RCBS Chargemaster Supreme (image courtesy JWT for thetruthaboutguns.com)

Gear Review: RCBS Chargemaster Supreme Electronic Powder Dispenser

I started reloading back when we were still hiding under our school desks to protect ourselves from Brezhnev's A-bombs. My RCBS beam-style powder scale isn't much younger than that. I still load thousands of rounds...
Remington Lonoke Ammunition Factory

A Look Inside Remington’s Lonoke Ammunition Plant

Earlier this week I got a tour of Beretta's manufacturing facility in Gallatin, Tennessee. While I've never been to Remington's Lonoke, Arkansas ammunition plant, I just ran across one of the videos in a...
Barnes Bullets factory

Gun Owners Need to Think Like Supply Chain Managers Before the Next Ammo Shortage

By Andrew Balthrop, Ron Gordon, and Doug Voss During the two years that COVID-19 has altered American life, we have seen shortages of goods ranging from toilet paper and N95 masks to semiconductors and new...

Things That Don’t Suck: Hawaiian House Shotgun Loader V2

What's a Hawaiian House? It's a website that sells a few different tactical products, a few patches, some hats, shirts, etc. I ran across a short video on Reddit showing this fancy Shotgun Loader...
Boch Ammunition shelf

A Modest Proposal: Tax Ammo at a Benjamin for Each Round

In America, economic solutions often triumph over moral crusades. So, let’s change the conversation and make this about money. Not about guns, but about bullets. Specifically, a Benjamin per bullet. A Benjamin per EACHY and EVERY bullet. Let’s put a...
Lake City Ammunition Plant

BREAKING: Biden Administration Moves to Cut Off Lake City .223/5.56 Ammo From the Commercial...

Apparently not content with its efforts so far to make gun ownership more difficult and expensive for America's 100 million firearm owners, a source tells TTAG that the Biden administration is taking steps to...
5.55 .223 ammunition

NSSF: Biden’s Move to Limit .223/5.56 Ammo Would Cost Hundreds of Jobs and Jeopardize...

Yesterday we reported the Biden administration's efforts to halt the sale of excess production of .223 and 5.56 ammunition from the Army's Lake City plant on the retail market. The move is a transparent...
Andrew Bates

The White House Issues A Non-Denial Denial of Our Lake City AR-15 Ammunition Story

It seems that our story on the Biden administration's big brain idea for putting the screws to America's AR-15 owners has caught the attention of someone who has full command of his mental faculties...
Lake City Ammunition Plant

50 Congressmen Call Biden’s Move to End Retail Sales of Ammo from Lake City...

Rep. Vicky Hartzler has released the following statement . . . Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) and Congressman Sam Graves (R-Mo.), along with 48 of their House Republican colleagues, led the call urging President Biden to...
High Hi Capacity Magazines

From D.C. to Olympia, Politicians – Guarded by Guns – Presume to Tell You...

By Cody J. Wisniewski Even as he lives under constant armed protection, President Biden is open about his desire to take away Americans’ most effective means of protecting their own lives. Biden even joked about it...

NJ Gov. Phil Murphy: If You’re Creating Or Transferring Untraceable Guns, You’re Not a...

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy convened many of the state's political bigwigs and prominent members of the civilian disarmament lobby to sign a slate of new gun control laws he's calling Gun Safety Package...
9mm ammunition ammo

No, 9mm Is Not A ‘One Size Fits All’ Defensive Caliber

There's a tendency among gun owners to follow whatever law enforcement does when it comes to selecting a firearm for defense. When the police carried revolvers, many civilians had a revolver (yes, that's mostly...