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Be Careful What You Wish For: Quote of the Day

Robert Farago - comments No comments

“A country where it is considered aberrant to possess near-military grade weapons and where guns were again banned in many public places would likely have very different politics around guns than the country that pro-gun and anti-gun advocates live in today.” – Henry Farrell [not shown], This is how guns became normalized in American life [via nytimes.com]

0 thoughts on “Be Careful What You Wish For: Quote of the Day”

  1. Lutherans? aren’t these the same traitorous scumbags that are behind the wholesale importation of Somali savages into numerous areas in the midwest?

    As for black gun ownship, they seem to be doing a fine job of killing eachother without the NRA’s help. It’s not a coincidence that the desire for gun control is strongest in areas with large black populations. Screw it, unload trucks full of ARs in the hood. I’ll make the popcorn.

  2. Politics would be supplanted by wholesale (and at times, selfishly freelance violence) and the ‘gun argument’ would be settled, in relatively short order for the undecided and wrongly-decided at the NYT.

      • That is a bit hyperbolic. The Russians didn’t end up speaking German and the Japanese didn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of winning, more or less arms in civilians hands wouldn’t have made a difference.

  3. Well there’s a shiteload of fallout in Illinoisistan. Voting on all kinds of evil next week. And it’s all the NRA’s fault. Didn’t know we taught cowardice to cops. Oh and someone mentioned Eddie Eagle…a few days ago some elementary school kids in Harvey found a gun on the lawn in front of their school. 2 kids guarded it and they ran inside to tell a teacher. All was well. It appears to be a Springfield XDs too. Not a Hipoint…

    • Yup.
      Being a gear head, I’ve already got an inch pound adjustable torque wrench. I’ll take that over a fixed torque setting.

      I do like your reviews Conner. No offense intended.

  4. So many things went wrong here. The school board, FBI our local sheriffs dept. on and on.
    Im hopping and maybe its just wishful thinking on my part.
    Aside from pocket areas of wealth and libitard thinking. (Parkland). Most here will come to the realization its a mental health issue and that guns had nothing to do with it aside from a few killings here and there.

  5. That place has existed in many fucked up places around the world throughout history. None survived to be copied.

    One of them was England, and US civilians donated and loaned their firearms to them.

    No one’s going to be permitted to turn the US into a donee / borrower state.

  6. Hey BlackRock??

    want to divest out of that stock at the whim of a bunch of snowflakes!???

    I’ll take it all at 5% of the lowest you paid for the stock….just show me you books and it’s a DONE deal!

    AKA stop you whining and bitching—we all know dead, blood, or suffering as long as you make money$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    you don’t care!

  7. It reaffirms the truth that you can’t count on anyone else stepping in and saving your sorry hide, not even the people with guns and badges. But there’s quite a difference between entering the premise to engage a gunman and being confronted by the gunman. In the latter you don’t get to choose to sit tight where it’s safe. Your choice is to be prepared or die.

  8. If you’re going to get a second wrench anyway, why wouldn’t you get another variable wrench and leave it set at 65lb? That way you still have the option to change it should the need arise.

    I could see this being useful in a high volume shop that does the same thing all day everyday, but not for, well, me.

    Also, the beep would annoy the shit out of me. *beep* “Yeah, I know! I felt it. Stupid robot.”

    You could leave the batteries out, of course, but then you’re paying for an unused “feature”.

    It would be great for blind and/or deaf tinkerers, though, so there is that. And I’m not saying that sarcastically.

  9. Yes, guns are for killing. Which is why we have a government with its full complement of armed agents, in order to kill us all. Wait! Ha, ha, I forgot. How silly of me. Of course when we put the stamp of the Official Business on something, then (and only then) we are allowed to look past that and consider there may be legitimate, nay, compelling reasons for killing. We can’t consider those reasons all the time, because then we might reach non-approved conclusions.

  10. N.Y. Times? LOL!

    I wonder how all the 21st Century Walter Durantys are doing and what anti-gun propaganda they have planned for us this week.


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