Cash America pawn shop GLOCK switch

Caveat Emptor: Not Every Pawn Shop Pistol is Such a Bargain

We'll assume this isn't a Photoshop job or some other fake intended to get clicks. And no, we don't know which Cash America pawn shop had this G23 for sale in its case. But...
glock switch atf

When the ATF Director Publicly Acknowledges That Gun Control Laws Don’t Really Apply to...

At the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, machine gun conversion devices have become one of the top enforcement priorities. An ATF report on guns used in crimes found that the number...

Glockswitchs dot com – Internet Scammer or ATF Sting Operation?

If you don't know what a GLOCK switch is, you can catch up here, here, and here. Long story short, they're illegal devices that convert a perfectly legal stock semi-automatic GLOCK pistol into a...
ATF National Trace Center

City of Baltimore and Everytown Sue ATF in Effort to Overturn the Tiahrt Amendment

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott is suing the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives for data about where guns used in city crimes originate, the latest move from city leaders to address the...
Gunsmith Kurt Derwort Cleaning an AR-15

Does an FFL Have To Log In a Firearm If It Is There Just...

The short answer is “no.” The NSSF recently wrote, “when a customer takes a firearm in for cleaning or for a quick repair, if the firearm is cleaned or repaired and returned to the...

ATF Official: Federal Prosecutors Turning a Blind Eye to Straw Purchasers, Again

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for Arizona is not prosecuting straw-purchase arrests with speed and vigor, which can allow weapons purchased illegally in the United States to “walk” across the border into Mexico, according to...

ATF eForms Back Up! Conspiracy Theories Crushed by Steady Hand of Bureaucracy

Well, less than an hour after we took our story live about the ATF eForms website going down and noted all the theories of alarm surrounding the alleged sinister plots to stifle gun companies...

ATF Director Faces the Nation with His Ignorance of Firearms

It turns out Joe Biden’s second choice to lead the ATF, Steve Dettelbach, wasn’t lying when he told his Senate confirmation committee that he wasn’t a firearms expert. Dettelbach appeared Sunday on CBS’ Face the...
biden dettelbach

More ATF Ridiculousness: With Leaders Like Dettelbach, No Wonder Citizen Distrust Is So High

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Director Steven Dettelbach joined CBS’s Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan to talk about violent crime committed with firearms and the tools he wants from Congress. The...
marijuana law guns

ATF Inspector, With No Police Authority, Stops Gun Purchase Claiming Buyer Smelled of Marijuana

In a small, but significant example of more government overreach, an ATF Industry Operations Investigator violated the Second Amendment rights of a central Florida man last month when he ordered a gun dealer to...

ATF Finally Responds to SAF Investigation…Sort Of

Senior ATF officials must have noticed Joe Biden’s shockingly low poll numbers and realized that their war against law-abiding American gun owners will soon be lost. Now, the ATF is taking steps to clean house...
ATF: Accessories Submitted for GCA or NFA Approval Must Be Submitted With a Firearm

More ATF Atrocity: ATF SWAT raid in Arkansas Raises Questions About Excessive Force

Bryan Malinowski, the 53-year-old executive director of the Clinton National Airport in Little Rock, Arkansas, died two days after exchanging gunfire with ATF agents who raided his home at 6 a.m. Tuesday morning. His...