FNS-40 Contest Entry: When CCW Training Jumps the Shark

By ST Let me begin by first apologizing to firearm instructors who are of good repute and understand the realities of civilian concealed carry. As you've probably determined by that disclaimer, we're tackling a thorny subject...

Self-Defense Tip: Maintain OPSEC

  "According to police, the incident happened Wednesday, when another student alerted police that George Miller had a gun in his class at the school’s Life Sciences building," commercialappeal.com reports. "After Miller stepped outside...

FNS-40 Contest Entry: Navigating The Hash of States’ Gun Laws

  By Jonathan Yaphet Gun laws suck. Yes, truly groundbreaking stuff you just read, I'm sure. What I am addressing specifically, though, are state carry laws. People who carry (or in a few too many places,...

FNS-40 Contest Entry: Why I Carry A Gun

By Nicholas Alexander All of us know the common phrase to ask when trying to process new information, who, what, when, where, why and how. I have always subconsciously applied this to firearms, but only...

Armed Good Samaritan Should Have Walked Away. Or So Says The Ventilated Perp’s Family.

"You should have just left the store and went wherever you had to go in your car or whatever.” These words of Solomonic wisdom were uttered by the family of 18 year-old Adric White...

OMG! IL Police Must Deal with Legal Concealed Carry! OMG!

  "Illinois, the last state to allow concealed carry, is expected to begin issuing permits in April under a law that goes into effect on the first of the year. Traffic stops already are among...

Bloomberg: Ban Plastic Guns. Again. Still. And Parts Too.

"Twenty-five years ago, it took the specter of a deranged dictator sending agents to the U.S. with plastic guns to get Congress to pass a law banning undetectable weapons," bloomberg.com "reports." Although Libyan bad...

Random Thoughts About Armed Insurrection

  The Second Amendment bars local, state and federal governments from passing any law that seeks to control the keeping or bearing of guns. It bars Rhode Island's "blue card" provision, which forces citizens to...

Yale Study Self Defense Tip: Avoid Criminals Doing Criminal Activities

A new study from Yale University wanted to take a relational look at the crime rate in Chicago. In other words, instead of using a pure statistical and geographical approach, they investigated the relationship...

Question of the Day: Does Open Carry Make Us Safer?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYTUmjLvYBM "An armed society is a polite society," Robert Heinlein opined. "Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life." Bet you didn't know about that second part. It...

Defensive Gun use of the Day: Winging It Edition

Over at breitbart.com tanger100 comments on the defensive gun use in the video above : "Guess these thug teenagers were just bored as well, that's why they went after this hard-working man. How sad society...

The Case for Constitutional Carry

  By Clifford Heseltine There is a lot of interest in and discussion of the concept of Constitutional Carry these days, but what exactly are we talking about? The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United...