New York Times Demands M855 Ammo Ban

The New York Times is quite possibly the least gun friendly publication in the United States. They've previously shown an utter contempt and disregard for fact checking and proper use of statistics when their...

ATF NFA Branch Stops Answering the Phones

Part of the experience of buying a silencer used to be the time you'd spend on hold with the ATF's NFA branch to check on the status of your pending permission slip. You would sheepishly...

Pavlich: ATF Already Bans M855 in Latest Regulation Guide

When our friends at the ATF announced their intention to ban green tip M855 5.56 ammunition last month, lots of knowledgeable people figured that the fix was in. That the ban was a fait...

Fraternal Order of Police: No M855 Ban Needed

The party line from the White House is that 5.56 M855 ammunition is unusually dangerous, and in order to keep our law enforcement officers safe, it to be banned from civilian use in the...

ATF: An SB-15 Stabilizing Brace On AK Pistol is Legal (But Be Careful How...

The AR-15 buffer tube is the universal attachment point for aftermarket stocks. Just about everyone makes an AR-15 compatible shoulder stock, and even newer piston-driven guns that don't need a buffer are being designed...

White House: If You Oppose the M855 Ammo Ban You Want Cops to Die

“We are looking at additional ways to protect our brave men and women in law enforcement, and believe that this process is valuable for that reason alone.” That's today's pronouncement from the contradictorily named Josh...

Focusing on M855 Is Missing the ATF’s Ultimate Intent

Reader SAS 2008 writes: While I agree that M855 should not be classified as armor piercing because its core is not “entirely” composed of the restricted materials, I am concerned that everyone is focusing on...

An Example of ATF Confiscation and Forfeiture

TTAG reader and lawyer Eric left the following comment underneath our post AG Holder Gives ATF Power to Confiscate Property I’m an attorney and I represent an FFL dealer/SOT manufacturer. Last fall, about $110k worth of his...

AG Holder Gives ATF Power to Confiscate Property

Did you know that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires) has the power to seize and “administratively forfeit” property involved in suspected drug offenses? Neither did I. "...

BREAKING – SIG SAUER: Pistol Stabilizing Brace is Legal

Just before the SHOT Show, our friends at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and really big fires) issued an open letter on the redesign of stabilizing braces. That letter seemed to...

ATF Accepting Comment on M855 Ammo Ban Until March 15

As you've probably heard by now, the diligent public servants at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives announced on Friday their intent to ban some common flavors of AR-15 ball ammo, ostensibly because of its "armor...

Is the ATF’s M855 Ban Retaliation for AR Pistol Braces?

Reader Aaron D. writes: Was the SIG Brace worth losing M855/SS109 ammunition to the civilian market? Some might immediately jump and say that I am turning my back on the gun community but I implore...