Kevin Blowe. Image via DC City Council.
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Despite a mountain of gun control laws in Washington, D.C., a man driving a stolen car didn’t have any compunction about packing an illegal gun too. What’s more, after colliding with a “social justice advocate” at 5:30 a.m., the driver of the boosted car didn’t hesitate to use it to kill Kevin Blowe.

The case grows more interesting as it turns out that the deceased social justice warrior also ignored D.C.’s extensive gun control laws and was illegally carrying a gun, too.  Cops found it next to his body.

Meanwhile, the Washington Post, not wanting democracy to die in darkness, portrayed the convicted criminal who was in illegal possession of a firearm as some sort of local folk hero.

In December, the 32-year-old infused his personal story into an esoteric D.C. Council hearing on the topic, testifying that his travels through the criminal justice system put him in contact with people convicted on facts that “were essentially identical, but were somehow charged differently.”
Blowe never got to see the results of his advocacy. He was fatally shot early Tuesday by a gunman who, according to police, emerged from a stolen car after a crash with Blowe. Authorities said they believe Blowe also possessed a weapon, as they recovered a gun next to his body.

Blowe was apparently slower on the draw that his killer.

Hours after the shooting, the D.C. Council unanimously passed the bill about which Blowe had testified.

“It is very difficult to accept that someone who survived the worst of what we have to offer — sent off to the military, sent off to prison — couldn’t survive living on the streets of D.C.,” said Patrice Sulton, a civil rights lawyer and executive director of the DC Justice Lab. “He dedicated himself to preventing the exact kind of harm that befell him.”

What the Post is too squeamish — or politically correct — to admit is that Kevin Blowe died just like he lived, as a common criminal. The fact that he was clever enough to adopt the mantle of wokeness and lobby the city council to further decriminalize violent crimes in D.C. doesn’t make him some sort of patron saint of civic virtue.

That’s right, the bill Blowe lobbied the City Council for reduced the maximum penalties for violent crimes like carjacking, burglary and robbery. Also from the WaPo . . .

The D.C. Council unanimously approved a major overhaul of the city’s criminal code Tuesday, despite objections from Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) and law enforcement leaders over certain aspects of the legislation.
If Bowser signs the bill, it will eliminate most mandatory minimum sentences, allow for jury trials in almost all misdemeanor cases and reduce the maximum penalties for offenses such as burglaries, carjackings and robberies. The law will not take effect for three years to give the courts, police and other groups time to prepare for implementation, officials have said.

At some point, Americans who live in blue cities will have had enough of soft-on-crime policies and the carnage they create. Some day these voters will start voting their self-interest, replacing criminal-coddling politicians with those sporting law and order policies.

In the meantime, look for more memorials of sainted criminal justice reform advocates.

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  1. “portrayed the convicted criminal who was in illegal possession of a firearm as some sort of local folk hero”

    uh, well, yeah. he is. and he certainly is now.

      • “We Americans” nothing. bonnie, clyde, and james were bank robbers. the present crop of miscreants aren’t anything but street thugs. the ones idolizing THEM aren’t americans, they’re just here.

        • Wow, rant. You’re so contorted with hate that you will try to overlook the white thugs, and yes, they were just murder happy thugs.

          Your hypocrisy has no limits, does it.

      • those were depression era “heroes”…who fought back against a repressive system that was affecting everyone….or at least that’s how the story was told…

  2. There is no such thing as an illegal gun. There are crimes committed with a gun. But simply carrying a gun is not the crime.

    • True…gun is not illegal.
      But the act of it being carried by a felon is.
      Just as no person is an illegal…they are deemed so by the acts they commit…or fail to.
      People like to label.

      • All gun laws are an infringement even if it’s a black guy with a felony record I still support the second amendment as god given and non negotiable. It is a fundamental human right

        • Correct. If they’re still a danger, they should be in jail. Longer sentences or god given rights are the trade.

      • all they have to do is add the word “possessed”…as I once pointed out to my local newspaper and was met with a quizzical response…an inanimate object cannot break the law even though that is where they choose to lay the blame…it’s obvious what they really want to target and accountability is a non-factor….

  3. “He dedicated himself to preventing the exact kind of harm that befell him.”

    … isn’t this exactly what many on the “modern right” advocate? no police, rather people carrying and drawing on their own recognizance?

  4. “who live in blue cities will have had enough of soft-on-crime policies and the carnage they create. Some day these voters will start voting their self-interest”

    they already are. this is what they want.

    • Actually, they’ll all just start carrying like Blowe because they’ve given up on the government.

      They’ll be following the “better judged by 12 than carried by 6” motto and the juries may just start acquitting them.

  5. “Some day these voters will start voting their self-interest”

    After the last 2 elections do you really think it matters how they vote? They could have been voting against these politicians for years and having their votes disappear while opposite votes are mysteriously found.

    • Crimson,

      And that is how the Republic has been slowly strangled. The challenge, now, is whether r not we can resuscitate it.


    • Not in DC. They are getting exactly what they want–less punishment for criminals. The gentrified parts of DC aren’t suffering nearly as much, and they get the frisson of their virtue signaling without the consequences.

