ATF Death Watch 74: The Smoking Gun

You gotta love a good paper trail. And you can forget all that "conquer the Minotaur crap" you learned in high school, using the ball o' twine to mark the way out of the maze....

ATF Death Watch 73: Phoenix U.S. Attorney’s Office Implodes Over Gunwalker

  "Federal prosecutors from Los Angeles and San Diego will take over cases arising from a flawed law enforcement operation in Arizona that is being investigated by Congress and the inspector general's office at the...

ATF Death Watch 72: Gunwalker Becomes Bombwalker

  The steady drip of damning information about the Gunwalker scandal has become a raging torrent. Yesterday, we learned that the ATF instructed at least one Indiana gun store to allow criminals to illegally purchase...

ATF Death Watch 71: Gunwalker Scandal Expands to . . . Indiana

 "The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has acknowledged an Indiana dealer’s cooperation in conducting straw purchases at the direction of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Exclusive documents obtained...

ATF Death Watch 70: Arm the Mexicans [NSFW After the Jump]

10 Two facts have pushed the ATF Gunwalker scandal into the media mainstream. First, email evidence revealing the not-so-surprising fact that the ATF attempted to cover up their role in the murder of U.S. Border...

ATF Death Watch 69: Be Vewwwy Quiet!

That sound you hear? Listen…now that the wagon wheels have stopped creaking from the ATF circling the wagons, and the dust has settled from the lateral arabesques from all the deck chair shuffling going...

ATF Death Watch 67: The End of the Beginning

8 Imagine U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry on patrol, staring into the night sky. Imagine Terry sees the flashing lights of an airplane. What would have Terry thought if he'd known that the jet...

ATF Death Watch 66: Obama Fires Acting ATF Director Melson

The Obama administration has fired acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires). OK, moved him laterally. "Melson shared the news in a conference call at 11:30...

ATF Death Watch 65: Operation Fast and Furious Continued

  The Mexican government is at war with Los Zetas drug cartel. And for good reason. The former military unit has the money, men, materiel and motivation to take over the entire country. A military...

ATF Death Watch 64: The Gunwalker Cover-Up Continues

  In ATF Death Watch 63, ATF Special Agent in Charge Dewey Webb and U.S. Attorney John E. Murphy bemoaned the loss of innocent life caused by smugglers sending American gun store guns to Mexican drug...

ATF Death Watch 63: The Definition of Chutzpah

  The deplorable level of violence perpetrated by drug traffickers in Mexico has resulted in the deaths of thousands of individuals, many of whom were innocent bystanders. A very high percentage of these murders were...

ATF Death Watch 62: Chaos vs. Control

11! The ATF operation that supplied Mexican drug cartel members with weapons from American gun stores was designed to . . . supply Mexican drug cartel members with weapons from American gun stores. I guess...