Ban Assault Weapons NOW! Believe Would-Be Murderers Will Follow The Law

The gun control advocacy operation Ban Assault Weapons NOW! (BAWN) is alarmed. They've let their fans know in their latest email blast that “lawmakers in the Florida House just filed a dangerous ‘campus carry’...
University of Michigan campus carry guns

Campus Carry Goes to the Michigan Supreme Court

This Week in Gun Rights is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal, legislative and other news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. Michigan to decide if students may bear arms on public college...
teacher gun online zoom class

Harvard Law Student Displays a Gun During Online Class

The incoming president of Harvard’s FedSoc chapter decided to spice up the Criminal Procedure: Adjudications Zoom lecture with a firearm, presumably to “own the libs” because that’s the only motivation for anything anymore. And...

It Looks Like All the Predictions of Shootouts in University Lecture Halls Were Baseless...

The lack of evidence that liberalized campus carry laws lead to more campus violence stands in contrast to the often-heated rhetoric of gun control activists. The Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus, an activist...
Lonic Columns And Jesse Hall At The University Of Missouri

Circuit Court Rules University of Missouri Can Remain a ‘Gun-Free’ Zone

Back in 2015, we noted that University of Missouri law school professor Royce Barondes had sued the school over its no guns on campus policy. Barondes is (or was at the time) a concealed...
UT campus carry no comment

Campus Carry Celebrates Two Years in Texas, Doomsayer Professors Refuse to Comment

They screeched about shootouts in classrooms. They claimed their students cried at the thought of people with guns in lecture halls. "It'll chill free speech!" they predicted, if the state allowed licensed students to...

U of Oregon Snowflakes Triggered By 100-Year-Old Pioneer Statue

The rugged individualism portrayed by a statue of a Pioneer on the University of Oregon campus has made the news.  The 100-year-old statue, featuring a man carrying a whip in one hand with a...
guns save life teacher course

Guns Save Life Offers Free Firearms Class for Illinois Educators

For the second year in a row, Guns Save Life has organized a free gun safety class for those working in education. GSL Defense Training provides the instructors and coursework while the DeWitt County...
texas abbott tenants rights guns

Texas Governor Greg Abbott Signs Bills Enabling More Armed Teachers in Schools

In a blow to lovers of gun-free zones everywhere, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed into law a number of bills designed to improve school security. Included in the measures are provisions to fund school...

California Teacher/Cop Suspended for Having a Gun in the Classroom

"Only police and similarly trained individuals should be allowed to carry firearms." That's a standard argument of made members of the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex. If they had their druthers, the only people in...
florida school guardian guns teachers

Florida Gov. DeSantis has Signed SB-7030 Allowing Teachers to Carry Guns

By NRA-ILA Governor Ron DeSantis signed SB-7030 within hours after receiving it. SB-7030 contains the language that authorizes local school boards to allow classroom teachers to go through training and carry firearms on school campuses. News...

MWAG Lockdown at my Daughter’s Grade School. I Was Inside. Unarmed. And Angry.

I was picking up my daughter from her elementary school on a day like any other. We decided, as we often do, to hang out there instead of going straight home so she and...