Guns Banned at PA’s Bloomsburg Fair

"Officials in Pennsylvania say guns will be banned at this year's Bloomsburg Fair," reports. "Bill Barratt, Bloomsburg's superintendent of police and parking, says the ban is intended to assure the safety of people...

Do You Know How to Fire A Type 69 75mm Airburst Anti-Personnel High-Explosive Rocket-Propelled...

As reports, the Type 69 75mm Airburst Anti-Personnel High-Explosive rocket-propelled grenade---which "impacts the ground before bouncing to about chest height and detonating"---is indigenous to China and North Korea. So the chances that you know...

Seattle Mayor Defends Gun-Free Zone Stickers

50 Mayor Michael "Mike" Patrick McGinn admits to the Fox News host that "if someone's determined to come in with a gun, decal or no decal, I mean that's going to happen." So WTF?...

Question of the Day: Do You Practice Re-Holstering?

23 I pack my everyday carry piece in an RKBA Kydex holster. While the sheath isn't as quiet or elegant as a leather holster, re-holstering is a breeze. Equally important, the Caracal C makes a...

Passively Constructed Negligent Discharge Story of the Day: How’s That Whole School Resource Officer...

"A gun belonging to a York County Sheriff’s Office deputy accidentally discharged Monday morning outside York High School," reports. "The gun discharged into a sidewalk at the school, on S.C. 5 a short distance...

Open Letter To Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks from The Newtown Coalition For Corporate...

August 23, 2013 Dear Mr. Schultz, As members of the community of Newtown, Connecticut, we are writing you today because during our search for solace in wake of the events of last December it has come...

Moms Demand Action’s Starbucks Boycott Is a Damp Squib

So here I am, blogging at Starbucks in Austin, carrying concealed in the liberal heart of red state Texas. The city of tall men and beautiful women may not be entirely representative of Starbucks...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Arkansas Christian Academy Puts Spree Killers on Notice Edition

TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia are pretty much unanimous when it comes to the advisability of posting "we will shoot you dead" warning signs outside private residences. The notices alert criminals to the presence of stealable...

Illinois Gun Grabbers Attempt “Backdoor Ban” on CCW

  "Patrons at a planned Dave & Buster's in Vernon Hills might be able to play shoot-'em-up video games in the venue, but village officials have decided they don't want people bringing real weapons into...

TheYankeeMarshal: S&W Shield’s Deadly Flaw

83 Yada yada yada the external safety "turns itself on." (1:56). Well, if storing the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield in a fanny pack unintentionally switches the external safety on (when you wanted the safety...

Seattle Gun Free Zones Don’t Work. Do It For The Children!

TTAG reader CraigM writes: Washington (the state) can be a rather nutty place. On one hand, it has some of the least restrictive gun laws in the country (open carry, easy CPL, etc). But in...

How Not to Shop at Walmart

TTAG reader BG writes: "A friend from Indiana said his niece was at an Indianapolis-area WalMart recently and took this picture of a lady she saw while shopping. Yes, disturbing on so many levels. Does...