ATF Death Watch 49: The Brian Terry Border Patrol Station

5   A bill has been introduced in the House of Representatives to rename the Bisbee, AZ border patrol station after the late Brian Terry. Terry was murdered by Mexican cartel members in December of 2010...

ATF Death Watch 48: National Shooting Sports Foundation Sues the ATF to Stop Long...

3 The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) is the U.S. firearms trade association. Last year, I contacted the industry lobby group about the Gunwalker scandal. Their take on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and...

ATF Death Watch 47: The U.S. is in Bed with Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel

  "Essentially, the theory of the United States government in waging its 'war on drugs' has been and continues to be that the 'end justifies the means' and that it is more important to receive...

ATF Death Watch 46: Building a Better Alibi

  I've been sickened by The Washington Post's coverage of the ATF's Gunwalker scandal. Not only is the newspaper late to the party, it showed up at the wrong address. To wit: "Lost amid the...

ATF Death Watch 45: Motive, Means, Motive

5 When the Gunwalker scandal first pinged TTAG's radar, I was skeptical about the ATF's motives for allowing smugglers to export thousands of guns to Mexican drug thugs. If enervating Congress for money and power...

ATF Death Watch 44: ATF, ICE, DEA, IRS and White House Implicated in Gunwalker...

10 During today's Oversight hearing, the Former ATF Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix Field Division admitted to the Congressional Committee that the Internal Revenue Service, Drug Enforcement Agency, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement...

ATF Death Watch 43: FBI Enabled Gunwalker Straw Buyers

7 Fox News: "Congressional and law-enforcement sources say the suggests that the FBI, which operates the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, knowingly allowed the purchases to go forward after consulting with the Bureau...

ATF Death Watch 42: Where Did They Get Those Wonderful Toys?

Okay, so we've established that, contrary to what the ATF, the Mexican and American governments and the mainstream media would have us believe, there is no "River of Guns" flowing from gun shows and...

ATF Death Watch 41: A Rolling Stone(wall) Gathers No Melson.

Those that do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.                                                 – George Santayana...

ATF Death Watch 40: Come On In! The Water’s Fine!

You just knew this was gonna happen. Here we've been focusing on the ATF lo these many weeks. And now the shockwaves emanating from Fast n' Furious are rippling out to other alphabetic agencies in the...

ATF Death Watch 39: TX Rep. Calls Fast & Furious a Conspiracy to Regulate...

9 Apparently, members of the TTAG Armed Intelligentsia are not alone in their suspicions that the ATFs blunderific crapfest known as Fast n' Furious was part of a plan to regulate guns. Congressman Blake Farenthold...

ATF Death Watch 38: Why?

Recently released memos from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires) seem to indicate that Operation Fast and Furious was designed to establish the groundwork for new gun control...