2Fast 2Furious for the ATF? Agents Smuggled Cigarettes to Create Off-The-Books Slush Fund
I'm a bit of a gamer at heart. When I was a child, I loved to play those old-school text adventures from Infocom. Today there's a smorgasbord of opportunities to play role-playing games with heavy...
BATF Memo Seeks To Preserve Gun Control
On Monday Nick Leghorn wrote about an internal memo that highlights some proposed pro-gun moves by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. The policy change proposals in the internal "white paper" stand as good...
BREAKING: Leaked ATF Memo Reveals Planned Pro-Gun Moves
It should be no surprise to anyone that the Trump administration's ATF would be a kinder gentler regulator to the firearms industry. The NRA-backed pro-gun president made eliminating wasteful, useless regulations one of his...
ATF Rules Solvent Traps are Silencers, Shuts Down SD Tactical’s Kit Business
Silencers have become a significant segment of the firearms business and it's growing every day. With the Hearing Protection Act on the horizon it seems everyone and their brother is making a suppressor and...
New From Hurricane Butterfly: Typhoon 12 Magazine-Fed Shorty Shotty at SHOT Show 2017
Hurricane Butterfly has been importing and exporting firearms, components, and manufacturing for many years. With deliveries starting this month, they're now officially diving into sales of their own firearms, too. First up is the...
New From Standard Manufacturing: S333 Volleyfire
The S333 Volleyfire from Standard Manufacturing, the company bringing us the DP-12 Double Barrel Pump Shotgun, fires two shots with each pull of the trigger. That's a handy feature for a gun chambered in...
BREAKING: Bill Introduced In Congress to Eliminate ATF
The ATF has been the bane of many a gun owner's existence. The massive bureaucracy has been the most visible embodiment of the gun control agenda imposed on Americans in the last century, a...
New ATF Form 4473 Coming January 16th
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives and really big fires (BATF) has announced a "new" Form 4473. Beginning January 16, 2017, all Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) must begin using this latest revision for...
Gear Review: Gear Head Works Tailhook Pistol Braces (New Release)
While "game changer" may be one of the most overused phrases of the past few years, earning my distaste almost as strongly as the completely useless term "bi-weekly" but with a much more violent...
Gear Review: Q El Camino .22 LR Suppressor
The El Camino is the first silencer to come out of Q, Kevin Brittingham's new venture. I believe for the first year it will be a Silencer Shop exclusive, and they loaned this one to...
Random Thoughts About Guns Going to Mexico
Last night MSNBC began one of their prime time newscasts with a long-winded piece about the conspiracy theories swirling around Operation Jade Helm. The intro including a clip (not a magazine) of President Obama making fun of anyone stupid...
Black Friday 2016 Sets Single-Day NICS Check Record
By now you've probably heard that according to the FBI, which is responsible for maintaining and running the National Instant Check System (NICS), Black Friday 2016 broke the all-time single-day NICS check record. With...