“I believe in people’s right to bear arms. I have a concealed carry permit myself. But, you know, on our properties, we want to maintain a safe environment, and we don’t need guests bringing weapons on site. We really don’t want that kind of surprise.” – Westgate Resort COO Mark Waltrip in The Las Vegas Resort Using Microwaves to Keep Guns Out of Its Casino [via]



      • Astonishing. There have been lawsuits over WiFi, cell towers, HHARP in Alaska, and power lines. Heck, even police that used hand-held radar have sued for cancer.
        It’s no stretch to realize people will complain about the danger of microwaves and sue for health issue.

        • The front desk employees should start documenting any medical concerns right now, it will be helpful for future disability and liability lawsuits.

          PS That is radiator distribution device will not do a damn thing against a firearm properly wrapped in a bag.

      • “Dudes, what the hell does that zapper do to your nuts?”

        They probably won’t aim that at your head, so Jeremy’s ‘Hat Holster’ may be just the trick to circumvent it…

      • There’s no scientific evidence linking microwaves and cancer. Ionizing radiation causes cancer. Ionizing radiation is at the high frequency end (e.g. x-rays and gamma rays), while microwave radiation is lower frequency that visible light. The porno scanners the TSA used emitted ionizing radiation.

        • Cancer, my ass. If you’ve finished discussing what kind of radiation is which, go stick a slice of bacon in your microwave for a couple minutes, then come back and tell me this is harmless!

        • All microwave photons are able to do is jiggle the molecules around, they don’t have enough energy to strip electrons (the definition of ionizing radiation) from a molecule and that is what causes radiation induced chemical changes. The hydrogen bond that holds DNA together is easily knocked loose by UV and shorter wavelengths, longer wavelengths just heat material locally.

    • Hmm. Seems like he’s a private business owner. Not sure why he shouldn’t be able to determine if a CCW holder is, or is not allowed in his business. Go to a casino that will allow you to carry, if you don’t like his private business choices.

  1. That’s cool, I had a horrible time in Vegas anyways. I’ll keep my nickels in the change jar from now on, thanks. Microwaves? Really?

      • So at least modern pacemakers are safe around a microwave oven, but are they safe to be directly bombarded with microwaves? There’s a reason for the metal screen in your microwave over door, to keep the microwaves inside the oven. And what if the person doesn’t realize he’s being microwaved and stands there for a while? One person drops dead and the casino will be writing a check with probably 7 zeroes.

  2. OK… you and your guards have guns to keep you safe. check
    My carrying a gun makes you feel less safe. check
    Your place, your rules.

    Glad I have zero desire to go to Las Vegas, or any other gambling place. I drove 300 – 400 miles a day on So. Calif. freeway and roads for 14 years. I’ve done about all the gambling I ever wanted behind the wheel of a car.

    • “Your place, your rules.”

      Exactly, as well as my decision to stay where I choose to stay.
      I’m thinking a lodging establishment could poke all the others in the eye by coming out Pro-2A.
      Maybe even a compact .380 in the dresser drawer next to the bible.

      • Texas is really shit in this regard. In New Mexico every shitty pimple cannot put up a 30.07 or 30.06 or whatever sign and prohibit entry. In Texas, they do. There’s basically no way to carry lawfully. Even RF found it with his own butt.

        • That’s what I’ve seen on visits to Austin anyway– can’t go in much of anywhere.

          But Texas is still 20 years behind the south in gun rights… maybe in a couple of decades they’ll move past this.

          They did finally re-legalize auto knives… that’s something.

    • “Glad I have zero desire to go to Las Vegas, or any other gambling place. ” the problem is that the devices will spread to other places than casinos. Imagine them being in your supermarket, or your bank. Anywhere you actually need to go.

      • No, they legally can not and have got themselves in trouble for doing so before as that would be assault.

        This is just another expensive toy in the dance of security theater.

  3. This is a puff piece that is trying to apologize for the non-release of information relating to the Mandalay Bay shooting.

    • What information do you feel hasn’t been released? Asshole shot a bunch of people, then himself. That’s pretty much the beginning and end of it.

      • I’m not the person above but I would guess not released is a corrected timeline of events that might show incompetent aid by the casino and timid response by swat

      • Virtually none of the information concerning the Vegas shooting has been released. What gun(s) were used? Was a bump stock used on a tripod? What was the timeline, security guy and police? How was it determined that it wasn’t ISIS influenced since the hard drive in the computer was gone? Were there other people in the room? Was there a possibility of additional people doing the shooting? What were the circumstances of his death? Could he have been shot by someone else? Why would there be ballistics calculations if he was using a bump stock that would have thrown shots all around? Why are there no pictures of him in and around the Casino? And it goes on and on and on.

