Gunbroker: Obama’s ‘In the Business’ Emphasis Changes Nothing

You may have heard that the President had a few things to say about guns last week. After much anticipation, the gun-controller-in-chief announced a series of new executive branch measures designed to accomplish on his...

ATF Publishes Final Ruling Requiring FFLs Report Guns Lost or Stolen In Transit

As part of President Obama's push for tighter restrictions on gun owners and dealers, the ATF has issued their final ruling on requiring gun dealers to report guns that have been lost or stolen...

U.S. to Mexico Gun Smuggling Stats. Here We Go Again . . .

Back in the day, the Obama administration ran a black bag job called Operation Fast and Furious. As far as we know, the program was designed to establish a link between American gun stores and Mexican...

What The GAO Report on Mexican Guns Doesn’t Tell You, And What That Tells...

The Government Accounting Office (GAO) recently released a report on guns confiscated by the Mexican police and military, submitted to the ATF for tracing. As RF reported, the document is deeply flawed -- by the government's own...

BREAKING: Federal Judge Rejects Obama’s Executive Privilege Claim for Operation Fast & Furious Docs

36 reports that "U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled Tuesday that the Justice Department's public disclosures about its response to the so-called "gun walking" controversy undercut Obama's executive privilege claim." Translation: that...

Mexicans Find ATF-Enabled .50 Cal At “El Chapo’s” Hideout

Yesterday, a federal judge struck down President Obama's claim of Executive Privilege over documents related to operation Fast and Furious - the ATF program that allowed Mexican drug thugs to purchase firearms at U.S....

Do You Need to Engrave Your Form 1’ed SBR?

  This TTAG article seems to have stirred up some controversy. I asked the BATFE a straightforward question, and reported truthfully on the answer I received. It seems that a number of people are...

How to Make a Snowball Machine Gun (No NFA Stamp Required)

24 Destructive device? Nick? Anyway, God bless Yankee ingenuity. And anyone who thinks that outlawing or even confiscating millions of guns would leave Americans without a ballistic solution to their self-defense needs is unaware of...

Deadline for Fast & Furious Docs Passes. Where’s the Info?

"On Jan. 19, federal Judge Amy Berman—an Obama appointee—ordered the administration to produce the documents demanded," the NRA's reminds us. "The deadline Berman set for the administration to comply was this past Tuesday,...

Form 1 SBR ‘Manufacturing’ May Become Legal in WA

Washington State residents were surprised to find that the ATF was denying their Form 1 applications to build short barrel rifles. As discussed here, this was due to what most assumed was an oversight...

BREAKING: DOJ Fast & Furious Friday Document Dump

"The U.S. Department of Justice released thousands of subpoenaed documents about the controversial 'Operation Fast and Furious' gun trafficking investigation to a congressional committee on Friday," Reuters reports. "The operation was a failed effort...

ATF Traced 364K Guns Recovered from Crime Scenes in 2015. And?

"The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) traced more than 364,000 guns that were recovered from international crime scenes in 2015," reports. "Tracing guns from manufacture to purchase helps law enforcement...