Concealed Carry License Holders Can Carry in IL In a Car

  The Illinois State Police are charged with the tricky business of enforcing the Prairie State's new concealed carry laws. For those of us living in more firearms-friendly climes who aspire to carry in Chicago...

Concealed Carry: Some Civilians Are More Equal Than Others. Again. Still.

Why is there a concealed carry carve-out for retired cops and, now, military police (with ten years service)? It's bad enough that active cops and military po-po get "special permission" to carry a gun...

Trayvon Martin’s Father: Change “Stand Your Ground” Laws on Federal Level

The constant drumbeat from politicians and gun control advocates continues apace, despite the fact that "stand your ground" laws were never a part of this case. Wednesday, Tracy Martin spoke to members of the...

People Offering Help to Zimmerman Start Receiving Death Threats

Following his acquittal, it is entirely possible that George Zimmerman became the new record holder for most death threats received per hour. Guinness didn't immediately return our calls on that one, but we'll let...

The Adventures of Jessie J. and Her New FNS-9

In case you've just jointed us, Jessie J. was the first of two to win a new FNS-9 pistol courtesy FNH USA in our first-ever content contest. She took home the ballistic booty for...

“My Month With a Gun, Part 2”: More Unsafe Gun Handling

  The People of the Gun greeted part one of Ms. Magazine's "My Month with a Gun" series with universal opprobrium. Deservedly so. "I drove to where a police officer had pulled over another driver. Now,...

Florida Carry Files Federal Suit Against Anti-CCW Cop

75 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Today Florida Carry has filed a federal complaint alleging deprivation of civil rights under color of law with the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida over an incident...

Obama Wades Into “Stand Your Ground” Law Debate

Despite the Associated Press' single-sentence article on the issue, President Obama's remarks on the "stand your ground" law debate brewing in the country were along the lines most of us would have expected. It...

Group Organizing to Buy George Zimmerman a New Gun

  Following the news that Eric Holder asking the authorities in Florida to hold onto the evidence from his trial, Guard American has started a campaign to raise enough funds to buy George Zimmerman a new...

Quote of the Day: Blame All Around Edition

"If you want to prevent the next Trayvon Martin tragedy, learn from their mistakes. Don’t paint the world in black and white. Don’t declare the whole justice system racist, or blame every gun death...

New from Gaston Glock: Extreme Performance Shooting Shirt

A couple of days ago, Austin hit 108 degrees. And yet there I was, cool as a cucumber in my T-shirt, sandals, RKBA holster (with sweat guard) and Caracal C. In terms of not dying, I reckon...

Zimmerman To Get his PF-9 Back

Since he's been acquitted of second degree murder charges in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, all George Zimmerman has to do now to get his gun back is...ask for it. From "Shawn...