The ATF proposes to regulate bump fire stocks like machine guns

TTAG Exclusive: ATF’s Proposal to Regulate Bump Fire Stocks as Machine Guns

As we reported earlier today, our friends at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives and Really Big Fires is considering what kind of mental and logical contortions would be necessary to reverse their...

ATF Signals They Intend to Regulate Bump Fire Stocks Like Machine Guns

Here we go . . . ATF to Publish Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Re: Application of the Definition of Machinegun to “Bump Fire” Stocks and Other Similar Devices Tomorrow, ATF will publish an Advance Notice...
DOJ and ATF will take another look at banning bump fire stocks.

DOJ, ATF To Reconsider Whether to Ban Bump Fire Stocks

As is reporting, the DOJ and ATF are taking a fresh look at whether to ban bump fire stocks in the aftermath of the Las Vegas concert massacre. "As part of the ATF’s...
ATF will confiscate guns from 4000 prohibited persons

Feds Have Issued Orders to Confiscate Guns From 4000 Prohibited Persons

After years of federal indifference toward people who lie on their form 4473's as well as those who are mistakenly passed by the FBI's NICS system, USA Today reports that "Federal authorities sought to...
Form 4473 and GLOCK (courtesy

BREAKING: Attorney General Sessions Orders Investigation Into Lack of Prosecutions for Lying on Gun...

NBC is reporting that in the wake of the shooting in Sutherland Springs and the failure of the NICS system to flag the shooter three different times, US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered...
Giffords sues the ATF

Giffords Sues ATF Over Documents Supposedly Revealing NRA’s Influence

The Giffords Center to Prevent Gun Violence -- the artist formerly known as Americans for Responsible Solutions -- has sued the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. They claim the ATF has been dragging...
What happened and when in Sutherland Springs, Texas yesterday.

Sutherland Springs Church Massacre Followed Shooter’s Domestic Dispute With In-Laws

Devin Patrick Kelley had a history of domestic turmoil. It was the reason he'd been court-martialed, served time and discharged from the Air Force. And it was apparently yet another "domestic situation" that sparked...
Devin Patrick Kelley passed a federal background check.

Devin Kelley Passed Background Check When Buying AR, Killed Himself After High Speed Chase

"Devin Patrick Kelley, the 26-year-old suspect in the attack on a Texas Baptist Church in which 26 people were killed and 20 wounded, is believed to have killed himself following a high-speed chase, Wilson...

The Brady Campaign Sues ATF Over ‘Bad Apple’ Gun Dealer Information

The Brady Campaign (formerly known as Handgun Control, Inc.) hasn't enjoyed the best track record in the courts in recent years. But that's not stopping them from trying to dislodge what they think is...

Hellfire Gen2: Mini-Bump Fire Stock Without the Stock

In an earlier post, a former ATF agent brought our attention to the $60 Hellfire Gen2 "trigger assist." We reckon the mini-bump fire stock -- without the stock -- deserves its own article. The...

Former ATF Agent to NRA/Congress: Don’t Blame Bureau for Bump Fire Stocks, We Can’t...

Michael Bouchard (above) is mad as hell at the NRA, or as his letter to Congress calls them "some attempt to cast blame on ATF for not banning devices like the 'bump slide'...

Bump Fire Ban Bill Bye-Bye Leaves Gun Rights Advocates Rooting for the ATF Over...

It looks like the NRA is winning the battle against the bump fire ban bill. We hear House Speaker Paul Ryan won't be bringing it to the floor for a vote. That's the good...