ATF Death Watch 151: Fast and Furious This
Back when the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives claimed that an "iron river" of guns flowed from Bob's Gun Store to the Mexican drug cartels, a claim that justified both their Fast...
ATF Death Watch 150: Attorney General Eric Holder Knows Nothing. WaPo and NYT Also
The Attorney General of United States testified under oath that he doesn't know when he knew that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives had "gone rogue." Because, after all, Mr. Holder would never...
ATF Death Watch 149: False and Misleading Information
"Throughout the course of the congressional investigation into Operation Fast and Furious, the Department has consistently denied that any senior level officials were provided information about the tactics used in Operation Fast and Furious....
ATF Death Watch 148: Lies, Damned Lies and Federal Gun Registries
More than a year ago, TTAG noticed that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires) was subverting the very gun laws it was sworn to uphold (enabling straw purchases...
ATF Death Watch 147: Congress to Hold Holder in Contempt?
<span id="mce_marker" data-mce-type="bookmark"></span>According to, the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is building his case to cite U.S. Attorney General for Contempt of Congress. Darrell Issa's making the move against Eric...
ATF Death Watch 146: Ten Questions About Those 99 Thousand Guns
Last week, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive released limited, massaged and misleading information about 99k guns found at Mexican crimes scenes submitted to the ATF's eTrace system from 2007 to 2011. The...
ATF Death Watch 145: Lies, Damned Lies, and Mexican Firearms Confiscation Statistics
Clearly, the ATF is going on a public relations offensive after the epic and deadly screw-up known as Fast and Furious (a.k.a., Guns for Goons). And man is it offensive. Yesterday, we learned that...
ATF Death Watch 144: Long Gun Registry Abuse Begins
One of the most compelling arguments against gun control: laws affecting legal gun purchase and ownership put the government on a slippery slope towards gun confiscation. One of the least compelling arguments against gun control:...
ATF Death Watch 143: Why It Matters
The following's a brief message from the man who feeds me links on the ATF's Operation Fast and Furious (F&F) and other issues relating to U.S. Border Security and the illicit drug trade destroying...
ATF Death Watch 142: Border Agent Brian Terry’s Murder Weapon Provider Pleads Out
While the George Zimmerman case sucks all the air out of the room marked "firearms-related news," the ATF's Fast and Furious scandal keeps to its below-the-radar flight path. That's not to say that Representative...
ATF Death Watch 141: Why Manuel Fabian Celis-Acosta Walked
NEWS FLASH! The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires) let one of their chief gun smuggling suspects---Manuel Fabian Celis-Acosta ---walk. No c'mon. Really? Really. "Seven months after federal agents...
ATF Death Watch 139: It’s a Campaign Issue
The following is the text of a campaign radio spot running on Phoenix area radio stations for Ben Quayle, (former VP Dan's son) who's locked in a primary battle with fellow Republican David Schweikert...