  4. I see a prime opportunity for someone to market holsters (and luggage) with embedded Faraday cages.

    I also see potential lawsuits for invasion of privacy. The hotel has zero right to know about the myriad, lawful yet discrete things that guests bring into the hotel.

    • Already exists. RFID blocking luggage and bags are for sale everywhere. You don’t need a faraday cage.

      • That’s how RFID blocking luggage and wallets work. They use a Faraday cage. A bag lined with metal foil is a Faraday cage as much as the copper wire mesh “hide-out” you’ll see in the spy movies. Now some designs are better than other yes, but the principle is the same.

        • After reading the article the quote came from, I believe the devices can easily be programmed to identify any Faraday cage able to conceal a gun.
          The implications, though, are interesting. Are they willing to perform a search on someone using a cage to hide their large wallet? What would be the probable cause?
          (Does PC even come into play? A casino resort is private property; are they willing to refuse service on such grounds? “Sir, we don’t know what you’re carrying, so we will refuse to allow you entry.”)

    • Yeah, but how would that work exactly when you need to be able to draw the gun from the holster? I see how an OWB holster might work, but for IWB or pocket carry I don’t see how you’d be able to successfully enclose enough of the gun to evade their sensor while at the same time being able to draw your firearm quickly.

  5. 1. NEEDS TO BE a Constitutional addendum to the US Constitutional-Bill of Rights to make it a “Capital Crime” for any Government agency, it’s agents, The Law Enforcement community, private organizations, Landlords, property management companies, etc…To Infringe upon any Lawful US citizen Constitutional rights in any manner…By penalty of Law…With Prison time of NOT more than 5 years, and NOT less than 250k in compensatory dispensation for each event. Law Enforcement agencies are subject to being defunded….

    2. Make it a Law that any Company, Property management Co., organization , employers. Etc…That they bear the full cost of protecting the general public within their “Domain.” Failure to due so will be result in criminal prosecution, and the entity shall provide immediate financial compensation of NOT less than 250k for each incident…And be subject to other compensation, and or fines related to the incident, or event….

    • 1. So let’s just do away with property rights.
      2. Good luck with that. Let’s make someone with no connection with a crime liable for said crime. You come to my home for dinner, someone driving drunk hits my house and injures you, and I am liable?
      Your ideas make about as much sense as a lot of laws being proposed all the time. Are you a legislator, by any chance?

      • True, they have property rights but I wonder if forcing people to disarm makes them now responsible to protect you? That would be an interesting lawsuit. People sue today for wet floors and other hazards. Maybe a sign “caution! No protection available. Enter at your own risk.” signs will pop up?

        • Already happening. Some Lawyers throughout the New England states have been showing Cable TV commercial spots regarding active shooters, Workplace Violence, Building and property security…Where the Attorneys office States that these corporate entities maybe be held liable for your life, and well being…Especially, if they have “policies” in place regarding no weapons, gun free zones, or set security standards…The attorneys state they may be held to high culpability for the events that happen while the general public is in THEIR domain, and while making edicts…..So, Tit for TAT…

      • Moronic Thinking…A Fake conservative promoting property rights of a corporate entity while falsely stripping the Civil Rights away from his fellow citizens! Ending up sounding more like a Liberal Pro-aggressive! Why not say YOUR going to invite over YOUR neighbors for dinner and then subject them to a strip-search of THEIR persons for contraband on YOUR property! Maybe force THEM to provide YOU with a Drug Screening! Let’s go a step further and have YOUR landlord of YOUR apartment building demand YOU NOT to have any Lawful self-defense firearms on the premises…As well as what Books YOU can have, or read , WHAT religious materials is allowed, or WHAT news is ok! Maybe YOUR landlord decrees THEY will drop in at anytime to inspect YOUR “living conditions”. Or, imagine YOUR employer tells YOU that YOU are NOT allowed to have self-defense weapons in the workplace….But, allows YOUR immediate supervisor to assault YOU for an excessively petty reason, and that the supervisor was mad at YOU, and then the employer looks the other way regarding the workplace violence issue…Doing nothing….Your answer is nothing MORE than ” Creeping Incrementalism !” Leading to “Authoritarianism, a POLICE State, and Prison Planet, and Slave Labor….”

        • No, but if you think any of that stupid crap on your wish list will come to pass here, then you’re the one guilty of moronic thinking. You seem to have no clue what negative consequences would manifest themselves from those shaky legal foundations you’re pushing.

          But hey, that’s a bunch of nice strawmen you’ve got there… you seem to have an entire army of them!

