ATF Death Watch 123: Divorced from Reality

11 The latest from the Fast and Furious front: a 1,364 page DOJ data dump explaining how/why they lied to Congress when they claimed that their black bag job didn't involve gunwalking (letting U.S. gun store guns...

ATF Death Watch 122: How to Demonize American Gun Laws Without Really Trying

13 takes America to task for allowing its citizens to buy---SHOCK HORROR---a .50 caliber Barrett rifle. "Sometimes the price of the world's deadliest weapon, capable of shooting down aircraft and advanced armor penetration can...

ATF Death Watch 121: Did the Cartels Need U.S. Gun Store Guns?

Throughout this series, I have asserted that "seepage" of U.S. military weapons sold to various and sundry Latin American countries and (shadowy proxies) over the last five decades account for the vast majority of...

ATF Death Watch 120: Drug Thugs Stalked U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry with...

We're fast approaching the one-year anniversary of the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Since his death, we've learned that Agent Terry was shot by a team of Mexican drug thugs using...

ATF Death Watch 119: Spin This

Today's NY Daily News ran an editorial claiming that the Congressional investigation into the ATF's Gunwalker scandal is a red herring. It's just the Republicans trying to score political points. "What we really need are...

ATF Death Watch 118: Gunrunning and Gun Registration

  The Gunwalker scandal continues apace. As you'd hope, considering that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive stands accused of encouraging U.S. gun stores to sell firearms to Mexican drug thugs. A policy...

ATF Death Watch 117: Smoking Guns

  The noose is tightening around the participants in federal gun running program known as Operation Fast and Furious. The latest rope wrench: the release of a "smoking gun" email dated December 17, 2010 from Glenn Cook to Charlie...

ATF Death Watch 115: Justice Means Never Having To Say You’re Sorry

It's been almost a year since U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was shot down in cold blood by a Mexican drug thug, using a weapon provided to him through the largesse of the...

ATF Death Watch 114: Eric Holder Redefines “A Few Weeks”

12 The media has bought Attorney General Eric Holder's official line on ATF Operation Fast and Furious. "Oops! We won't do THAT again. How 'bout that gun control?" CNN and its ilk are running Eric's...

ATF Death Watch 113: The First Casualty of War

  "The FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) is very proud of the strong and positive working relationship that we have had with Eric Holder, not just for the two years in which he has served as...

ATF Death Watch 112: US AG Launches “Ban Semis” Defense

The number of pols calling for Attorney General Eric Holder's head over the Fast and Furious gun running scandal continues to multiply. As do the number of weapons "recovered" from the program's "customers." confirms that...

ATF Death Watch 111: Will the Real Gunwalker Scandal Please Stand Up?

In Washington, Gunwalker is all about scalps. Who's going to lose their job for green lighting the ATF's plan to allow U.S. gun stores to sell some 2000 firearms to Mexican gun smugglers (a...