind. There’s part of me that doesn’t even want to write a review because of some of the ridiculous comments being made.

  2. IF things go so far south that confiscation raids begin, I would like to see all of us in CT flaunt our rifles in front of the capitol building and take it by “force” then hold up there until we get our way. Occupying the legislative office building couldn’t hurt either.

    If students can do the same to their universities as a political protest why can’t we do the same?

    Unfortunately the outcome would likely be the beautiful capitol building getting Wacoed…

  3. 20 or 30,000 of them should march on the state capital with their guns slung barrel down and unloaded. (Magazines handy though). Then dare the state to arrest them.

  4. A gun, built by raabs, that don’t work, that often suffers catastrophic failures, with zero customer support (but is some how ‘Better’ than a Gluck),,,what is not to Luv?
    Me smell secondary agenda!

  5. Wow, Nick gave a crappy review to another “me too” single stack 9 and the internet explodes. Not every person likes every gun. Deal with it, or go check out the gun yourself and STFU.

  6. While eloquent, the quotation is, I think, premature. People are not buying firearms because they fear the government; rather they are buying them because they fear that guns are a commodity of diminishing availability–get yours now before they are gone!–i.e., rank consumerism. Further, these buying sprees are a reflection of the opinion of a sizeable percentage of the population that gun bans are misguided, in those jurisdictions in which gun control regulations are becoming increasingly oppressive. For example, the AR craze was due to a fear that the guns would no longer be available, the ammo craze due in large measure for the same reasons and because of good old fashioned capitalism that has artificially limited supply.

    I myself am an example of this mind set. I bought an 80% lower, not because I want an AR (and may never finish the build), but because Senator Deleon wants to ban them for stupid reasons that have no basis in reality.

  7. Is it worth it? That’s like asking how high is up. Of course it’s worth it! I carried one in the service and it went bang every time. Of course I had skilled armorers who babied it but even the average gunner can keep it running. the only time I ever experienced wny if those problems was with one that I built. I sent it to a great gunsmith and he fixed my mistakes and it ran perfectly ever after.

    • I used to have one of those. For some reason no 8 round mags would fit except Chip McCormick’s (which worked great for the most part, I think one mag had issues and it caused FTF almost every time I used it). And I think that’s where I would check first if your 1911 ain’t working well. It should run 100% with good magazines, assuming everything else was OK.

  8. I have an old GI model Springfield that I’ve put about 10k rounds through. I’ve only had 3 FTEs and most of those were recent so rebuilt the gun. Hard gun to beat

  9. IMHO, absolutely not. In fact, I tend to give those who carry one a hard time. I love to shoot mine, but there comes a time where in the best interests of personal safety, you need to grow up and be an adult. I truly believe the reason most people want to carry one is to show it off. THAT is not why one should carry. I do not like people who need to show me their “nickel plated sissy pistol.”

    Secondly, it is a technologically inferior piece of gear. There are so many better options that run circles around what the 1911 brings to the table. Weight, capacity, accuracy and safety were my primary concerns when I chose a carry gun. While the trigger and thin grip on a 1911 makes me very accurate, the 1911 gets blown out of the room on every other one of those criteria. I may not be bulls eye accurate with the Glock, but I’ll do just fine. Finally, I’ve yet to shoot a 1911 that feeds hollow points 100% reliably…though the need for hollow points in a .45 ACP could be a debate of its own.

  10. i have BEEN carrying a springfield 1911a-1 for over ten years now and like your other gear if you dont know how to use or maintain it it will fail mine has been trouble free for almost 10,00 rounds now,,, i carry it daily and will not give it up for some 9mm gizmo gun,,,,,,

  11. I do find it interesting that at the local IDPA and USPSA matches that I’ve competed at (albeit relatively few compared to most folks here I imagine)… the gun that always seizes up in the worst way is a 1911 and it is usually not a “budget” 1911, but a high-dollar carry gun (not a race gun). On several occasions I’ve seen failures so severe that they have to shutdown the stage and go get the senior RO in an attempt to just make the gun safe, if not restore it to a functional state.

    Not saying that it doesn’t happen, but I haven’t seen a failure anywhere near as severe with a non-1911 handgun at one of these competitions… nothing that a competent tap-rack-bang couldn’t resolve.

    With that all being said, I do own a Colt 1911 Government and while I haven’t used it for competition, it has always worked reliably for me at the range with FMJ ammo (it’s not my SD/HD/carry gun). Granted, that gun gets cleaned and lubricated regularly and lives in my safe when it is not getting used.

  12. It has already happened people. Sometimes I think about what I would have done if I lived in Watertown, Massachusetts during the search for Dzhokar Tsarnaev. I open my door and I’m told to put my hands over my head and forced out of my house while it’s searched… all at gunpoint and without a warrant. It would be quite a choice … Comply? Be arrested? Be shot?

  13. Of course it’s ok for California to release 10,000 convicted felons on the populas cause of prison overpopulation.But they won’t come to your house,so don’t worry,just keep your slingshot handy!


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