    • Exactly right. Fwiw, Gen. Michael Flynn just released a book that offers guidance on thwarting the WEF war on the United States, let’s see what’s in it. Sounds crazy but I think trump carried California in 2020, just personal observation from spending some time there for work

    • Instant Karmirony’s going to get you
      Going to knock you right on the head
      You better get yourself together
      Pretty soon you’re going to be dead

  6. “it will eliminate most mandatory minimum sentences, allow for jury trials in almost all misdemeanor cases and reduce the maximum penalties for offenses such as burglaries, carjackings and robberies. The law will not take effect for three years to give the courts, police and other groups time to prepare for”

    the consequences.

  7. “It is very difficult to accept that someone who survived the worst of what we have to offer — sent off to the military, sent off to prison — couldn’t survive living on the streets of D.C.,”

    How many ‘street people’ own cars?

    • quite a few. that’s why blacks tend to prefer larger cars, so they have some place to sleep if they get evicted or thrown out by they ol’ lady. “I can sleep in my car, but I can’t drive my house.”

    • After all, this was just a criminal, showing the criminal justice system, the most effective way to deal with the crime problem in the district.

      • yeah. defund police. voila! no arrests! repeal the laws. voila! no crime!

        really, it is very effective from a criminal’s point of view.

  8. Like I previously said. If the guy who had stopped the shooter at the club in Colorado Springs had stopped him with a gun instead of his fists. The Washington Post would not consider him to be a hero.

    They will continually make excuses for criminals all the time. That’s what the white liberals and the white left does. They are racist. They have the soft bigotry of low expectations.

    • “That’s what the white liberals and the white left does. They are racist.”

      yes, and self-confidently so. but … racist against who? “low expectations” does not even begin to cover their celebration of rampant criminality in what once were civilized and livable great cities all across america.

      • Racist against who you ask? The big city racist white liberals who want to keep the blacks who live in the same cities disarmed.

    • You’re leaving out the black liberals who also want to keep blacks disarmed. Why do they keep voting for black politicians who screw them over? Racism maybe?

      • White liberals use racist terms to describe black conservatives. And they pay liberal blacks with jobs at left wing media and colleges. They then parrot white liberal talking points.

        But now crime is so bad even they can’t ignore it.

      • Seems like a lot of people in the comments are fine with disarming black folk. Against gun control until theyre for it.

  9. With this remarkable story, I’ve redoubled, no tripled, my disgust with anti-gun enthusiasts.

    But then, I live in Texas.

    Criminals are at least a bit more cautious to confront a citizen here…and it’s likely you know why.



    • seem to recall a movie where two guys tried to rob a bank…and wound up fleeing the scene with their pick-up full of holes while muttering something to the effect of “Damned CC laws!”…

  10. This story is a good example of how having a gun is not a guarantee of safety. We do not know what actually occurred: who drew first, who was sitting, who was standing, the interactions that led to guns being drawn.

    We do know that vigilance and avoidance improve our chances of not being in a deadly situation. We know that training and proper holstering and a reliable firearm improve our odds of surviving. But safety is a set of activities we practice continuously; it is not a condition to which we perfectly attain.

    Just sayin…..

    • when you go up against a guy who has nothing to lose….and you do….it tends give one pause…but he who hesitates….often loses….

  11. 26 comments so far, and little ‘rant’ has made 11 of them… 🙁

    • should I slow down?

      very well. I’ve said enough, and though many of you rejected much of it I think you’ll come around as the years progress. you’ll have to. good luck everyone, and happy thanksgiving to the One who made it all.

      “gentlemen we must all hang together or we will all hang separately.” – ben franklin (looking at you, jwm)

      signing off.

  12. How many dead flowers, soiled stuffed animals and handwritten construction paper cards are still at the site where assaulted that woman?

  13. Reminds me of the PETA assholes who tried to liberate a bunch of pigs from a farm in Germany. Idiot got caught in the stampede, trampled and chewed to death.

    Schweine – eine; schweinhund – nil!

  14. If the people of these cities haven’t changed their voting habits by now, they never will. They vote for the “D” no matter the repercussions.

  15. whatever anyone wants to say about the deceased, know that he was a Marine Corps combat veteran with a tour in Afghanistan that included being blown up by an IED.

    I am not making excuses for whatever criminal conduct he may have engaged in but regardless he has my thanks for his service to our country.

    I may not agree with his politics and I am always up for shitting on DC. I nevertheless do mourn the passing of a Marine.

    rest in peace and Semper Fi Mr. Blowe

  16. Is every body bloody delusional. Nothing and nobody can prevent a criminal accessing a fire arm if they ONE have the availability and TWO are determined enough and have the required ‘readies’ available. For elfin hells sake even the VICTIM had an illegal firearm which made him a criminal as well so what we really have is TWO bloody crims shooting it out! Or am I missing something here. But one of the points I’m trying to make I suppose is that having a firearm, evan an illegaly one and very easily available for use, is NOT a protection . THis guy would have met the exact same fate if he had not been in possession of an ILLEGAL handgun on the seat beside him! And so would 99% of anybody in the same situation.

    Short tempers, mental instabilkity, and availability add up to chaos and killing!

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