ATF will confiscate guns from 4000 prohibited persons

Feds Have Issued Orders to Confiscate Guns From 4000 Prohibited Persons

After years of federal indifference toward people who lie on their form 4473's as well as those who are mistakenly passed by the FBI's NICS system, USA Today reports that "Federal authorities sought to...
DOJ and ATF will take another look at banning bump fire stocks.

DOJ, ATF To Reconsider Whether to Ban Bump Fire Stocks

As is reporting, the DOJ and ATF are taking a fresh look at whether to ban bump fire stocks in the aftermath of the Las Vegas concert massacre. "As part of the ATF’s...

ATF Signals They Intend to Regulate Bump Fire Stocks Like Machine Guns

Here we go . . . ATF to Publish Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Re: Application of the Definition of Machinegun to “Bump Fire” Stocks and Other Similar Devices Tomorrow, ATF will publish an Advance Notice...
The ATF proposes to regulate bump fire stocks like machine guns

TTAG Exclusive: ATF’s Proposal to Regulate Bump Fire Stocks as Machine Guns

As we reported earlier today, our friends at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives and Really Big Fires is considering what kind of mental and logical contortions would be necessary to reverse their...
Trump ended Obama's Operation Choke Point

Despite End of Operation Choke Point, Firearms Businesses Still Face Financial Services Discrimination

By Adam Carlson Being a gun dealer isn’t easy. Sure, the previous president (AKA The Greatest Gun Salesman of All Time) offered a sustained sales boom to gun dealers everywhere. But, over the last decade, internet sales...
Slidefire bump stock

ATF Seeking Public Comment on Bump Stock Rule

From The Department of Justice anticipates issuing a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) that would interpret the statutory definition of “machine gun” in the National Firearms Act of 1934 and Gun Control Act of...
Patients must choose: Medical marijuana or gun ownership

Gun Rights or Medical Marijuana…You Can’t Have Both

This is becoming more of a problem every day . . . Patients must choose: Medical marijuana or gun ownership The town drunk can buy firearms. So can someone who has been involuntarily placed in a mental...

California Laws Restricting Ammo Sales, Legalizing Weed Make Gun Owners’ Lives More Difficult

If you're a gun owner who lives in California, you may not have been popping any champagne corks last night as 2017 turned to 2018. A new law heavily regulating ammunition sales went into...
Bump fire stock (courtesy

List of States and Cities That Ban/Want to Ban Bump Fire Stocks. Is Your...

"States and municipalities nationwide are attempting to ban bump stocks -- devices used to make rifles fire more rapidly," reports, "after Congress failed to act on bipartisan resolve to restrict them following their...
Former ATF Technical Branch Chief Rick Vasquez (courtesy

ATF Bump Fire Stock Regulation Aims to Set Legally Acceptable Rate of Fire

In the video below, former ATF Firearms Tech Branch Chief Rick Vasquez sounds the alarm on the Bureau's soon-to-be-released bump fire stock ban. As the Military Arms Channel's Tim Harmsen discovered, the new regs...

Franklin Armory, a Straight Shooter? Design Details Confirmed.

The bell of the SHOT Show ball this year is the Franklin Armory Reformation. It's an AR15 with an 11.5'' barrel but not subject to the NFA. I got to shoot it yesterday and...
Columbia, SC bans use of bump fire stocks

Guess What Percentage of Comments Opposed ATF Bump Fire Stock Ban

"In December, the ATF announced that it would explore the possibility of regulating bump stocks by reclassifying them as machine guns," The Trace reports. "The agency initiated a public comment period to solicit input from manufacturers, retailers, and consumers...