ATF Death Watch 61: How Fast and Furious Corrupted a Nation. Ours.

4! The "realization" that huge swathes of Mexico have descended into lawlessness and terror hit another milestone yesterday: "A first division football match in Mexico was abandoned because of a gun battle just outside the...

ATF Death Watch 60: Los Zetas y Omerta

6! What are the odds that Senator Grassley and Representative Issa know about the CIA's connection to the Gunwalker scandal? This website has been beating that drum like an OCD Hare Krishna. Besides, it's simple...

ATF Death Watch 59: Confirmed: ATF Operation Fast and Furious Armed Sinaloa Cartel

TTAG has maintained for some time that the ATF gun smuggling program known as Operation Fast and Furious was created to channel American firearms to members of Mexico's Sinaloa drug cartel. A report from...

ATF Death Watch 58: I’m Shocked! Shocked!

Coming to us from the "Reap What Ye Shall Sow Department," Richard Serrano and the LA Times reports that more guns from the Epic Fail known far and wide as "Fast and Furious" have turned up...

ATF Death Watch 57: The Wages of Sin

One of the more interesting aspects of the Gunwalker scandal: the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires) thought they could get away with it. Participating U.S. gun dealers and...

ATF Death Watch 56: The Truth Makes Me Nervous

19 I am not, by nature, a tin hat wearing type. But I do shave with Occam's razor: faced with multiple explanations for any given event, I reckon the least complex is the most likely...

ATF Death Watch 55: River o’ Denial.

I love one-liners. One of my favorites: "You should call her 'Cleopatra'…Queen of Denial." But there's nothing funny about the latest outrage in the fallout/blowback from the ATF's "River o' Guns" FUBARfest that is...

ATF Death Watch 54: Lies

  God knows the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires) has had enough time to come up with a suitable explanation for why they let scumbags smuggle guns to Mexican...

ATF Death Watch 53: The Truth About Operation Fast and Furious

  The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is the agency charged with enforcing federal gun laws. In 2005, the Bureau launched Project Gunrunner. They established the program to stop gun smugglers from...

ATF Death Watch 52: Forget Gunwalker, Help the ATF!

Here's's take on the National Rifle Association's fight to deep-six the ATF's new, unconstitutional long gun registry: “Is the NRA really saying that it wants to defend Mexican drug cartels' right to arm themselves with...

ATF Death Watch 51: Attache? Not So Much

It’s getting harder and harder to keep up pretenses at the ATF. One feint they’d been doggedly clinging to is the story that William Newell, who had been named the rogue agency’s attaché to...

ATF Death Watch 50: “The cover-up is probably worse than the crime”

Notice the word "probably." Then note the source of this quote: UCLA Law Professor Adam Winkler . And here's the coupe de grace: Winkler's qualified pronouncement appears in The Huffington Post. That would be...