David Chipman

ATF Nominee Chipman: Every Civilian-Owned Gun is a Potential Crime Waiting to Happen

President BidenHarris's nominee to head the federal gun regulator, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and whatever else they want to get involved in, is taking questions from senators today as part of his...
David Chipman

ATF Nominee David Chipman Seems Strangely Uninterested in Hunter Biden’s Alleged Illegal Gun Purchase

“Can I get your commitment that if you’re confirmed, you will in fact look into this matter and refer it for prosecution if you find that Hunter Biden violated a law?” Cotton pressed...
David Chipman ATF

‘Uh, Senator….Let me clarify that.’ ATF Nominee Grilled by Skeptical Senators

By Larry Keane Six of President Joe Biden’s executive nominees testified before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee to make their case for senate approval, but the lion’s share of questioning – and attention – focused on...
atf agents

Wondering What You Can Do About the ATF’s Proposed New Regulations? Watch This

https://youtu.be/klFCcUw8A-o Last Friday, the ATF finally published its proposed rule redefining what a "frame" or "receiver is and updating its definition of what constitutes a firearm they can regulate under current law. The rule would...

Silencer Shop Launches 4473 Cloud, Providing Cloud-Based Form 4473 Storage for FFLs

Every firearm background check involves filling out an ATF Form 4473. It's three pages when printed double-sided, and it must be kept by the FFL (the store selling the firearm) for at least 20...

Shouldn’t an ATF Director Be Able to Define What an ‘Assault Weapon’ Is When...

No one can be an expert on everything. But maybe, just maybe, if you advocate banning certain types of weapons and want to head the agency that ultimately would be tasked with enforcing any such...

NSSF: Chipman Nomination to Head ATF Helped Sell Another 1.3 Million Firearms Last Month

Oh look! Another monster gun sales month. Who could have possibly seen that coming? It's almost as if nominating the most anti-gun individual in history to run the federal government's firearms regulator has a...
David Chipman

Vice Smears Opposition to Chipman Nomination as Crazy, Far Right Militia Conspiracy

Since he was nominated, Chipman has suddenly become the face of a largely faceless agency that’s been locked in a decades-long cold war with the gun lobby and GOP, which has simmered pretty much...
David Chipman

One Week After Chipman Flaunted His Antigun Bias, Where do the Senators Stand?

By Larry Keane President Joe Biden’s nominee to head the bureau that has regulatory authority over the firearm industry admitted to the U.S. Senate he would ban firearms over enforcing laws a week ago and...
David Chipman

Gun Industry Pulls Out All the Stops in Opposing David Chipman as ATF Director

Gun groups will need to sway at least one Democrat in the 50-50 Senate to defeat Chipman’s nomination. NSSF is trying to dissuade Democratic senators from supporting Chipman by making the case that his...
ATF agents

BREAKING: DOJ Announces Proposed Rule to Regulate Braced Pistols as SBRs Under the NFA

As expected, the Department of Justice has announced proposed rulemaking that would regulate braced pistols as short barrel rifles under the National Firearms Act. As the DOJ's press release states . . . The department...
pistol brace

FPC: ATF’s Pistol Brace Rule Is Another Unlawful Attack on the Second Amendment

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . Today, the Biden Administration’s Department of Justice (DOJ) officially released a notice of proposed rulemaking announcing yet another unlawful ATF rule to further attack and restrict the fundamental right...