Incendiary Image of the Day: Cognitive Dissonance Edition

I almost feel sorry for It can't be easy covering the firearms industry or gun control-related issues when your boss is the country's most rabid proponent of civilian disarmament. Bloomberg's tasked Paul Barrett,...

It Should Have Been a Defensive Gun Use: Mugged by Reality Edition

You know the old Irving Kristol saw: a (neo)conservative is a liberal who's been mugged by reality. Another truism: there's no zealot like a convert. But does the same thing translate to gun rights?...

Just Arrived: GLOCK 42

O-M-G! Can you be-lieve the mad marketing mavens at GLOCK thought people would actually carry a massive gat like the 42? Still, against all odds, the new example of Perfection seems to be all...

Random Thoughts About Rape and Guns

151 Earlier this week, we ran a quote from President Obama. The President promised rape assault victims "I have your back." In yesterday's New York Times, the paper's editorial team congratulated President Obama and Vice...

[Pre-GLOCK 42] Pocket Pistol Roundup

By Aaron Above you'll see a portion of my pocket gun collection. I thought it would be interesting for others (and entertaining for me) to write up a quick comparison. Before we start, a few caveats...

Maryland Mall Shooting: When Seconds Count the Police Are Only Two Minutes Away

88 "Violence shattered a wintry Saturday morning at a popular suburban mall here when a gunman shot and killed two employees of a skateboarding shop, sending panicked shoppers into hiding," reports. "The suspected gunman...

BREAKING: UK Independence Party Calls for an End to Handgun Ban

While disowning "the American system" of gun rights ("it's absolutely crazy that you can go and buy automatic repeating rifles down at the local gun shop that looks more like a supermarket") UK Independence...

Gun Hero of the Day: Kansas Republican Chairman Kelly Arnold

The Hyatt hotel in Witchita Kansas is a "gun-free zone." No gats allowed. Normally, that is. For four days (ending this Sunday), the Sunflower State hotel will "allow" guests to pack heat. That's thanks...

Newspaper Chain Planned National Concealed Weapon Database

  "A national newspaper chain with nearly 100 publications and 1.6 million readers is considering building “state-by-state databases” on concealed weapons permit holders, according to an internal e-mail," reports. "The plan, laid out in...
John Filippidis courtesy

Florida Gun Owner Not Welcome In Maryland

John Filippidis thought he was prepared for his Christmas roadtrip. He knew he'd be passing through some states in the northeast that didn't value his Second Amendment rights as much as his home state...

Hands-On With The New Taurus View

Today I got to wrap my hands around the new Taurus View on the SHOT Shot floor. Actually, I only got to wrap my thumb and middle finger around it because this is absolutely...

New Pro-2A Tactic Revealed: Lawful Carry Cash Bomb

Press release : This past Saturday over 50 Second Amendment supporters from the group Twin Cities Gun Owners & Carry Forum met for lunch at an independent and locally owned Plymouth eatery to show support and appreciation...