New Border Patrol Station Named for Brian Terry

Attorney General Eric Holder was unavailable for comment. Let's see if he's any more forthcoming later today, when the Inspector General releases his report on the ATF's Fast and Furious gun-running operation. Which could...

ATF Death Watch 158: New Evidence That Operation Fast and Furious Armed the Sinaloa...

  Operation Fast and Furious was a small piece of a larger puzzle. Although the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' "Guns for Goons" program furthered the ATF's pro-gun control, empire-building agenda, the Agency-instigated...

ATF Death Watch 157: Operation Fast and Furious Armed the Sinaloa Cartel

I haven't blogged the scandal surrounding the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires) for some time. Frankly, I couldn't stomach running my metaphorical fingers through the entrails of the...

TX Ammo Smugglers Nailed While F&F Gunwalkers Skate

Texas shooters who like to buy their ammo by the crate (and who doesn't?) might want to check their six, because it seems the Department of Homeland Security has taken an interest in bulk...

Quote of the Day II: Eric Holder, Crime-Fighter Edition

"We will stop at nothing to bring those responsible for his murder to justice. Today's announcement reflects the department's unrelenting commitment to finding and arresting the other individuals responsible for this horrific tragedy so...

Fast and Furious – An Alternative Explanation

When it comes to the Fast and Furious debacle, the predominate Armed Intelligentsia party line is that from the start, Fast and Furious was a deep cover operation perpetrated by the Obama administration to...

Breaking: House Votes Holder in Contempt; Special Prosecutor Next?

As expected, AG Eric Holder's been voted in criminal contempt of Congress for failing to produce subpoenaed documents related to Fast and Furious. From The 255-67 vote marked the first time in American history that...

ATF Death Watch 156: NYT Blames Gun Lobby for Holder Contempt Citation

  "Both the N.R.A. and the smaller but more strident Gun Owners of America have made Thursday’s House contempt vote crucial to their ratings of House lawmakers," the New York Times opines. "The N.R.A. is...

ATF Death Watch 155: Impeach Obama?

Fast and Furious is Barack Obama's Watergate. The President's decision to evoke Executive Privilege is an exact echo of Richard Nixon's strategy to protect the Watergate Tapes---recordings that established the White House coverup of...

ATF Death Watch 154: House Oversight Committee Recommends Contempt of Congress for U.S. Attorney...

" Voting on strictly partisan lines, a House committee recommended Wednesday that Attorney General (AG) Eric Holder be cited for contempt of Congress for failing to turn over documents relating to the botched Fast and...

ATF Death Watch 153: President Obama Claims Executive Privilege Over Fast and Furious Documents

"The Justice Department requested that Obama assert the privilege in refusing to turn certain documents over to Congress concerning the botched gun smuggling operation," USA Today reports. OMG. WHEN is the mainstream media going to stop...

ATF Death Watch 152: Is Representative Issa Caving on Fast and Furious Probe?

  Representative Darrel Issa has been the driving force behind the investigation into Operation Fast and Furious; the ATF program that put U.S. gun store guns into the hands of Mexican cartel members, contributing to...