This is What Happens to a Disarmed Populace: They Get Stabbed On Trains

Let me say this out front: I do NOT want to hear from antis who say that this story - of a mass stabbing on an AMTRAK train - would have been worse if...

One Solution to Police Brutality: Open Carry

57 "When I was in Washington DC, that's when Virginia first passed its concealed carry into law and we in law enforcement thought, 'Oh man, it's going to be terrible, it's going to be the...

Judge Asks for En Banc Review of Peruta Concealed Carry Case

In the Peruta v. County of San Diego, the Ninth Circuit Court ruled that the San Diego County Sheriff's Department couldn't mandate that concealed carry license applicants must prove "just cause" for exercising their natural, civil and Constitutionally...

FNH USA Releases FNS-9C and FNS-40C Compacts?

We first caught wind that FNH USA was designing a compact version of their excellent polymer-framed striker-fired FNS-9 and FNS-40 handguns at last year's SHOT Show. "That trigger, those ergs, thirteen rounds and a...

Every American Woman’s Number One Freedom

In a recent article titled “Five Things To Be Thankful For As A Woman In America,” Ashe Schow--a young woman whose writing is making a real impression on the Internet--provided a reminder of the very...

OMG! A Concealed Firearm Next to Governor Haley! OMG!

TTAG reader Andy Walker writes: I'm a resident of South Carolina. In the run up to midterm elections my governor was all over the state drumming up support. Governor Haley happened to be stopping in my town...

MA Fifth Grader Suspended for Shooting Finger Gun at Girls

"Nickolas Taylor, a fifth-grader, was suspended after pointing an imaginary ray gun - his finger - and mouthing laser sounds in the school’s cafeteria last Friday," reports. Nickolas' father Brian is not amused. “I think...

Quote of the Day: Let’s Try This Again Edition

“I’ll jump through all the hoops I did before, and hopefully I’ll get a permit. I imagine there will be a run on the Sheriff’s Department.” - Ed Peruta in Ruling clears way for...

Gun Review: Beretta Pico

Hitting distributor shelves now is the slimmest .380 ACP pistol on the market, the Beretta Pico. At its widest point -- across the ambi mag release paddle -- my caliper pegs it at 18.5mm...

Personal Defense: Three Reasons I Carry a 1911 Pistol

I've gone through a number of everyday carry guns in the last few years: a GLOCK 19, Kahr PM9, Smith & Wesson 642, Springfield XD-M, FNS-9 and a few other gats that lasted a...

North Carolina Woman Smuggles Gun Into Jail in Her Hair

As we all know, only a tiny fraction of firearm owners actually carry their guns on a regular basis. That's a sad state of affairs because as many respected analysts have pointed out, more guns...

Yardarm: Real-Time Firearms Tracking and Alert System, Coming to a Police Station Near You

When I worked as an EMT in Fairfax, the radios we were issued had a big orange button on the top that we were never supposed to press. Unless we really needed it. That...