David Chipman

BREAKING: Sen. McConnell Calls on Biden To Withdraw Chipman’s Nomination to Head ATF

  David Chipman's nomination to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has been problematic since the day it was announced. Joe Biden not only chose an aspiring gun-grabber and advocate of confiscating many...

ATF’s “Open Letter to All Texas Federal Firearms Licensees”

As an FFL in Texas myself, I received this letter yesterday afternoon at 1:25 PM. Apparently the ATF is aware of Texas HB957, which would exempt silencers made in Texas that stay in Texas...
David Chipman ATF

Biden’s ATF Nominee, David Chipman, Struggles To Gain Sufficient Democrat Support

It's expected that all 50 Senate Republicans will vote to oppose Chipman's confirmation. From the sounds of this Washington Post article, there's at least a handful of Democrats in the same boat: The White House...

NSSF Shares ATF Internal Memorandum RE Inspection and Administrative Action Policies

The following comes from NSSF and was originally reported by Ammoland here. It's an internal memo describing ATF's new push to regulate licensed FFLs more strictly: NSSF has learned of a recent ATF internal memorandum that we wanted...
David Chipman

Chipman On the Ropes: Five Senators Undecided On Gun Control Advocate’s Nomination to Head...

By Larry Keane David Chipman’s charm offensive to win over U.S. Senate support is failing. The would-be director for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) nominated by President Joe Biden is in...
David Chipman

House Republicans Want to Impeach David Chipman if He’s Confirmed as ATF Director

David Chipman's nomination to run the federal regulatory agency hasn't been going well. It seems that Democrats are having trouble getting all of their 50 members in the Senate lined up behind the Biden...

Bloomberg’s ‘The Trace’: The ATF Can’t Handle Regulating Pistol Braces as NFA Items

Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun agitprop shop, The Trace, is trumpeting the fact that if the Biden administration's pistol brace proposed regulatory rule ever becomes ATF policy after the public comment period and process is complete,...
senator dick durbin illinois

It’s Official: The Chipman Nomination is Heading South Fast

Last week we read between the lines of a CNN article that hinted the Chipman nomination isn't looking good. Now, with the number two Democrat in the Senate acknowledging "issues" with Chipman to a...

Your Comment Matters! Fight Back on ATF’s Proposed New Restrictions. Do It Now!

Apologies for all the exclamation marks! But...the number of comments left so far (59k) on the Federal Register RE ATF's ridiculous planned restrictions on pistol stabilizing braces is simply not enough. And your comments...
David Chipman ATF

Unfit to Serve: David Chipman Must Not be Confirmed as ATF Director

It was no accident that Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer combined Chipman’s confirmation hearing with that of three other nominees, limiting questioning from senators to only five minutes. The former agent has a long...
David Chipman

CNN: Biden’s Nomination of David Chipman to Head ATF is in Real Trouble

When CNN acknowledges that a Biden nominee is having serious problems lining up Democrats to vote for him, you know the administration has real problems. That's the between-the-lines takeaway from today's report from the...
ATF agent

ATF’s New Pistol Brace Rule Would Create As Many As 40 Million New Felons...

By Brett Cooper The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has published a notice outlining their plans to update regulations on stabilizing braces. Originally developed to help those with disabilities shoot comfortably, stabilizing braces have...