BREAKING: Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Rules No Gun Sales for Known Pot Smokers....

By Louis K. Bonham The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has affirmed the dismissal of a Nevada medical marijuana card holder's challenge to the BATFE's "Open Letter" to FFL's, as well...

New ATF Re-Classification Could Make Ammo More Scarce

The key component in modern smokeless gunpowder is nitrocellulose. This quick and efficient burning compound is the cornerstone upon which the various blends of gunpowder are built and without it the majority of ammunition you...

You Know the Much-Feared Firearms Data Base? It Already Exists

A TTAG reader writes: Question: When is gun purchase information an actionable database? Long ago (yesterday in government think), data bases were new, and pretty much looked like big spreadsheets; one row with numerous cells containing whatever...

2016 ATF Report on U.S. Firearm Commerce Revealed

ATF Press release The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has released the 2016 Annual Statistical Update of Firearm Commerce in the United States. Through a series of easy-to-read tables and charts, the...

ATF: We’re “Outgunned” By New Firearms Manufacturers

"Florida has more gun manufacturers than any other state except Texas," reports, "after a surge of nearly 350 percent in licenses for gun makers fueled by the nation's growing demand for firearms." And this is a problem...

ATF Acting Director Brandon Campaigning for Gun Registry

Last Sunday, Deputy Director Thomas E. Brandon appeared on CBS' Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood. Mr. Brandon was the ATF official who oversaw the discipline or, more accurately, the complete lack of accountability for the ATF's extra-legal...

ATF Posts Updated Processing Times for NFA Forms

Getting your NFA paperwork approved by the ATF is an annoying necessity for those who want cool gun toys (like silencers and SBRs) to play with. Given the torrential weight of applications and the grossly...

Death of the Kitchen Counter FFL: No New Licenses, and Distributors Stop Shipping

There was a time in this country when you could have firearms shipped straight to your door. The Gun Control Act of 1968 put a stop to that for the most part, implementing the...

ATF gets Black Eye for Abusive Conduct on Alaskan Highway

On 19 May, 2016, a member of the ATF, or at least someone driving one of their vehicles at a time that it was supposed to be in service, may have engaged in abusive...

3rd Circuit Affirms Right to Possess “Non-Dangerous Weapons for Self-Defense in the Home”

David Codrea writes : A panel for the United States Third Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed a district court ruling and sided with the government against a man who was authorized by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms...

Fast and Furious Guns Tied to at Least 69 Killings, 20 Mass Murders

"New documents obtained by the government watchdog Judicial Watch prove, again, that guns sold through the Obama Justice Department's Fast and Furious Operation have been used by Mexican cartels for mass murder south of the border,"...

A “Firearm” at the CZ-USA Booth

It's a pistol! It's a rifle! No, it's a firearm. One of the reasons I like dealing with CZ-USA is their willingness to embrace the aftermarket, which has helped their products resonate with enthusiasts....