ATF Death Watch 28: Lest We Forget
On Lee's Resolution day, I want to state for the record that I am entirely serious about disbanding the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires). With the relatively recent...
ATF Death Watch 27: More F&F Guns Used in Phoenix Area Crimes.
"It made no sense to us either, it was just what we were ordered to do, and every time we questioned that order there was punitive action.” Those were the words of ATF agent...
ATF Death Watch 26: Acceptable Losses.
In Vietnam, I understand the official term was "friendly fire." The grunts called it "fragging." Killed by your own troops. It happens. Generals don't like to lose anybody, but as realists, they have to...
ATF Death Watch 25: Obama Knew About ATF Gun Smuggling
“As you know," President Obama told a press conference today, "my attorney general has made clear that he certainly would not have ordered gun-running to pass through into Mexico." So Department of Justice Chief...
ATF Death Watch 24: See You In The Funny Papers
I used to tell my ex, "never tick off a songwriter." I mean, think about Sting's first wife and "Every Breath You Take." He'll be watching her to the ends of time, every time...
ATF Death Watch 23: Circle the Wagons, Shoot the Virtuous
The ritual executions have begun inside the hallowed halls of the ATF, where the echos of jack-booted thuggery reigns supreme. FoxNews reports that ATF whistleblower Agent Vince Cefalu was served with his notice he'd...
ATF Death Watch 22: WaPo Prescription for ATF: More Money, More Power
It's not easy carrying water for big government these days. Especially with all the manifest failures staring the public right in the face. A flack has to twist and contort himself into all kinds...
ATF Death Watch 21: You Know You’re Toast When The Libs Start Mocking You.
With a tip o' the TTAG cap (available in the TTAG Store for a reasonable $19.95 + S&H) to founding TTAG Armed Intelligentsia member Bill Montgomery (who we all wish would send us some...
ATF Death Watch 20: Hell No, I Won’t Go!
Forget what we said earlier, about ATF Acting Head (case) Kenneth Melson going gently into that good night. Apparently, he's circled the wagons, barricaded himself in his bunker, and put out a call to...
ATF Death Watch 19: Mexico Needs Guns; Why The ATF Got it Totally Backwards
Like any long-running mainstream media meme, the Gunwalker scandal has its own theme song: Oops!... I Did It Again. The MSM are selling the ATF's malfeasance as an enormous f up, wherein the same...
ATF Death Watch 18: New York Times on Gunwalker: “Lalalalalalalalalalalalala”
"If Congressional Republicans are really intent on getting to the bottom of an ill-conceived sting operation along the border by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives," opines, "they should call President...
ATF Death Watch 17: From the Horse’s Mouth
Despite ridicule from the bloggers who broke the ATF Gunwalker scandal, I've continued to suggest that there's drug money involved in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires) anti-gun...