ATF agent

Who Do You Root For? ATF Agent Held Up by a Robbery Crew on...

Chicago's long descent into a lawless hell-hole continues apace. The latest evidence is a robbery crew that relieved a 33-year-old ATF agent of "his valuables" at 2:22a.m. this morning. It happened downtown on the...
form 4473

Fargo, ND Sues State Over Preemption Law That Voids the City’s Ban on ‘Kitchen...

The state’s biggest city has an ordinance that bans people from selling guns and ammunition out of their homes. The Republican-controlled Legislature passed a law this year that limits cities and counties from regulating guns and...
New Zealand gun buyback failure

Gun Owners Doxxed: New Zealand Registry Data Breached…Again

Gun registration almost inevitably leads to gun confiscations. But along the way, people on the gun owner registry can enjoy the added bonus of inevitable data breaches that expose their identities to the public...
Biden ghost guns

BREAKING: SCOTUS Allows Biden ATF’s ‘Ghost Gun’ Ban to Remain in Effect During Appeal

Thanks to a ruling by the Supreme Court today, the ATF's new "frame and receiver" rule can be enforced while the appeal of a lower court ruling that blocked it moves through the legal...

National Association for Gun Rights Sues ATF Over Its Determination That Forced Reset Triggers...

Michael Cargill was successful in his challenge of the ATF's unilateral redefinition of bump fire stocks as machine guns in the Fifth Circuit. It's safe to assume that had something to do with the...

NY Times Auto Sear Switch Story Reveals the Increasing Futility of Gun Control Laws...

Switches come in various forms, but most are small Lego-like plastic blocks, about 1 inch square, that can be easily manufactured on a 3D printer and go for around $200. Law enforcement officials say the...
Tom Harris kitchen table FFL

Customers, Community Supporting Targeted Texas Gun Dealer’s Fight to Retain His FFL

By Lee Williams  If the Biden-Harris administration continues its unconstitutional war on gun dealers, the local gun shop will become just a faded memory and only big-box sporting goods stores will be able to sell...
Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden Could Go to Jail Because of an Arbitrary Law His Father Supports...

Without the diversion agreement, Weiss is free to prosecute Biden on the gun charge as well as the tax charges. That will raise a constitutional issue, since the gun charge is based...
ATF Agents

ATF: Oh No, We Totally Haven’t Become a Politicized Weapon of the Biden Administration

During the last fiscal year that started in October, 122 gun dealers had their licenses revoked by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives which is up from 90 the year before and...
ATF agents

ATF Dances, Obfuscates Now That Media Attention is Focused on Wave of FFL Revocations

By Lee Williams Hallelujah! The legacy media has finally started covering ATF’s unconstitutional war on the country’s gun dealers, which the pro-gun media has been denouncing and warning the public about for more than two...

Just Say No: Chinese Shopping Apps Still Selling Lots of Illegal Silencer Parts to...

Browsing the Chinese shopping app Temu for shiny objects to scare hawks away from my yard, I was surprised to successfully find "fuel filters." I thought this stuff went the way of the dodo...
ATF headquarters hq

Federal Judge Rips ATF for ‘Heavy-Handed,’ Zero Tolerance License Revocations

By Lee Williams  Reggie Wilson, owner of Wilson Gun Works & Design in Sapphire, North Carolina, makes benchrest-quality precision hunting and competition rifles, which are guaranteed to shoot half-inch groups at 100 yards. His motto...