10 Things No Concealed Carrier Should Ever Do

By James England via concealednation.org There are way more than 10 things you should never do as a concealed carrier...or as a firearms owner in general. But we’ve decided to pick 10 extremely important ones....

Gun Review: Taurus Curve

Concealed carry handguns are still all the rage at the range. Guns like the GLOCK 43 and S&W Shield are flying off the store shelves as the number of people legally able to carry...

Ex-Navy Officer: Hire Security Guards To Protect Military Personnel

In the wake of the Islamic terrorist attacks in Chattanooga that left five Marines dead and three other people wounded, debate has resumed in Congress on legislation that would permit service personnel to carry...

A First Pass at The Rehn Test

In a previous life, I was pretty committed to being a scientist. Well, an engineer actually. A minor distinction to some, but the cardinal sin is to confuse the two among a certain group...

Sara Tipton: Gun Ownership Is No Crime

Obama Just Had A Huge “Accidental” Effect On Violent Crime & Murder the headline at madworldnews.com proclaims. There's nothing much you don't already know in the article: the President's crusade against gun rights created a backlash...

What If Multiple Concealed Carriers Respond To A Shooting Incident?

By James England via concealednation.org One of the extremely cool things (and one of the challenges) about more and more people getting their concealed carry permits is there is a greater chance of more than...

Are You Ready for Remote Concealed Carry Detection Devices?

By James England via concealednation.org Man-portable concealed carry detection devices are being designed by a team of Canadian and Ukrainian scientists for a recently funded U.N. project. The goal is to interrogate potential threats for...

OMG! Ammunition! On A Plane! OMG!

The last time I traveled to The Land of Hope and Glory, British customs found a single .22 in the corner of my carry-on. They assured me it was a big deal. Legally, the...

Contest Entry: I Refuse to Live In a Life-Free Zone

By Rokurota Less than a month ago, a malicious human being walked into a church in Charleston, South Carolina, and murdered nine people. The confessed killer said he committed the heinous act of gunning down...

Maine Governor Signs Constitutional Carry Bill

Maine Governor Paul LePage has been getting into a bit of a tussle with the state legislature, vetoing 100 bills in this session, but on Wednesday, he signed a bill making the Pine Tree State the...

Whataburger: No Open Carry In Our Stores

Whataburger is a well-liked and well established Texas burger franchise. You can't roll through a small town in Texas without passing a Whataburger or two, and their delicious burgers are reason enough why. Heck,...

Quote of the Day: Standing Athwart History Yelling ‘Stop’ Edition

“It used to be that you would hear young brothers saying, ‘I need this to be safe in my neighborhood.’ Now I am hearing more adults say it. Rather than deal with the realities...