CZ-USA Announces Scorpion Folding Stock & 922r Compliance Kit

CZ's Scorpion Evo S1 Pistol is proving to be a hot item. At an MSRP of an affordable $849 and with tons of potential, it's easy to see why. I say "potential," because the...

Guns for Beginners: 922(r) Compliance and You

What you see above is my CZ Scorpion Evo SBR. It's a paperweight. Look closely and you'll notice the trigger pack has been removed from the rifle entirely, and there's no Scorpion magazine in...

The Moral Conflict Presented by the ATF

Five-star ratings aren't handed out willy-nilly around here, so when I said that Lancer's L15 lower receiver was worthy of the $200 tax stamp and the commitment to register it as an SBR, I meant it....

Note to Antis: Tracing “Crime Guns” is a Fool’s Errand

Over at, Dan Rodricks penned an article entitled Enablers of 'bad guys with guns' hard to trace. Now I know what the gun control proponents will say: "just because tracing the source of 'crime guns'...

ATF’s Secret Air Force Revealed

Of all the federal agencies that shouldn't exist, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires) tops the list. Not only are they redundant, they're redundant. There's nothing they do...

BREAKING: ATF Raids Store Featured in “American Guns” Reality TV Show

According to local news stations, the ATF this morning raided the "Gunsmoke" gun store in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. That gun store, owned by Rich Wyatt, was briefly featured in the Discovery Channel reality TV...

Confirmed: NFA Transfer Times Now 90 Days…And Falling

When I bought my first silencer, it took over seven months from the day I sent the forms in to the ATF until my tax stamp came back. It took so long, in fact,...

BREAKING: B. Todd Jones Resigns as ATF Director

News is coming in that B. Todd Jones is stepping down from his position as the Director of the ATF. Jones has been in the job since 2011 when he took over in the aftermath...

White House on M855 Ban: It Wazzunt Me. ATF: We’re Reviewing, The Situation

69 In the video above, the White House spokesmodel Josh Earnest laid the "blame" for the ATF's climb-down on the M855 "Green Tip" ammo ban on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (And...

Bloomberg and Giffords on M855 Ammo Ban: It Wazzunt Me

"Gun control groups are distancing themselves from a failed attempt by the Obama administration to ban certain types of armor-piercing ammunition commonly used in AR-15 hunting rifles," reports, almost getting it right. If you...

NRA Takes M855 Victory Lap

The NRA just released the following statement in response to the news that the ATF has dropped their proposed M855 ammo ban: NRA Forces Obama to Waive White Flag on Proposed Ammo Ban … For...

BREAKING: ATF Backs Down on M855 Ban…For Now

Against all odds, the ATF has announced that they're pulling the proposed ban on 5.56 M855 green tip ammunition. After a barrage of comments from the public as well as bipartisan criticism from Congress, our...