Marijuana dispensary

Guns Rights and Marijuana Use: The Times May Finally Be A-Changin’

By: C.D. Michel In a 2021 article for California NORML, I discussed how federal gun laws intersect with California’s legalization of recreational marijuana use. In that article, I examined Ninth Circuit authority holding that federal...
US House of Representatives

Resolution Against ATF Pistol Brace Ban Looks to be Moving to House Floor for...

Legislative Directors in the House of Representatives got the below email yesterday. HJ Res. 44 would express the Congress's displeasure at the ATF's abrupt about face on pistol braces with a de facto ban...
ATF headquarters hq

ATF Should Fix Its Internal Management Problems Before Its $1.9 Billion Budget is Approved

From the CCRKBA . . . The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today asked Congress to fully investigate allegations of “substantial waste, mismanagement and unlawful employment practices at the Bureau...

Silencer Shop Extends Deadline for Tax-Free ATF Form 1 Submissions

ATF's grace period for registering pistol brace-equipped pistols, which they insist are SBRs, with a waiver of the $200 tax ends soon. For those who are abiding by ATF's ruling rather than removing the...

House Appropriations Committee Raises a Range of Gun Regulation Issues With ATF Director Dettelbach

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Director Steven Dettelbach answered questions from members of the U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Committee. While mostly focused on budget and appropriations matters, committee members asked the...

Two Men Found Guilty of Distributing Machinegun Conversion Devices in AutoKey Card Case

We haven't talked much about the CRS Firearms channel and the AutoKey Card situation, and it's high time we did. A fellow named Matthew Hoover started out on YouTube as a Type 7 FFL...
Steven Dettelbach ATF

The ATF Director Can’t Define the ‘Assault Rifles’ He Was Hired to Outlaw and...

Biden says he wants to ban assault weapons, but his own ATF Director Steve Dettelbach can't even define what they are: "I'm not a firearms expert" — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 18, 2023 he head...

Submitting ATF Form 1 to Make or Assemble Your Own NFA Item is Easy...

Whether you're turning an existing pistol or rifle into a short barreled rifle (SBR), sawing off the barrel on your shotgun to create an SBS, or making your own silencer, you'll need to first...
ATF agent

No One Makes a Better Case for Abolishing the ATF Than the ATF

By Lee Williams  Every Friday afternoon, like clockwork, most of the ATF’s 25 field divisions send out press releases showcasing their office’s enforcement activities for the week. It’s classic eyewash of sorts. The ATF is...
Steven M. Dettelbach

ATF Head: Gun Industry’s Programs Have Reduced Crime, Firearm Accidents

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Director Steven Dettelbach spoke at length with The Washington Post about his responsibilities at the helm of the federal agency charged with overseeing the firearm industry. The Post is...

Why Won’t St. Louis Metro Transit Run Ads Aimed at Reducing Illegal Gun Purchases?

St. Louis Metro Transit is the gateway city's public transit authority, running busses and light rail service throughout the St. Louis and metro east Illinois area. Like most public transit authorities, STL Metro sells...
ATF National Trace Center

Ward: Republicans Thwarting ATF Modernization to Prevent the Creation of a National Gun Registry

The enter receives roughly 1,800 gun trace requests a day from local law enforcement agencies across the country. Their job is critical: take the identifying information they’re given and piece together a weapon’s...