ATF Death Watch 98: U.S. Attorney General Holder on Fast and Furious: “I Don’t...

8 "I have no recollection of knowing about the operation, called 'Fast and Furious,' or of hearing its name prior to the public controversy about it," U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder wrote in a letter...

ATF Death Watch 97: President Obama: Was “Not Aware of” Operation Fast and Furious

I know nothink! NOTHINK! That's Sgt. Schultz catchphrase from the Hogan's Heroes, as the WWII prison guard dodged responsibility for doing his job. The White House might as well have loaded the catchphrase into President...

ATF Death Watch 96: With Friends Like These . . .

Here's something interesting from the ATF's press release announcing the post-Gunwalker scandal employee shakeup: "ATF's primary mandates are to protect the American people from firearms–related violent crime, criminal organizations, and the illegal use of explosives and...

ATF Death Watch 95: The Pot Calls the Kettle Black.

I swear to God the title of this essay is NOT in any way, shape or form, some kind of racist thing – overt, covert, implied or otherwise. But what are you gonna call...

ATF Death Watch 94: Who Got the Fast and Furious Firearms?

Click on map to embiggen. The numbers represent the ATF-enabled Fast and Furious guns recovered by Mexican police and military submitted for ATF eTrace. Strangely, the specific info that would help ID the weapons (make,...

ATF Death Watch 93: Holder Lied, People Died

"New documents obtained by CBS News show Attorney General Eric Holder was sent briefings on the controversial Fast and Furious operation as far back as July 2010. That directly contradicts his statement to Congress,"...

ATF Death Watch 92: The Left Fights Back

19 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook - It's no coincidence that NBC's Rachel Maddow and The Comedy Channel's Jon Stewart have pilloried the...

ATF Death Watch 91: More Gunwalker Revelations; DOJ Considers Eliminating ATF

  When you've got bad news, release it on Friday. The White House followed that dictum yesterday by surrendering carefully selected documents to Congressional investigators exploring the link between Operation Fast and Furious and the...

ATF Death Watch 90: ATF Fast and Furious Epic Fail Hits Home

8 I don't like the term "epic fail." It's misused almost as frequently as "awesome"---which should be reserved for something so impressive that contemplating its existence is like standing mute in the face of God....

ATF Death Watch 89: 40 Fast and Furious Firearms “Found” in El Paso

There are so many curious aspects to the Gunwalker scandal. There are well over a thousand smoking guns still out there, somewhere. All of which prove that the ATF "lost control" of Operation Fast...

ATF Death Watch 88: FFL Letter Destroys “Botched Sting” Defense

  A letter published by the gun bloggers at The Sipsey Street Irregulars and the Gun Rights Examiner reveals that the ATF purchased firearms from American gun dealers and delivered them into the hands of Mexican...

ATF Death Watch 87: ATF Agent Bill Newell’s Mea Culpa

14 There are three competitive theories as to why the ATF let some 2000 guns walk from U.S. gun stores to Mexican drug thugs. I believe the ATF enabled gun smugglers as part of a...