ATF Death Watch 86: NOW Do You Believe Me?

  For months, I've asserted that Operation Fast and Furious had nothing to do with catching "the big fish" swimming in the "Iron River" of U.S. gun store guns allegedly flowing to Mexican drug thugs....

ATF Death Watch 85: NRA Veep Wayne LaPierre Quotes Farago

  NRA President Wayne LaPierre is standing guard against the gun grabbers, apparently. In an editorial of the same name, LaPierre takes on the Fast and Furious scandal (a.k.a., Gunwalker). That's the ATF's black...

ATF Death Watch 84: The Office of Inspector General Takes One for the Team

  The Obama administration's coverup of the ATF Gunwalker scandal keeps getting worse. We now know that FBI investigators found not two but three ATF-enabled firearms at the U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry's murder scene. CBS...

ATF Death Watch 83: Felony Murder?

TTAG Commentator John Earnest writes: Might the “felony murder” doctrine be applied to any persons in the Executive Branch who conceived, ordered and implemented Operation F&F/Gunwalker? As you may have expected, the only answer that can be given...

ATF Death Watch 82: Stonewall

37 Department of Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano doesn't remember exactly when she became aware of Operation Fast and Furious, the ATF black bag job that armed members of the Sinaloa cartel with some two...

ATF Death Watch 81: The Gun Grabbers Fight Back

  Politics is a cesspool. Anyone who thinks elected officials and high-level government bureaucrats are interested in anything more than their own career protection and advancement just isn't paying attention. If their lips are moving...

ATF Death Watch 80: U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s Last Words

"Late in the night on Dec. 14, in a canyon west of Rio Rico, Ariz., Border Patrol agents came across Mexican bandits preying on illegal immigrants," reports. "According to a Border Patrol 'Shooting...

ATF Death Watch 79: Chickens, Meet Roost. Roost, Meet Chickens.

Well, it seems that the movable feast of malfeasance that is the AFT and their Fast n' Furious Follies moves down the street from the Congressional chambers to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Yep. Messrs. Issa...

ATF Death Watch 78: FBI Claim “National Security” in Gunwalker Coverup

5 "A third gun linked to 'Operation Fast and Furious' was found at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, new documents obtained exclusively by Fox News suggest, contradicting earlier assertions by federal...

ATF Death Watch 77: The Hits Keep Happening

 "In the second violent crime connected with the failed Fast and Furious program, two Arizona undercover police officers were allegedly assaulted last year trying to stop two men in a stolen vehicle containing two...

ATF Death Watch 76: Brian Terry, Eric Holder and The Starr Chamber

In a perfect world, everybody takes their oaths of office seriously, tends to their knitting, and works hard as servants of We the People. Here's the world U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder lives in:...

ATF Death Watch 75: ATF-Enabled Indiana Guns Went to Chicago Gangs

  I just got off the blower with Brent R. Weil 0f Kightlinger and Gray, LLP. The Evansville, Indiana lawyer represents the gun store that sold firearms to ATF-enabled straw purchasers. "The ATF told...