Waco Biker Autopsies Released…Without Ballistics Reports

McLennan County has released autopsy reports on nine bikers killed in the May 17 Twin Peaks shootout, the Waco Tribune-Herald reported Thursday. Not included with information released to the public are the ballistic reports,...

ATF Denies Being an ‘Agency’ to Avoid FOIA Compliance Requirements

A legal response filed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives claims a Freedom of Information Act-related complaint improperly targets them. “The ATF is not an ‘agency’ within the meaning of the F.O.I.A.,...

ATF Adds Credit Card Payment Option to NFA Forms

As if you weren't already giving the ATF too much information on the Form 4 (that's the application for a tax-paid transfer of an NFA item, like a silencer) or a Form 1 (the...

Garland, TX Muhammad Cartoon Shooter Bought Fast & Furious Gun

Fast & Furious, the laughably described "failed sting operation" run by the bumbling ATF and Eric Holder's Justice Department resulted in the deaths of dozens of Mexican nationals and US Border Patrol Agent Brian...

ATF Re-Classifies Certain Flares and 40mm Chalk Rounds as Explosives, Begins Confiscation

The ATF is on a bit of a hit streak when it comes to random reclassifications. First they arbitrarily and capriciously changed their collective mind on the pistol stabilizing brace. Then they tried to...

BATFE Is Indeed Denying SBR Form 1s for WA Residents

Three months and one week after e-filing my Form 1 to turn that Lancer L15 into a short barreled rifle, I finally received the expected disapproval notice from the ATF (Nick gave us the...

NFA Wait Time Skyrockets 200%

We've been tracking a nice, steady decline in the time it takes for the ATF to process firearm registration paperwork required to own items controlled by the National Firearms Act. At its peak you would...

Codrea: ATF’s Left Hand Doesn’t Know What Its Right Hand is Doing

A complaint filed Tuesday in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia seeks an order to compel the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to comply with a Freedom of Information...

ATF: Beware of NFA Scam!

 Advisory Scams Using Fraudulent or Manipulated NFA Registration Documents TO ALL FEDERAL FIREARMS LICENSEES (FFLs) AND FIREARM PURCHASERS The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is advising the public to be aware of fraudulent National...

Will Sicario Shoot-Em-Up Tell the “True” Story of U.S. Cartel Conspiracy?

https://youtu.be/sR0SDT2GeFg The Congressional Investigation into Operation Fast & Furious was a damp squib. Despite incontrovertible evidence that the feds channeled firearms to the Sinaloa drug cartel, despite the death of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry...

Is NFA Paperwork for CT Being Deliberately Delayed By ATF?

One of our readers tipped us off to a worrisome trend in Connecticut. Transfers for firearms regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA) have always been slow, but in the last few months things...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Location, Location, Location Edition

"The stark, black-and-white sign was erected in 2012 by the government of former (Mexican) President Felipe Calderon on the side of a bridge linking (Ciudad Juarez) to El Paso, Texas. The letters were formed...