    • Actually there technically already is a regulation on the books that makes it illegal to infringe upon any Constitutional Rights as well as Civil Rights. To clarify, there is Title 18, United States Code, §241. Conspiracy against rights
      If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or
      If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured-
      They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

  6. My oh my. Another one casinos. Airports are doing the same and using camera recognition. I believe it’s a conspiracy using ISIS as a reason to BIG BROTHER us. A bomb, strapped to your chest, no one killed? as the populace cheers this technology. Will it come to the point to remain safe, instead of free, we will allow cameras in our homes? Inch by inch, decade by decade, terroristic act by act, I want to be safe from my neighbors too.People smoking pot, just chilling, watching the world go by, LGTBQ fagot matrimony turning a nation of Wolves into a nation of sheep. I’m watching dominoes fall., in Bill Clinton’s regime, can’t remember the day, he accepted a donation and 100,000 signed petition from the Japanese to ban guns in America, the tourist from Japan were being killed here, (?) Then, right then , he should have been impeached. Orson missed it by ten years.

    • “…we will allow cameras in our homes?”

      *adjusts tin-foil hat* We already do.

      Only we call them Cell Phones. Or Alexa Devices. Or Google Devices.

      *looks around nervously and re-adjusts tin-foil hat*

  7. Wife and I went to Vegas a few years ago. We did a lot of sight-seeing around the area and saw some shows but our math skills are good enough to keep us away from the tables and slot machines.

    The hotels are designed such that you can’t get to and from your room without walking through the casino. It’s a cigarette smoke-filled special kind of hell where you mostly see old women pissing away their social security checks. A pathetic sight, really.

  8. liberal double-speak; “I believe in the second amendment” (NO you DON’T ass hole)
    “I have a concealed carry permit myself. But, you know, on our properties, we want to maintain a safe environment, and we don’t need guests bringing weapons on site. We really don’t want that kind of surprise.” Armed Protection for MEEEEEEEEE!!!, None for YOU, Deplorable Serf!!!
    F**K you hypocritical S#!T bag

  9. How does this not break the 4th Amendment? This is the same as a staff member going through your bag without your knowledge. Do they have clearly marked signs that notify customers before they are unknowingly searched? Being searched, regardless if it is electronic or physical, requires consent and otherwise is a complete violation of the 4th Amendment.

    • Because the 4th applies to GOVERNMENT intrusion on your rights…not businesses or other people…

      • I agree with you but if the SCOTUS rules against the baker, the “no guns” signs will have to go too.

    • Yup. Your consent was understood as given when you agreed to book yourself at their hotel and waste your money in their casino.
      So… when are you making your reservation?

      Yeah. Me neither.

  10. The last time I went to a casino, I put $25 on 00 and prayed to Jesus for 00. Jesus listened to my prayer and let me win. With the $875, I was able to buy my first concealed handgun, a Glock 43. This is divine proof that Jesus loves concealed handguns, and casinos are wrong.

  11. So there are starving kids in Africa, drinking out of mud puddles, children with cancer that won’t see their 5th Birthday, and yet Jesus is with you in a casino helping you win roulette? Haha thanks for the laugh this morning!

    • Sometimes, professional business seminars are held in meeting rooms attached to casinos.

      The last time I went to one, I took 10 quarters and put 1 quarter in the slot machine on my way to and from the meeting for 4 days. I went home with 25 quarters.

  12. Gambling is dumb so I kind of don’t care.

    On the other hand, provided there are no health risks I’m fine with it. It’s his property, his rules. Most corporate counsel are going to tell management to have a “no guns” policy because it can help save you in a lawsuit. Although of course it is silly and does not prevent a nutcase from bringing in a gun.

    It’s kind of refreshing that somebody has the dumb policy and is actually trying to enforce it. If it were up to me there’s be a law that if you deny my right to bear arms you have to put up a magnetometer and scan everybody so it’s all equal inside.

  13. I read the article elsewhere. Essentially, they admit that if people knew they installed this system, the customers would complain profusely, so they claim the beauty of this is that they don’t have to inform their customers. They also say that is has a false positive rate of nearly 7%. This means that 1 in 15 customers will be confronted by security….or should I say former customers. I would bet that they will turn off the systems and rip them out as soon as the first multi-million dollar lawsuit makes it through the courts. I would also expect that their chief of security would get the boot for being an idiot.

  14. I see the machine is located at the check in desk. Just don’t wear it to the desk, bring it in later. Unless they have the machines at all the doorways with guards to stop you it’ll be easy to defeat their measures.

    • You didn’t read the article, did you?
      First installation will be at the employees’ entrance. In the doorway.
      In rolling installations, they will put them in places the guests must pass.
      Not just the check-in, which won’t even be the first installation.

