Gail Collins Isn’t Happy At All About the Biden Administration’s Progress So Far On...

Let’s take a look at how well Joe Biden is doing with his gun safety agenda. We call this gun safety, people, because “gun control” makes a lot of politicians nervous. And really, what the...

Idea: Maybe Biden’s Next ATF Appointee Shouldn’t Be a Paid Gun Control Lobbyist

Senate Democratic centrists are calling on President Joe Biden to nominate another director for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms a week after lukewarm support from those same lawmakers prompted Biden to pull...
Rare Breed Triggers FRT-15

The Slew of New Forced Reset Triggers and What it May Mean for Us

88 This Week in Gun Rights is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal, legislative and other news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights.  A Slew of Forced Reset Triggers Hit Market Many of us watched...
Joe Biden

The Chipman Nomination May Be Dead, But The Fight to Protect Gun Rights is...

By Larry Keane The White House’s announcement last week that President Joe Biden was withdrawing the nomination of David Chipman for Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) was a victory...
Joe Biden

Biden Blames GOP for Chipman Defeat Despite Bipartisan Opposition in the Senate

Joe Biden doesn't take defeat well (unless, of course, it's in Afghanistan, and then he declares it a historic victory). The White House announced earlier today through state media that they're finally euthanizing the...
Giffords David Chipman ATF

CCRKBA: Defeat of Chipman Nomination is a Victory For Gun Rights, a Defeat for...

From the CCRKBA . . . The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today the withdrawal of anti-gun lobbyist David Chipman’s nomination to head the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,...
David Chipman

It’s Time for President Biden to Face Reality and Withdraw the Chipman Nomination

By Larry Keane President Joe Biden faces a decision point when the U.S. Senate returns to Washington, D.C. next week. He would be well advised to withdraw his nomination of David Chipman for Director of...
Iraqveteran8888 pistol brace

Iraqveteran8888’s Comment on the ATF’s Proposed Pistol Brace Regulation Rule

  RE: ATF 2021 R-08 To whom it may concern, My name is Eric Blandford and I am a concerned citizen and veteran who runs a very well-known YouTube channel called “Iraqveteran8888” and would very much appreciate...

You Have 24 Hours Left To Submit A Comment On the ATF’s Stabilizing Brace...

ATF is trying to slap new, onerous restrictions on pistol stabilizing braces, which will affect every person who owns one or owns a gun that's equipped with one. The public -- that's us --...
Chinese GLOCK full auto switch (

ATF Not Amused by the Number of ‘Giggle Switches’ Turning Up on District of...

“It used to be we’d have an incident where a round or two was fired, and that’s bad enough,” Patterson said. “Now you’re having crime scenes where there are 15 or more rounds...
Q honey badger sb tactical

SAF: The ATF Pistol Brace Public Comment Period Is Almost Over…Here’s What You Can...

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . As the Sept. 8 deadline looms for public comment on the proposed rule change regarding handgun stabilizing arm braces, the Second Amendment Foundation has launched an ambitious...
Gabby Giffords Joe Biden

The Self-Evident Truths That Gabby Giffords Ignores in Order to Push Her Civilian Disarmament...

By Larry Keane Former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords, who heads up the gun control group bearing her name, is spinning tales and vilifying the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) to advance President Joe Biden’s shared...