The Myth of the Confused First Responder

Among the many imagined scenarios for those who object to arming citizens in facilities attractive to spree killers is first responders not knowing the good guy from the bad guy. This is indeed possible,...

The Myth of the Imperiled Bystander

When someone suggests eliminating gun free zones like schools and shopping malls, one of the imagined scenarios that prompts people to shriek and hike up their skirts is the specter of innocent bystanders being...

The Training Myth

One common objection to armed citizens being welcomed into what are now designated “gun free zones” are fears that a lack of training will put that person and those around him or her at...

President Obama’s Self-Defense Strategy: “Wait for the Good Guys”

  "We know that there were other teachers who barricaded themselves inside classrooms, and kept steady through it all," President Obama said at last night's interfaith memorial service for the victims of the Sandy Hook...

Clackamas Concealed Carry Showdown – The Full Story

48 Yesterday, Jason at interviewed Nick Meli, the Oregon concealed carry permit holder who, as we mentioned earlier, confronted Clackamas mall killer Jacob Roberts. The article (reprinted here with permission) reveals new information about Meli's...

Thoughts on Engaging an Active Shooter

The following is by TTAG reader Accur81 Newtown.  Aurora.  Columbine. This article is written in partial response to RF’s post on response to active shooter scenarios and is informed by my personal experience and the ongoing...

Quote of the Day: Fairly Obvious Edition

"People should have the ability to defend themselves. Mass shootings take many lives in part because no one is firing back at the shooters. The shooters in recent massacres have had many minutes to...
Courtesy Chris Dumm for The Truth About Guns

Unscientific Survey: Local CCW Applications Up 300+%

  Since Tuesday's shooting spree at the Clackamas Town Center shopping mall (only fifteen miles from here) applications for CCW permits are up by more than 300% my local sheriff's department . . . My job--the...

Clackamas Shooter Was Confronted by CCW Holder

  Have you wondered why, in such a target rich environment as a suburban shopping mall two weeks before Christmas, the shooter at the Clackamas Town Center only managed to kill two people before dousing...

Quote of the Day: I’m Gonna Need More Dollar Bills Edition

“They don’t even come close to our standards here in Ohio. Under this (proposed) automatic reciprocity (law), we automatically have to accept that Indiana permit just because they accept Ohio’s. Now the people in...

A Good Start: Florida Reaches 1M Concealed Carry Permits

Maybe all those northeasterners who move to Florida to spend their golden years around the shuffleboard courts at the Del Boca Vista know something. Or maybe they've just learned to value their freedoms. Reuters...