Marshall University Campus Carry

Marshall University Co-ed: Prohibiting Concealed Carry on Campus Doesn’t Restrict My Rights

Hanna Pennington, a Marshall University student (not pictured above), brings a new twist to the age-old, "I'm a gun owner, but I support gun control" shtick. Instead, she prefers to trump that with, "I...
Baltimore school police will carry guns

About Face: Baltimore School Police Will Carry Guns After All

Back on January 22, the Baltimore School Board voted unanimously to forbid Baltimore School Police officers from carrying weapons. Of course, what could possibly go wrong with that kind of misguided thinking, right?  After...
West Virginia Campus Carry

Despite Hysteria and Predictions of Doom, Campus Carry Passes West Virginia House

By NRA-ILA On February 27th, the West Virginia state House of Delegates passed House Bill 2519 by a vote of 59-41 to ensure that law-abiding adults are not stripped of their right to self-defense when they cross...
west virginia campus carry

West Virginia Campus Carry Law – Fear and Loathing at the State’s Universities

"To say that this legislation goes against everything we want in our academic institution is an understatement. We chose to seek higher education because we want to solve the world’s problems with our words...
ACLU guns schools teachers

ACLU: Arming Teachers in Florida ‘Sacrifices Student Safety’

After a shooter was allowed to stroll onto the campus of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School a year ago and murder 17 people as police remained outside, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission...
University of Chicago Arrest Protest

U of Chicago Students Outraged As Cops Apprehend Armed Robbery Suspects on Campus

On Monday, Chicago police chased a trio of armed robbery suspects onto the University of Chicago campus.  Instead of thanks from the students for removing three dangerous criminals, cops caught all manner of condemnation...
andrew pollack parkland father anniversary

Parkland Parent Andrew Pollack Has Targeted Broward Incompetence That Led to His Daughter’s Death

“I’m a changed guy. They killed my daughter. I have to expose these people first before I can get any sort of peace in my life. And I’m doing it. One by one, I’m...

The Kansas City Star: Arm The Teachers!

The Kansas City Star newspaper did the unthinkable: They actually printed a story supporting armed teachers!  No, you don't need to check the calendar: It's not April Fools. Their "Arm the Teachers" story ran...
Parkland Commission: Yes, Let's Arm Qualified Teachers

Parkland Commission: Yes, Let’s Arm Qualified Teachers

With the one-year anniversary of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School murders approaching, Broward County officials have been considering how to prevent a recurrence. According to the Washington Post, though, it would appear they're...
Antonia Okafor Students for Concealed Carry

Antonia Okafor Responds to Students for Campus Carry

By Antonia Okafor Those skeptical about my involvement with campus carry in Texas are right. The main credit for SB11 should go to orgs like TSRA, NRA, SCC and the many individual activists that helped...
Antonia Okafor Texas Campus Carry Students for Campus Carry

Students for Concealed Carry – Okafor Had Nothing to Do With Passing Campus Carry...

Gun rights advocate Antonia Okafor has been claiming credit for getting campus carry passed in Texas. That has Students for Concealed Carry riled up enough to want to finally correct the record with this...
Back to School: Carry Options for Students At Campus Carry Universities

Back to School: Carry Options for Students At Campus Carry Universities

For the last two weeks, college students across America have headed back to school. Cars packed to the gills with stuff have unloaded into dorms and apartments. In addition to all the mini fridges,...