Former Owner Purchases Thompson/Center From S&W

Smith & Wesson has sold Thompson/Center Arms, the U.S. manufacturer of products catering to hunters, shooters and outdoor enthusiasts since 1967, to former owner Greg Ritz, according to reports. Ritz, a seasoned media and manufacturing entrepreneur, is...
Firearm Purchase, Buying a Gun

U.S. Senator Introduces Measure To Protect Credit Card Gun Purchasers

We’ve reported in recent months how several states are considering or have passed legislation forbidding credit card companies from using a special Merchant Category Code (MCC) for gun purchases that would basically create a...
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton

Texas AG Targets Businesses Who Ban Off-Duty Carry By LE Officers

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a lawsuit against five state businesses that don’t allow off-duty police officers their right to carry a firearm on their premises. In a press release from the AG’s...

Lessons From A Fake Attack On A South Florida Krav Maga Business

There seem to be two big opinions of Krav Maga, the hand-to-hand combat discipline originally developed for Israeli fighting forces. For some people, you can slap an Israeli flag on anything tactical, and it...

Battle Over Credit Card Merchant Code Being Fought In Several States

Lawmakers in a number of states are pushing legislation concerning the use of a special merchant category code for gun purchases, with nine states pushing to make the scheme illegal and one state led...

Pope Slams Weapons Makers as Controllers of the ‘Puppet-Strings of War’

This is your armory at the Vatican. I appreciate your sentiment Your Holiness, but I don't think that you should be afforded protections that I am not. Have a blessed Christmas tho. —...

Glockswitchs dot com – Internet Scammer or ATF Sting Operation?

If you don't know what a GLOCK switch is, you can catch up here, here, and here. Long story short, they're illegal devices that convert a perfectly legal stock semi-automatic GLOCK pistol into a...

Congress Struggles to Get Answers on Administration’s Firearms Export ‘Pause’

It was an unprecedented decision when the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) announced it was “pausing” all new firearm export licenses to most countries for 90 days. The consequential edict was “made...

OMG! NY Times Discovers That Not All Guns Sold in ‘Buybacks’ are Completely Destroyed!...

If there's any better way to start a new week than bathing in anti-gunners' tears, we're not exactly sure what that would be. So aside from watching the Cowboys utterly dismantle the Eagles last...

Continued Gun Control Threats Spur 1.6 Million Gun Sold in November

The old man in the White House keeps yammering on about the need for another "assault weapons" ban. This week, Senate Democrats obliged him by introducing yet another doomed bill to do that. Last...

Remington: After Two Centuries, An Anti-Gun Blue State Drives Out Another Gun Maker

It’s a sad day and marked the end of a nearly two-century era in New York. Add another tally on the board for a hostile gun control Blue state in the Northeast suffocating and...

Remington Finally Says Goodbye to Its Ilion, New York Production Facility

It's been a very long time coming, but yesterday's announcement by RemArms, LLC that it will close its Remington Arms production facility in Ilion, New York shouldn't really have surprised anyone. Company CEO Ken...