  15. What kind of detector do we need to walk in hotels with so we can ‘out’ the offending ones? Post them on Facebook, or something…

  16. When anyone ever says “I believe in the 2nd amendment… but”, everything before the “but”is Bravo Sierra.

  17. I see a lot of comments about gambling, and it being a waste of money.
    Well, bowling is a waste of money then, too. In both, when you’re done, you’ve had fun, and you have less money.
    Not everyone bowls, not everyone gambles.
    When I go to Vegas, I set aside a certain amount for gambling. When I’ve gambled that amount, I stop, whether I’m ahead or not. (Usually not. 🙂 ) I’ve had fun.
    There’s a lot to do in Vegas besides gamble.

    • The only reason I even *go* to Vegas is to bowl…national USBC tournament. And this year I got to experience Machine Guns Vegas(to keep on topic). They never have to worry about me dropping money into their slot machines, though. 🙂

  18. Even though the Las Vegas shooting was done by a murderer who deliberately stocked his well positioned room with rifles and tripods and executed a planned attack, this particular bit of security theater is aimed at most likely lawful concealed carriers, rather than vicious attackers intent on doing harm.

    I think the whole philosophical mindset is wrong. The assumption seems to be all people are basically good, guns are bad. If a person carries a gun, especially a loaded gun, they can’t be trusted. Most likely the gun will go off and shoot someone, and so shouldn’t be allowed. If not, the formerly good person will be corrupted by the negative influence of the gun, and wander around and decide, hmm, dinner, play slots, go walk the strip, or…. Wait, that’s right, there is a pistol in my pocket, perhaps shooting up there casino would be a fun way to end the evening?

    With hotel parking lot break ins I sure wouldn’t want to leave a gun in the car, of course I would want it on my person or to bring it into my room.

    • It’s always been fascinating to me how leftists operate on the belief that all people are basically good, right up until they have a gun, at which point they’re potential crazies who could “snap” and start killing.

  19. So, NSSF I hope the relocation of SHOT Show is anticipated for 2019? How much ridiculous faux hysteria will we have to endure this year?

  20. “we don’t need…”

    Oh, YOU don’t need people bringing self-defense sidearms. Well, I don’t need you making a living off of stupid parlor games. I’m banning myself from Vegas. How about that? Over rated tackiness of a place.

    Really this isn’t about safety, but rather the typical security theater nonsense meant to reassure the masses that you’re in a safe space. Nevermind that you aren’t. Just nod and smile at the slick, meaningless marketing campaign.

  21. Well, I guess isis won’t bring in their cc .380.

    I guess they’ll just ram people out front with a truck or bring in 50 lbs of oxidizer and a fuel that react violently. So much safer.

  22. Sounds like a good excuse to sue this casino for battery. Exposing costumers to microwaves is hardly a non harmful or noninvasive way to conduct a search. If they can’t detain you and search you without reasonable cause, what gives them the right to expose you to potentially harmful microwaves? Cancer risk!

    • The cancer risk from the microwaves pales in comparison to the cigarette smoke in the casino. Seriously, it gets so thick you can hardly see to the other end.

      • You do know that cancer is genetic there is nothing you can or can not do to prevent it right? Just because the nanny state tells you that the slightest whiff of tobacco smoke causes cancer and pot smoke cures it, does not make it true.

        • Genetics only give a predisposition higher than that of the whole population, it does not guarantee one way or the other. People with the predisposition who live healthy lives reduce the chance of cancer, people without the disposition who live stupid lives can still trigger it.

          It’s like a roulette wheel that’s slightly sticky on a certain stretch of numbers: it’s not enough to guarantee that on any given spin one of those numbers will win, it just means that over time those numbers will win more than they ought to.

  23. Sometimes there are literally hundreds of people rolling through the casino. How can this determine who the ‘hit’ is on? How can they even find the person in the crowd (it only goes 6 feet)? Other people in front of you block the microwaves. Sounds gimmicky to me.

    Kind of dangerous. Microwaves vibrate molecules making heat. Can see lawsuits claiming physical injury to the body. If you start feeling warm there is a problem.

    • Why on earth would you assume this is a constitutional issue? It’s not. Not even close. (Perhaps a better understanding of our Constitution is in order… for a LOT of people.)

      In case you’re not aware, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights prohibit government from infringing on our rights – they do not mention private individuals or businesses anywhere. Which is as it should be.

  24. uh…are there actually people who still believe the official, fractured fairy tale of this Vegas “incident” [?]

  25. Right now you can get a room at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort for $33. It’s in the former Hilton hotel two blocks off the strip. The Aria it ain’t.

    With those type of bargain basement prices, I’d like to know what Mark Waltrip is going to do to protect me from the clientele those sort of room rates attract if he thinks he’s going to keep me from having my pistol with me in my room?

  26. They do sell microwave absorbing material online – you can probably fool the machine if you wrap your ccw weapon/holster in a bunch of sheets of this material.

    • I saw an ad recently for some rip-stop work pants that had fine copper mesh built in as part of the structure. Now I see a good reason to own some, if I ever got to Vegas again.

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