U.S. Navy Yard Spree Killing Investigation: ATF vs. FBI
Continuing our exploration of the theme that America has way too many cops, expanding into a discussion of who the hell needs the ATF anyway . . . "Within hours of the Navy...
Quote of the Day: The Right to Keep and Bear Rocket Launchers Edition
"This, remember, is a constitutional issue. It is not a political one. Contra the zeitgeist, 'constitutional' and 'unconstitutional' are not synonyms for 'things I like' and 'things I don’t like,' but statements of legal fact. If...
Thinking About Getting Your Own FFL?
By Natalie Bailey
Guns, no matter how they're used, are a hot-button issue these days. They've got everyone’s minds turning and gun nuts wondering how they can get their hands on their favorite firearms before...
A Few Questions for B. Todd Jones
By Jeff Knox
What did he know, when did he know it, and what has he done about it? Was ATF Director Appointee, B. Todd Jones, involved in the inception of the felony stupid program known...
FirearmConcierge On The FFL/Customer Relationship
I'm Grande Queso, Nick Leghorn's confidential source for all things firearm industry related. During an alarming lapse of good judgement this evening, Nick has decided to abuse his newly acquired title of "editor" at...
Report: ATFE Finally Sacking, Demoting Fast & Furious Agents
Call it some long-delayed house cleaning, now that the election is over and there's no longer a political penalty to pay. I call it too little and far too late. Either way, the ATFE...
ATF Refuses to Answer FFL’s Questions On the Record
The ATF has quite a number of regulations that they're in charge of enforcing, and most of them are mind-numbingly ambiguous. The lack of clear and precise laws and regulations can make keeping your...
Fast & Furious: It’s Hard Not to be Smug
Gun control advocates had been clamoring for the subject of gun control to come up in last night's debate, and sure enough they got their wish. Others had hoped that Fast and Furious would...
An Interview with Cody R. Wilson of the WikiWeapon 3D Gun Printing Project
We've been covering the coming manufacturing revolution in firearms pretty closely, with the latest installment being Dan's post yesterday. Simply put, 3D printing has enabled the home user to manufacture items easily and cheaply...
BATFE Re-Branding Itself the “Violent Crimes Bureau”
Imagine my surprise when I logged onto the ATF's website last night and saw that their banner had changed. Something had been added, specifically the text "The Violent Crime Bureau" now appears below their official title....
Incendiary Image of the Day: Mexicanos Muertos Edition
Who cares about a bunch of murdered Mexicans, anyway? Probably just another billboard designed to rile up the locals with a little anti-immigrant red meat, right? Not exactly. murderedmexicans.com is getting some attention where...
Quote of the Day: What We Already Know Edition
"In the end, the much-heralded, much-maligned Office of the Inspector General's report on the "Fast and Furious" gun scandal tells us what we already know: Attorney General Eric Holder should resign if President Barack...