Waco Biker Autopsies Released…Without Ballistics Reports

McLennan County has released autopsy reports on nine bikers killed in the May 17 Twin Peaks shootout, the Waco Tribune-Herald reported Thursday. Not included with information released to the public are the ballistic reports,...

The Fix Is In? Court Blows the Whistle on ATF Whistle Blower

“The special master has ruled against me,” former ATF agent and whistleblower Jay Dobyns told supporters and followers of his case on his website. “In his eyes I failed in my attempt to prove...

ATF May Soon Reclassify Some Machine Guns as “Post Sample” and Non-Transferrable

When the Hughes Amendment to the National Firearms Act came out, all hell broke loose. May 19th 1986 would be the very last day that anyone could legally register a machine gun, and after...

Confirmed: VA Gunman Bought His Gun Legally, Passed Background Check

By Brandon via concealednation.org The firearm used in yesterday’s horrific shooting was purchased legally by the gunman after he passed a federal background check. ABC News reported late last night: "The ATF says the disgruntled former reporter who killed...

Judge: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Committed “Fraud Against the Court”

Former ATF agent and whistleblower Jay Dobyns filed objections Thursday to a report from a special master appointed to review allegations of government misconduct arising from his case against the Bureau. As reported in...

TTAG Exclusive: Fast & Furious Whistleblower Says Put ATF on Trial for Brian Terry’s...

“My hopes are that the trial judge will deny the United States motion to hide the known connection between ATF’s Operation Fast and Furious and Brian’s murder,” whistleblower and retired ATF agent Jay Dobyns told...

Gun Deals Gone Bad Part 2: The Inherent Dangers of NFA Transfers

The NFA tax stamp business is complicated, but it’s not that complicated. Anyone with a college degree should be able to have a pretty solid grasp of the legal concepts involved. The next step:...

Oversight and Judiciary Could Ask ATF about Twin Peaks Ballistics Report

“A McLennan County investigator has obtained a search warrant to extract a bullet from the arm of a biker — killed last week in a wreck — who was wounded in the deadly May 17...

Grassley Asks AG Lynch About Sexual Harassment and More at ATF

“Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley is asking about the handling of multiple claims of sexual harassment, bullying, gender discrimination and witness intimidation by senior Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) managers...

Federal Judge Bars Brian Terry Killers’ Defense From Mentioning ATF Operation Fast & Furious

"When a jury gathers next week for the trial of two men charged with the murder of a U.S. federal agent, it will not hear any details of how two guns found at the...

AP Waco Shooting Analysis Makes Congressional Inquiry All the More Urgent

The Associated Press has analyzed evidence from a May shootout in which nine members of motorcycle clubs were killed outside a Waco restaurant and concluded some were hit by police bullets, a Friday AP...

BREAKING: ATF Declares Soda Can Launcher an AOW, All Owners Now Possibly Felons

X Products came out with a nifty little device a while back that uses blank 5.56 NATO cartridges to launch soda cans through the air. It was a really cool and fun concept, and...