Question of the Day: Are Gun Dealers “Uniquely Shielded” From Federal Oversight?

There's a civilian disarmament complex JournoList. How else do you explain the New York Times article on Governor Cuomo joining the Brady Campaign for Prevent Gun Violence's upcoming crusade against "bad apple" gun dealers coming...

CZ-USA Now Shipping Scorpion Evo Factory Stocks With 922(r) Compliance Kits

CZ's Scorpion Evo 3 S1 is 100% made in the Czech Republic. This is fine for a pistol but, in the U.S., poses importation problems were it a rifle and prohibits those wanting to turn...

Amish Man Sues for Right to Purchase a Firearm Without a Photo ID

In the opinion of just about everyone in the Democrat party, the idea of asking someone to display a photo ID in order to cast a vote is a thinly veiled racist attempt to intimidate...

Kansas LEO: The Day The ATF Showed-Up At My Door

A TTAG reader and police chief writes: I have a story for you regarding the investigation mindset of the ATF. I'll give you a short synopsis. I'm a LEO, specifically the police chief of a small...

New Legislation Introduced to Remove Silencers from NFA, Provide Clarity on “Armor Piercing Bullets”

There are some big things going on in Washington, and right now it looks like there is some serious momentum behind a new push for pro-gun legislation. Two bills have surfaced in the last...

ATF Entrapment of the Day: Tewksbury Edition

"A New Hampshire man allegedly sold a military-style assault rifle, a shotgun and thousands of rounds of ammunition to an undercover federal agent who was part of a joint investigation with Tewksbury police,"

eForms: All the Proof I Ever Needed

At a recent work event, a colleague mentioned that they thought that we should enact some "common sense" gun laws. The usual suspects tumbled forth. Background checks on all purchases. Waiting periods. Registration. Unless...

ATF Entrapment II: Chicago Gun Dealer Edition

I've railed against "stings" many times in these electronic pages. It's lazy, inherently corrupt police work that puts the government on a slippery slope to tyranny (creating criminals to control the populace). In a...

Feds Seize California “Ghost Guns”

"Eight men were charged Thursday with making and distributing dozens of firearms, many of them assault-style weapons illegally equipped with silencers, in what federal officials are calling one of the biggest takedowns in California's...

NICS System Now Has Classifications for Private Sales

An FFL friend noticed something new on the ATF's NICS portal. Under the Purpose ID section, there are now a variety of classifications for private sales of firearms. And when he signs into the...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: ATF Special Agent Marc Delpit

"Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms special agent Marc Delpit, father of a St. Thomas High School football player, allegedly got into an argument with a fellow team father during halftime in a recent...

CBP: We Never Asked the ATF to Reclassify 7N6 5.45×39 Ammo

On April 7th of last year the ATF reclassified the cheap and widely available 7N6 5.45x39 ammunition as "armor piercing" and banned it from importation. This was widely seen by the gun community as...