Gun Sales Declining by 5.7% as Obama Fear Factor Fades
IBISWorld is not a theme park dedicated to wading birds of the family Threskiornithidae. It's the self-proclaimed "world’s largest independent publisher of U.S. industry research." As TTAG doesn't have the world's largest editorial budget, we...
New Mexico Shoots For (Not At) Eco-Tourism
"New Mexico wants to join the ecotourism trend, promoting not only the state's natural beauty but also outdoor adventure, cultural heritage preservation and access to wild places." Sounds like a plan to me. "Visitors...
Sturm, Ruger & Co. “Coyote Special” LCP .380 Sold Out
Our friends down at Sharp Shooters Knife & Gun tell us that all 1000 examples of the Sturm, Ruger & Co. "Coyote Special" LCP .380 are sold out. The Lubbock gun store tells TTAG...
Glock Dodges Massive Liability Bullet
In 1999, white supremacist and B2 bomber engineer Buford Furrow entered a Jewish Community center in Grenada Hills (CA) and shot and killed Post Office employee Joseph Ileto with a Glock 26 . Furrow...
How to Rebrand The “Assault Rifle”
During his recent visit to The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, Mexican President Felipe Calderon called for a renewal of the Clinton-era ban on assault rifles. Today's Washington Times eviscerates...
Freedom Group’s IPO Info: “End of Obama Gun Boom”?
For the head of the pro-gun-control Violence Policy Center (VPC), bad news in the gun industry is good news for his cause. Writing for The Huffington Post, Josh Sugarmann announces, and then celebrates, the...
What’s Old is New: Media Plays the Sex Card
Voluptuous is a loaded word. In this case, deployed by The New York Daily News in their story Female gun fanatics on the rise: More women, like 'three gun' champ Tasha Hanish, buying guns, it sounds...
Glock Donates $100K to the NRA
I reckon the U.S. firearms is almost entirely informed by mainstream media's advertising ban has created an almost entirely insular industry. Forbidden from recruiting (yes, recruiting) outside the box, a gun maker's existing customers...
NRA Convention: Feisty Fausti: Service With a Smile?
Italian gun maker Fausti thought they had all their ducks in a row when they first brought their products stateside: style, heritage, a rep for quality and a big ass retailer (Cabela's). Only one...
NY Taxpayers Subsidize CT Gun Job Heist; Remington Lobbies for Military Contracts
Remington Arms is part of the "Freedom Group." The conglomerate includes Bushmaster, DPMS/Panther Arms, Marlin, H&R, NEF, LC Smith, Parker, EOTAC, AAC, Dakota, INTC and Barnes Bullets. It was assembled by the secretive Steven A. Feinberg...
Question of the Day: Remington Returns With a 1911 R1. How Great is That?
TTAG's contacted Remington, who've promised to put us in touch with an R1 product manager type next week. My main question: does the world really need another 1911? As commentator GS remarked on The...
Charter Arms Readies .40 Revolver [Not Shown!]
After giving TTAG readers the heads-up on Charter Arm's forthcoming Bulldog Classic, I decided to shake the company's media tree and see what else fell out. As you might expect from a small manufacturer...